Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Annals of the Four Masters (Author: [unknown])

Annal M1242


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1242. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred forty-two.


Donnell Mac Airten died a Canon at Kilmore.


A great chapter was held by the Primate of Armagh, and the abbots of the Canons Regular of Ireland, at Louth, on which occasion many of the relics which Mochta had collected, and brought from Rome, were taken up.


Donough Cairbreach O'Brien, Lord of the Dalcassians, tower of the splendour and greatness of the south of Ireland, and his son Turlough, died.


Connor O'Brien assumed the lordship of Thomond.


Hugh O'Conor (i.e. the Aithchleireach), son of Hugh, who was son of Roderic O'Conor, was slain by Turlough, son of Hugh, who was son of Cathal Crovderg.


Brian, son of Donough O'Dowda, Lord of Tireragh, Tirawley, and Erris, was killed on the way as he was going on a pilgrimage to the Abbey of Boyle.


A great army was led by the Lord Justice and all the English of Ireland, with Felim, the son of Cathal Crovderg O'Conor, into Tirconnell, in pursuit of Teige O'Conor, who had fled to Kinel-Connell. The army encamped at Drumhome, and they destroyed much on this expedition, but Teige was not abandoned to them. Teige O'Conor was afterwards taken by Cuconnaught O'Reilly, at the request of Felim, son of Cathal Crovderg.


Annal M1243


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1243. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred forty-three.


Petrus Magrath, after having retired to spend his life among the canons of Trinity Island, on Lough Key, died, and was interred on St. Martin's festival day.


Finaghty O'Lughadha, Coarb of St. Benen, died.


Malone O'Creghan Crean, Archdeacon of Tuam, after having returned across the sea as a professor, died in Dublin.


Cahasagh O'Snedhuisa, Deacon of Muintir-Mulrony i. e. the Mac Dermots of Moylurg, died at Ardcarne on the 10th of August.


Teige, the son of Hugh, son of Cathal Crovderg, was set at liberty by O'Reilly, and he came with his forces to the Abbey of Boyle, and afterwards to the house of Mac Dermot (Cormac, son of Tomaltagh), whom he took prisoner, together with his wife, the daughter of Mac Carthy (viz., Edwina, daughter of Fineen), who was Teige's own mother, and gave her as wife to Cuconnaught O'Reilly, for his own ransom.


Teige went again on the festival of St. Martin following, with a small party, to a meeting appointed by O'Reilly. Teige was taken by treachery, and his people were slain, and he himself was kept in confinement until the festival of St. Bearach ensuing.


A great army was mustered by the King of England, to oppose the King of France, and he sent ambassadors to summon the English of Ireland to his aid. Among the rest went Richard, the son of William Burke, and died on that expedition.


Cathal, son of Hugh O'Conor, the fosterson of the O'Reillys, turned against them, and committed depredations on Murtough Mac Gilhooly in Moy-Nissi, and made a prisoner of Murtough himself, whom he afterwards put to death


at Kill-Sessin. Immediately after this he committed another predatory outrage in the territories of Clann-Fearmaighe and Dartry in the county of Leitrim.


In the same year Moy-Rein was plundered by Cathal, and a war broke out between O'Conor and O'Reilly.

Annal M1244


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1244. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred forty-four.


Donough (son of Fineen, the son of Melaghlin, son of Hugh, who was son of Turlough) O'Conor, Bishop of Elphin, died on the 23rd of April on Inishcloghran, and was interred in the abbey of Boyle.


The Archdeacon of Tuam was drowned in the Glaislinn of Cluain.


Donogh More O'Daly, a poet who never was and never will be surpassed, died, and was interred in the abbey of Boyle.


Teige, the son of Hugh, son of Cathal Crovderg, was blinded and hanged by Cuconnaught O'Reilly, on the festival of St. Bearach, on Inis-na-Canaire an island, in Lough Allen, having been kept in confinement by him from the feast of St. Martin to that time. Rory, the son of Hugh, his brother, was


drowned in Cuirreen Connaughtagh, at Ath-liag-na-Sinna, on the 9th day of March, and was interred in the monastery of Cluain-tuaiscirt, with great veneration and honour.


