THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1192. The Age of Christ, one thousand one hundred ninety-two.
The doorway of the refectory of Duv-regles-Columbkille was made by O'Kane, of Creeve, and the daughter of O'Henery.
Taichleach O'Dowda, Lord of Hy-Awley and Hy-Fiachrach of the Moy, was slain by his own two grandsons.
Hugh O'Flynn, Chief of Sil-Maelruain, died.
The English were defeated at the weir of Aughera, by Muintir Maoil-t-Sinna.
The castle of Ath-an-Urchair and the castle of Kilbixy were erected in this year.
The English of Leinster committed great depredations against Donnell O'Brien. They passed over the plain of Killaloe, and directed their course westwards, until they had reached Magh-Ua-Toirdhealbhaigh, where they were opposed by the Dalcassians, who slew great numbers of them. On this expedition the English erected the castles of Kilfeakle and Knockgraffon.
Donnell O'Brien defeated the English of Ossory, and made a great slaughter of them.
THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1193. The Age of Christ, one thousand one hundred ninety-three.
Eochy O'Boyle was slain by the Hy-Fiachrach of Ardstraw.
Mulpatrick O'Coffey died.
Cathal Mac Gaithen died.
Dervorgilla (i.e. the wife of Tiernan O'Rourke), daughter of Murrough O'Melaghlin, died in the monastery of Drogheda Mellifont, in the eighty-fifth year of her age.
Dermot, son of Cubroghda O'Dempsey, Chief of Clanmnalier, and for a long time Lord of Offaly, died.
Cathal Odhar, the son of Mac Carthy, was slain by Donnell Mac Carthy.
Murtough, the son of Murrough Mac Murrough, Lord of Hy-Kinsellagh, died.
Hugh O'Mulrenin, Chief of Clann-Conor, was slain by the English of Dublin.
O'Carroll, Lord of Oriel, was taken by the English, who first put out his eyes, and afterwards hanged him.
Inishcloghbran was plundered by the sons of Osdealv, and the sons of Conor Moinmoy.
THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1194. The Age of Christ, one thousand one hundred ninety-four.
Constantine O'Brain O'Brien?, Bishop of Killaloe, died.
Donnell, son of Turlough O'Brien, King of Munster, a beaming lamp in peace and war, and the brilliant star of the hospitality and valour of the Momonians, and of all Leth-Mogha, died; and Murtough, his son, assumed his place.
The English landed upon the island of Inis-Ua-bh-Fionntain, but were forcibly driven from it.
Cumee O'Flynn was slain by the English.
Gilbert Mac Costello marched, with an army, to Assaroe, but was compelled to return without being able to gain any advantage by his expedition.
Melaghlin, the son of Donnell, who was the grandson of Gillapatrick, Lord of Ossory, died.
Conor, son of Manus, who was son of Donslevy O'Haughey, was treacherously slain by O'Hanlon.
Hugh Dall (the Blind), the son of Turlough O'Conor, died.
Sitric, the son of Flann O'Finnaghty, Chief of Clann-Murrough, died.
Donough, son of Murtough, who was son of Turlough, was slain by Murtough, the son of Donnell O'Brien.
Murrough, the son of Auliffe O'Kennedy, was slain in fingail by Loughlin. the son of Magrath O'Kennedy.
THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1195. The Age of Christ, one thousand one hundred ninety-five.
Donnell O'Conaing Gunning, Bishop of Killaloe, died.
Florence, the son of Regan O'Mulrony, Bishop of Elphin, died.
Donnell O'Finn, Coarb of Clonfert-Brendan, died.
Eachmarcach O'Kane died in St. Paul's church.
Conor Mag Fachtna died in the abbey church of Derry.
Sitric O'Gormly was slain by Mac Donslevy.
John De Courcy and the son of Hugo De Lacy marched with an army to conquer the English of Leinster and Munster.
Cathal Crovderg O'Conor and Mac Costelloe, with some of the English and Irish of Meath, marched into Munster, and arrived at Imleach Iubhair (Emly) and Cashel. They burned four large castles and some small ones.
Cathal Mac Dermot marched from Munster into Connaught, and passed victoriously through the province. On arriving at Lough Mask and Inishrobe, he seized upon all the vessels i.e. boats of Cathal Crovderg O'Conor, and
THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1196. The Age of Christ, one thousand one hundred ninety-six.
The Abbey ofSS. Peter and Paul at Armagh, with its churches, and a great part of the Rath, were burned.