Conor, son of Hugh, who was son of Cathal Crovderg, died at the end of the first month of Spring.


An army was led by Felim, the son of Cathal Crovderg, eastwards, into Breifny, against O'Reilly, to take revenge of him for his Felim's fosterson and kinsman, Teige O'Conor. They encamped for a night at Fenagh-Moy-Rein. The Coarb was not home on that night, and there was no roof on the church of Fenagh, and as there was not, a party of the troops, without the permission of their chiefs, burned some tents and huts which were within the church, and the Coarb's ward was there suffocated. The Coarb himself, on coming home next day, was greatly angered and incensed at the death of his ward, and he demanded his eric from O'Conor, who answered that he would give him his own award. ‘My award is,’ said the Coarb, ‘that you deliver up to me the very best man among you as eric, for your having burned my ward.’ ‘That is Manus, the son of Murtough Muimhneach,’ said O'Conor. ‘I am not at all,’ said Manus; ‘it is he who is head of the army.’ ‘I will not depart from you,’ said the Coarb, ‘until I obtain eric for my ward.’ The army then marched out of the town, and the Coarb followed them. They proceeded to Ath-na-Cuirre, on the River Geirctheach, but the flood had then overflowed


its banks, and they were not able to cross the ford; so they pulled down the chapel-house of St. John the Baptist, which was on the margin of the ford, that they might place its materials across the river, that the army might pass over it. Manus, the son of Murtough Muimhneach, and Conor, son of Cormac Mac Dermot, went into the house; and Manus called to the man who was on the top of the house throwing it down. ‘There,’ said he, pointing up his word, ‘is the nail which prevents the stick from falling ;’ and while he was thus speaking, the rafter of the house fell down on his own head and fractured it, so that he died immediately on the spot. He was buried outside the door of the church of Fenagh; and three times the full of Clog-na-Riogh, together with thirty horses, were given as an offering for his soul; and thus it was that the Coarb of St. Caillin obtained eric for the death of his ward. A monument of hewn stone and a beautiful cross were raised over his head, but they were broken down not long afterwards by the O'Rourkes.


Cormac, son of Tomaltagh, the son of Conor Mac Dermot, Lord of all the Clann-Mulrony, died in Autumn, in the habit of a Grey Friar, in the abbey of Boyle, victorious over the world and the Devil, after having been in the lordship twenty-six years.


Farrell Mac Tagadain was treacherously slain by Conor Mac Tiernan on Inishfree, an island in Lough Gill.

Annal M1245


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1245. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred forty-five.


Donnell O'Flanagan, Abbot of Cong, died.


Conor Roe, the son of Murtough Muimhneach, who was son of Turlough O'Conor, was wounded with a knife by O'Timmaith, his own steward, in consequence of an angry conversation that occurred between them at Port-na-leicce.


The steward was killed by Ivor O'Beirne; and Conor Roe was conveyed to the abbey of Boyle, where he died of the wound, after Extreme Unction and Penance, and he was interred in that monastery.


The castle of Sligo was erected by Maurice Fitzgerald, Lord Justice of Ireland, and by the Sil-Murray; for Felim O'Conor was ordered to erect it at his own expense, and to convey the stones, lime, and houses of Trinity Hospital thither, after the Lord Justice had granted that place to Clarus Mac Mailin, in honour of the Holy Trinity.


A great army was led by the King of England into Wales, he pitched his camp at the castle of Gannoc; and he invited to his aid the Lord Justice, the English of Ireland, and Felim, son of Cathal Crovderg O'Conor, and his forces, to come to him. As soon as they had come they desolated all Wales, but obtained neither hostages nor pledges on this occasion. The King treated Felim O'Conor with great honour on this expedition.


The castle of Ath-an-chip on the River Shannon, on the borders of Moy-Nissi in the county of Leitrim, was erected by Myles Costello.


Fiachra, the son of David O'Flynn, Chief of Sil-Maelruain, died.


Carroll Boy, son of Teige, the son of Aengus Finnabhrach O'Daly, died.


The Castle of Suicin was erected.



Randal O'Mulvey was slain by the Connacians.


Murtough, son of Maurice, who was son of Cathal Mac Dermot, was slain by the men of Breifny.


An army was led by O'Donnell (Melaghlin) against the English and Irish of Lower Connaught, and he carried away many cows and other property on that expedition.

Annal M1246


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1246. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred forty-six.


John O'Hughroin, son of the Coarb of Mochua, Bishop of Elphin, died in Rath-Aedha-mic-Bric.


John Fitz-Geoffry came to Ireland as Lord Justice, and Maurice Fitzgerald was deprived.


Drumlahan was burned in this year.


Melaghlin, son of Conor Roe, the son of Murtough Muimhneach O'Conor, was slain by O'Dowda (Murtough), who was banished over sea after the commission of that deed.


Maurice Fitzgerald marched with an army into Tirconnell: he gave the


half of Tirconnell to Cormac, son of Dermot, who was son of Roderic O'Conor, and obtained hostages from O'Donnell for the other half. These hostages he left in the castle of Sligo.


O'Donnell (Melaghlin), and the chiefs of the Kinel-Connell, came on All-Saints' day to Sligo, and burned the bawn, but were not able to make their way into the castle; upon which the people of the castle hanged the hostages in their presence, having suspended them from the top of the castle, i.e. O'Mianain, the tutor of O'Donnell, and another who was his foster-brother.


Murrough O'Hanlon, Lord of the Oriors, was put to death by command of Brian O'Neill.


Hugh, son of Hugh O'Conor, was taken prisoner and plundered.


Turlough, the son of Hugh O'Conor, made his escape from the Crannog wooden house of Lough Leisi in Autumn, having drowned his keepers, namely, Cormac O'Murray, and the two O'Ainmireachs. He was again taken while under the protection of the Bishop of Cluain Clonfert, and, being given up into the hands of the English, was confined in the castle of Athlone.


Albert, the German, Archbishop of Armagh, was translated to Hungary.

Annal M1247


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1247. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred forty-seven.


Conor O'Murray, Bishop of Hy-Fiachraclh Aidhne Kilmacduaggh, died at Bristol.


Hugh Mac Conchaille, Abbot of Clones, died.


Melaghlin O'Donnell, Lord of Tirconnell, Kinel-Moen, Inishowen, and Fermanagh, was slain by Maurice Fitzgerald. He was enabled to accomplish this in the following manner: A great army was led by Maurice Fitzgerald,


and the other English chiefs, first to Sligo, and thence to the Cataract of Aedh Roe, the son of Badharn. Cormac, the son of Dermot, who was son of Roderic O'Conor, joined his muster. This was on the Wednesday after the festival of SS. Peter and Paul. O'Donnell assembled the Kinel-Connell and Kinel-Owen against them, so that they did not allow a single man, either English or Irish, to cross the ford of Ath-Seanaigh for a whole week. The English then bethought them of sending Cormac O'Conor with a large body of cavalry westwards along the plain, who was to turn southwards through the plain, and then eastwards along the borders of the bog, unperceived by any one, until he should arrive at Bel-atha-Culuain a ford on the Erne. This was accordingly done, and the Kinel-Connell knew nothing of the movement until they saw the body of cavalry advancing on their rear, on their side of the river; they then turned round to them. When the English saw that the attention of the Kinel-Connell was directed towards the cavalry who had advanced on their rear, they rushed across the ford against them, being confident that they the


would not be able to attend to the attacks of both. The Kinel-Connell were now in the very centre of their enemies, who had surrounded them on every side. O'Donnell was slain on the spot, as well as the Cammhuinealach Wry-necked O'Boyle, the head Chieftain of the Three Tuathas, Mac Sorley, Lord of Argyle, and other chiefs of the Kinel-Connell. A great number of Fitzgerald's forces were slain and drowned here; others of them were drowned northwards in the River Finn, and many others at Termon Daveog, in pursuit of preys that fled before them; and among the rest William Britt, sheriff of Connaught, and his brother, a young knight. The country was then plundered and desolated by them the English, and they left the chieftainship of the Kinel-Connell to Rory O'Canannan on this occasion.