Murtough, the son of Murtough O'Loughlin, Lord of Kinel-Owen, presumptive heir to the throne of Ireland, tower of the valour and achievements of Leth-Chuinn, destroyer of the cities and castles of the English, and founder of churches and fair nemeds (sanctuaries), was killed by Donough, the son of Blosky O'Kane, at the instigation of the Kinel-Owen, who had pledged their loyalty to him before the Three Shrines and the Canoin-Phatruig i.e. the Book of Armagh. His body was carried to Derry, and there interred with honour and respect.
Rory Mac Donslevy, with the English, and the sons of the chieftains of Connaught, marched an army against the Kinel-Owen and Oriors. The Kinel-Owen of Tulloghoge and the men of Orior proceeded to the plain of Armagh to oppose them, and there gave them battle. Mac Donslevy was
The son of Blosky O'Currin plundered Termon-Daveog; but in a month afterwards he himself was slain, and his people were dreadfully slaughtered, through the miracles of God and St. Daveog.
Donnell, the son of Dermot Mac Carthy, defeated the English of Limerick and Munster in a battle, with dreadful slaughter, and drove them from Limerick. He also defeated them in two other battles in this year.
Conor Mac Dermot, Lord of Moylurg, embraced Orders in the monastery of Boyle; and Tomaltagh assumed the lordship in his stead.
Hugh O'Farrell, Lord of Muintir-Annaly, was treacherously slain by the sons of Sitric O'Quin.
The chiefs of Muintir-Eolais were treacherously slain by the son of Cathal O'Rourke.
Murray Mac Rannall, surnamed the Gillaroe, Chief of Muintir-Eolais, was slain by the son of Manus O'Conor, at the instigation of the son of Cathal O'Rourke, who had procured the deaths of the above-mentioned chiefs.
Mahon, the son of Conor Moinmoy, Roydamna of Connaught, was slain by O'More (Donnell) and the men of Leix, who attempted to prevent him
Congalach, the son of Farrell O'Rourke, was slain by the men of Leyny, on Slieve-da-én
Iodnaidhe O'Monahan, Lord of Hy-Briuin na-Sinna.
Cathal, the son of Hugh O'Flaherty, was slain by the son of Murtough Midheach Midensis.
THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1197. The Age of Christ, one thousand one hundred ninety-seven.
John De Courcy and the English of Ulidia marched, with an army, to Eas-Creeva, and erected the castle of Kilsanctan, and wasted and desolated the territory of Kienaghta. He left Rotsel Pitun, together with a large body of
Mac Etigh, one of the Kienaghts, robbed the altar of the great church of Derry, and carried off the four best goblets in Ireland, viz. Mac Riabhach, Mac Solas, the goblet of O'Muldory, and the goblet of O'Doherty, called Cam-Corainn. These he broke, and took off their jewels and brilliant gems. On the third day after this robbery, these jewels and the thief were discovered. He was hanged by Flaherty O'Muldory at Cros-na-riagh (i.e. the Cross of Executions), in revenge of Columbkille, whose altar he had profaned.
Flaherty O'Muldory, Lord of Kinel-Connell, Kinel-Owen, and Oriel, defender of Tara, heir presumptive to the sovereignty of all Ireland, a Connell in heroism, a Cuchullin in valour, a Guaire in hospitality, and a Mac Lughach in feats of arms, died on Inis Saimer, on the second day of February, after long and patient suffering, in the thirtieth year of his reign, and fifty-ninth of his age, and was interred at Drumhome with due honour.
Eachmarcach O'Doherty (i.e. Gilla Sron-mael) immediately after assumed the chieftainship of Kinel-Connell. A fortnight afterwards John De Courcy, with a numerous army, crossed Toome into Tyrone, thence proceeded to Ardstraw, and afterwards marched round to Derry-Columbkille, where he and his troops remained five nights. They then set out for the hill of Cnoc-Nascain, to be conveyed across it; but the Kinel-Connell, under the conduct of Eachmarcach O'Doherty, came to oppose them, and a battle was fought between them, in which many fell on both sides. The Kinel-Conell were much
Conor O'Kane died.
Conor, the son of Teige, Lord of Moylurg and Moynai, tower of the grandeur, splendour, hospitality, and protection of all Connaught, died after exemplary penance in the monastery of Ath-da-laarg (Boyle).
Magrath O Laverty, Tanist of Tyrone, and Mulrony O'Carellan, Chief of Clann-Dermot, were slain.