Eachmarcach O'Kane, Lord of Kienaghta and Firnacreeva, was slain by Manus O'Kane, after having gone on a predatory excursion into his country as far as Armoy in Dal-Riada.


Turlough, the son of Hugh O'Conor, made his escape from Athlone.


Miles Mac Costello took possession of Feadha Conmaicne, and expelled Cathal Mac Rannall from thence: the Crannóg of Claenlough was also taken for him, and he left those who had taken it to guard it for him. Hereupon Cathal and Turlough, two sons of Hugh O'Conor, rose up to assist Mac Rannall in expelling Mac Costello from Feadha-Conmaicne. They retook the Crannog and the Lake, and demolished the castle of Leckderg on the Saturday before Whit-Sunday; and Turlough went to Trinity Island, to Clarus Mac Mailin, the Erenagh, for the English were not willing to come out of the castle, except on the condition that the Erenagh would protect and escort them westwards across the Shannon to Tuaim-mna. Soon afterwards they went away with Clarus, and the Clann-Costello were all expelled from that country.



A great war was kindled by Turlough, the son of Hugh O'Conor, and Donough, the son of Anmchadh O'Gillapatrick of Ossory, against the English of Connaught. Turlough assembled the sons of the lords of Connaught, with whom he proceeded to Fiodh-Ua-n-Diarmada and Muintir-Fahy, where they slew many persons. From thence they marched to the castle of Bungalvy Galway, and burned the town and the castle. Many persons were destroyed by them, with Mac Elget, Seneschal of Connaught, who was killed by the aforesaid Donough, the son of Anmchadh. The English afterwards pursued them, and gave them battle, in which a number of the English were slain; and the Irish retreated in despite of them into Carra, where Jordan de Exeter, the Clann-Adam, and the English of Carra, assembled against Turlough. Turlough left the country to them, as he had not forces equal to their's.


Buirges Chinntrachta was burned by Teige, son of Connor Roe, and Teige, son of Tuathal, who was son of Murtough Muimhneach. The English of Connaught had not for a long time before experienced such a war as was waged with them by the Roydamnas the royal heirs presumptive on this occasion; for there was not a district or cantred of the possessions of the English in Connaught which they did not plunder and devastate.


Roscommon and Ardcarne were burned by the English.


Finola, daughter of Roderic O'Conor, died at Conga-Fechin Cong.


O'Dowda and O'Boyle brought a fleet to plunder Carbury; and the crew of one ship, under the command of Manus O'Boyle, were drowned at Inis-Tuathrass.



Teige, the son of Conor Roe, burned Inishmore in Claenlough, on which occasion twenty-eight of the English were also burned.


A monastery was founded in Galway, in the archdiocese of Tuam, by William Burke, Lord of Clanrickard, for Franciscan friars. Many tombs were erected in this monastery by the chief families of the town.


The monastery of Ennis, in Thomond, in the diocese of Killaloe, was founded by O'Brien, and in this monastery is the burial-place of the race of Brian.


A great army was led by the son of Maurice Fitzgerald and the English to Assaroe at Ballyshannon, at the desire of Godfrey O'Donnell. Rory O'Canannan, with the Kinel-Connell, came against them, and the English were unable to do him any injury, or to proceed furthur on that occasion.

Annal M1248


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1248. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred forty-eight.


Dermot O'Cuana, the great priest of Elphin, died, and was buried at Kilmore.


Master Gilbert O'Carroll died.


Opichin Guer was slain by Gilla-Mochoinne O'Cahill.


The son of Manus and the son of Conor Roe rose up together against the English. The castle of Mac Henry, i.e. of Piers Poer, was burned by them, and its constable was taken prisoner. They carried the spoils of the north of Umallia along with them to the islands called Inse Modha. Jordan de Exeter, John Butler, Robin Lawless, and many others, assembled, and marched to Ballytoberpatrick, and from thence to Aghagower; and, on the next day,


they plundered Umallia north and south. Henry came with a numerous army into Umallia (his own country), for his residence was there. Pierce Poer, the son of Henry, made peace with Donnell, son of Manus, and Donnell promised that he would give him men and vessels to attack his kinsmen.


As to the sons of O'Conor, who were on the islands of Inse Modh, they received information that a body of men had gone from the son of Henry Poer to Donnell, for the purpose of bringing his ships; and O'Conor's sons, on learning this, went forth and killed O'Huain, son of the Englishwoman, and John, the son of the English priest. In the affray, Sinnott Guer, and a number of his people, were also slain by Dermot, the son of Manus; but this was a victory without triumph, for Dermot himself, the son of Manus, that valiant hero and stay in battle, was killed on the spot.


Teige, son of Conor Roe, was killed by the English. This Teige had been the dread and terror of such of the English and Irish as were opposed to him up to his death.


An army was led by Maurice Fitzgerald into Tirconnell, where he engaged in conflicts and committed great depredations and plunders. He banished Rory O'Canannan into Tyrone, and left the lordship of Kinel-Connell to Godfrey, the son of Donnell O'Donnell.


The Kinel-Owen and O'Canannan mustered a body of forces and marched into Tirconnell, and gave battle to Godfrey and the Kinel-Connell, on which expedition Rory O'Canannan and many others were slain.


Another army was led by the Lord Justice of Ireland into Tyrone, against O'Neill. The Kinel-Owen held a council, in which they agreed that, as the English of Ireland had, at this time, the ascendancy over the Irish, it would be advisable to give them hostages, and to make peace with them for the sake of their country. It was on this expedition that the English erected the bridge of the Bann, and the castle of Druim Tairsigh.



Brien O'Neill, Lord of Tyrone, brought vessels small boats, from Lough Foyle into Magh-Ithe, and across Termon Daveog, until he reached Lough Erne, where he committed great depredations, and demolished a castle.


The entire of Conmaicne-mara Conamara was plundered by the English. The English went upon an expedition against O'Flaherty, who defeated them, and killed numbers of them.


Murtough O'Dowda, that is, the Aithchleireach, Lord of the tract of country extending from Kildarvilla to the Strand, was killed by the son of Felim O'Conor.


William Burke died in England. His body was brought over to Ireland, and buried at Athassel.


The King of France went to Jerusalem in defence of Christianity.


John Tyrrell was slain by Gilla-na-naev O'Farrell.


Felim, son of Cathal Crovderg, gave, by order of Teige O'Monahan, Rathna-Romhanach to the canons of Kilmore, in the honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Augustine.


Auliffe, son of Cathal Reagh O'Rourke, was treacherously slain by Cathal Carrach Mac Donough.


Faghartach O'Devlin, Lord of Corran in the county of Sligo, died.


Raighned, Archbishop of Armagh, came from Rome, bringing with him a pallium, in which he said Mass at Armagh on the festival of SS. Peter and Paul.


Annal M1249


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1249. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred forty-nine.


Mulmurry O'Laghtnan, Archbishop of Tuam, a proficient in the canon law, died in winter, a short time before Christmas.


Andreas Mac Gillager, Coarb of Fechin, died.


Mulkieran O'Lenaghan, a noble priest of Tuam-mna, who kept a house of hospitality for the clergy and the laity, died on the way as he was going to Ardcarne, to hear a sermon, on the Friday before Lammas, and was interred with pomp and honour on Trinity Island, in Lough Key.


Conn O'Flanagan, Prior of Kilmore of the Shannon, died.


More, daughter of Donough O'Dowda, and wife of Gilla-Muinelach O'Boyle, died.


Teige O'Monahan, Lord of Hy-Briuin-na-Sinna, died on the 6th day of June, and was buried at Kilmore-na-Sinna.


Fineen Mac Carthy made a great war on the English of Desmond, and inflicted many evils upon them.


Pierce Poer, the son of Henry, David Trew, and a number of young men, went, along with Mac Feorais, into Connaught, to the castle of Sligo. The son of Felim O'Conor marched to meet them, and a fierce battle was fought, in which Pierce Poer, David Trew, and many of the youths aforesaid, were slain; and their bodies were carried to Ballysadare for interment.


As to the son of Felim, he proceeded after this to Tireragh, and through Mac Feorais's country, which he entirely plundered from the Moy to Traigh Eothuile-an-tsaoir.


Gereoitin Mac Feorais pursued them i.e. the son of Felim and his forces, overtook Donough, the son of Manus, and wounded him; he was also taken, after being wounded, and led captive to Dun Contreathain. The son of Felim afterwards followed them, killed Gereoitin, and rescued and carried with him the son of Manus, who afterwards died of his wounds. He was a great loss.


Mac Maurice Fitzgerald mustered an army, and, proceeding into Connaught, took from the son of Felim as much of the preys as he could overtake. When Felim, the son of Cathal Crovderg, heard that an English muster was in his neighbourhood, and reflected on the great injuries which his son had done to the English, he adopted the resolution of sending his moveable property eastwards across the Shannon into Breifny, and into the north of Ireland. The Lord Justice then assembled the English of Meath and Leinster, who marched a great army across the bridge of Athlone, and thence into Sil-Murray; and Mac Maurice Fitzgerald, on the other side, had with him the English of Connaught and Munster. Both these armies, having first plundered


Sil-Murray on their route, proceeded to Elphin, and, having sent for Torlough, son of Hugh, who was son of Cathal Crovderg, they elected him King in the place of Felim, the son of Cathal. They afterwards plundered Breifny, and committed many injuries there in every direction, and carried away from thence innumerable spoils. They were twenty nights and days in Sil-Murray ravaging it, so that they plundered Lough Key, with its islands, and also the Rock. The Lord Justice then went to Meath, and the son of Maurice to Sligo, leaving Torlough in charge of Sil-Murray.


An army was led by the Roydamnas heirs presumptive of Connaught, namely, Turlough and Hugh, two sons of Hugh, the son of Cathal Crovderg, to Athenry, on Lady Day in mid-autumn, to burn and plunder it. The sheriff of Connaught was in the town before them, with a great number of the English. The English demanded a truce for that day from the sons of the King of Connaught, in honour of the Blessed virgin Mary, it being her festival day; but this they did not obtain from them; and although Turlough forbade his troops to assault the town, the chiefs of the army would not consent, but determined to make the attack, in spite of him. When Jordan and the English saw this, they marched out of the town, armed and clad in mail, against the Irish army. The youths of the latter army, on seeing them drawn up in battle array, were seized with fear and dismay, so that they were routed; and this was through the miracles of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on whose festival they had refused to grant the truce demanded from them. Of their chiefs were here killed Hugh, son of Hugh O'Conor; Dermot Roe, son of Cormac O'Melaghlin, the two sons of O'Kelly; Brian an Doire, the son of Manus; Carragh Inshiubhail, son of Niall O'Conor; Boethius Mac Egan; the two sons of Loughlin O'Conor; Donnell, son of Cormac Mac Dermot; Finnanach Mac Branan; Cumumhan Mac Cassarly, and others besides.


Donough O'Gillapatrick, i.e. the son of Anmchadh, son of Donough, one of the Ossorians, was killed by the English. This was a retaliation due to the English; for, up to that time, he had killed, burned, and destroyed many


of them. This Donough was, of the Irish, the third greatest plunderer of the English: the three plunderers were Conor O'Melaghlin, Conor Mac Coghlan, surnamed of the Castles, and the son of Anmchadh, viz., this Donough Fitzpatrick. He was in the habit of going about to reconnoitre their market towns, in the guise of a pauper, or a carpenter, or a turner, or poet, or of one carrying on the trade of a merchant, as was said in the following quatrain.
    1. He is a carpenter, he is a turner,
      My nursling is a bookman,
      He is selling wine and hides,
      Where he sees a gathering.


Dunmore was burned by the sons of the King of Connaught.


An army was led by O'Donnell (Godfrey), into Lower Connaught, and he destroyed and ravaged that tract of country reaching from the Curlieu Mountains to the Moy, and returned safe and in triumph, carrying with him great spoils and many hostages.

Annal M1250


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1250. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred fifty.


Thomas O'Meallaigh, Bishop of Annadown, died.


The Bishop of Imleach Iubhair Emly died.


Congalagh Mac Kidnel, Bishop of Breifny Kilmore, died.


Turlough, son of Mortough Muimhneach O'Conor, Prior of the church of SS. Peter and Paul, died.


Felim O'Conor came from the north, with a numerous force, out of Tyrone; he marched into Breifny, and thence into the Tuathas, accompanied by Conor, son of Tiernan O'Conor; thence into Hy-Many, and they expelled Turlough out of Connaught, who again went over to the English. He Felim then collected all the moveable property of Connaught, and proceeded with it down across Sliabh Seaghsa the Curlieu Mountains, but the English sent messengers


after him, and, a peace being concluded between them, his kingdom was again restored to him.


The hostages of Connaught were blinded by the English at Athlone.


A great depredation was committed by Felim on Cathal O'Conor, and the latter was driven out of Connaught.


Carbry O'Melaghlin was treacherously slain by David Roche.


Dermot O'Hara, Lord of Leyny, died in prison, where he had been confined by Fitzgerald.


A great army was led by Maurice Fitzgerald, Cathal O'Reilly, Cuconnaught O'Reilly, and all the other chiefs of Hy-Briuin, into Tyrone, and remained three nights at Tullaghoge, where they sustained much injury and hardship, but obtained no pledges or hostages from the O'Neills on this expedition. On their return into Tirconnell Maurice Fitzgerald took O'Canannan, Lord of the Kinel-Connell, prisoner, under protection of Bishop O'Carolan. He was afterwards killed as he was trying to make his escape from them.


Fineen Florence Mac Carthy was slain by the English of Desmond.

Annal M1251


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1251. The Age of Christ, one thousand two bundred fiftty-one.


Raighned, Archbishop of Armagh, went on a pilgrimage to Rome.


Florentius Mac Flynn was, on Christmas Day, consecrated Archbishop of Tuam, for his wisdom and learning.


A monastery was founded at Kilnamullagh, in the diocese of Cork, by Barry, who chose a burial place for his family in it.


Gilla Mochoinne, son of Gilla Mochoinne O'Cahill, was slain by Conor, son of Hugh, the son of Cathal Crovderg.



Teige, son of Tuathal, who was son of Murtough Muimhneach O'Conor was slain by the English.


The two sons of Rory O'Neill were slain in Kilmore-O'Neilland.


Ardgal O'Laverty, the lamp of the valour and hospitality of the north of Ireland, died.


Gilchreest O'Breslen, Chief of Fanad, and his brother, were slain by Kellagh Balbh the Stammering O'Boyle.


Donough Mac Cawell, Chief of Kinel-Farry, was slain by the men of Oriel.


Ivor Mac Madden, Chief of Clann-Ruadhrach, was slain.


Conor, son of Cormac, who was son of Tomaltagh Mac Dermot, illustrious for hospitality and prowess, died.


Flaherty O'Carroll, Chief of Calry, was slain by Art, son of Art O'Rourke.


Murray O'Teige died.


On the festival of SS. Peter and Paul, a great shower of rain fell in Hy-Briuin-na-Sinna, so that a large boat might have sailed round the town of Kilmore-na-Sinna; and a mill might grind on the stream which ran from the hill down to the ford of Ath-na-faithche, at Fenagh, during the time that vespers were being chaunted.


Flann O'Laghtnan, Chief of the Two Bacs, died.