Donnell, son of Randal Mac Ranall, was treacherously slain by the sons of Mac Duvdara.
Rory O'Flaherty, Lord of West Connaught, was taken prisoner by Cathal Crovderg, King of Connaught.
THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1198. The Age of Christ, one thousand one hundred ninety-eight.
Gillamacliag O'Branan resigned his abbacy; and Gilchreest O'Kearney was elected coarb of St. Columbkille by the universal suffrages of the clergy and laity of the north of Ireland.
Roderic O'Conor, King of Connaught and of all Ireland, both the Irish and
The son of Brian Breifneagh, who was the son of Turlough O'Conor, was slain by Cathal Carragh, the son of Conor Moinmoy.
Cathalan O'Mulfavil, Lord of Carrick-Braghy, was slain by O'Dearan, who was himself slain immediately afterwards in revenge of him.
An army was led by John De Courcy into Tyrone, among the churches; and Ardstraw and Raphoe were plundered and destroyed by him. He afterwards went to Derry, where he remained a week and two days, destroying Inishowen and the country generally. And he would not have withdrawn all his forces from thence had not Hugh O'Neill sailed with five ships to Killi [...] in Latharna, burned a part of the town, and killed eighteen of the English. The English of Moylinny and Dalaradia mustered three hundred men, and marched against Hugh, who had no intimation of their approach until they
A war broke out between the Kinel-Connell and the Kinel-Owen. The Kinel-Connell joined O'Hegny against the Kinel-Owen; and they had a meeting at Termon Daveog, for the purpose of forming a league of amity with him. Hugh O'Neill, however, repaired thither to prevent the meeting, and attacked and defeated O'Hegny, who delivered him hostages.
On the same day Hugh and the Kinel-Owen went to the plain of Magh Ithe, and plundered the Kinel-Connell. From this place they drove off a vast number of cows, after killing O'Duvdirma in a skirmish between the cavalry.
Hugh O'Neill and the Kinel-Owen made a second incursion into the plain of Moy Itha, to give battle to the Kinel-Connell; but the Kinel-Connell left their camp to them, upon which terms of peace and friendship were agreed on between the parties.
Cathal Crovderg O'Conor made peace with Cathal Carragh, the son of Conor Moinmoy, brought him into his territory, and gave him lands.
THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1199. The Age of Christ, one thousand one hundred ninety-nine.
Maelisa, son of Gilla-Ernain, Erenagh of Kilmore-Oneilland, and intended successor of St. Patrick, died.
Sanctus Mauritius O'Baedain died in Hy-Columbkille.
The English of Ulidia made three great incursions into Tyrone, and on the third incursion they pitched their camp at Donaghmore-Moy-Imclare, and sent
Rory O'Donslevy, and some of the English of Meath, mustered a body of troops, and plundered the Monastery of SS. Peter and Paul (at Armagh), and left only one cow there.
Donnell O'Doherty, Lord of Kinel-Enda and Ard-Mire, died.
Donough Uaithneach, the son of Roderick O'Conor, was slain by the English of Limerick.
Roduv Mac Roedig, Chief of Kinel-Aengusa, was slain by the English, on a predatory incursion, in Hy-Earca-Cein.
Cathal Crovderg O'Conor was banished from the kingdom of Connaught; and Cathal Carrach assumed his place.
Hugh O'Neill, with the men of Moy-Itha and the men of Oriel, marched to Tibohine-Artagh, to relieve Cathal Crovderg O'Conor. They returned again,
John de Courcy, with the English of Ulidia, and the son of Hugo De Lacy, with the English of Meath, marched to Kilmacduagh to assist Cathal Crovderg O'Conor. Cathal Carragh, accompanied by the Connacians, came, and gave them battle: and the English of Ulidia and Meath were defeated with such slaughter that, of their five battalions, only two survived; and these were pursued from the field of battle to Rindown on Lough Ree, in which place John was completely hemmed in. Many of his English were killed, and others were drowned; for they found no passage by which to escape, except by crossing the lake in boats.
Rourke O'Mulrenin, Chief of Clann-Conor, died.
John was crowned King of England on the sixth of April.
Murrough Mac Coghlan, Lord of Delvin Eathra, died.
THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1200. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred.
Kyley Catholicus O'Duffy, Archbishop of Tuam, died at an advanced age.
Uaireirghe, son of Mulmora, the son of Uaireirghe O'Naghtan, one of the noble sages of Clonmacnoise, a man full of the love of God, and of every virtue, and head of the Culdees of Clonmacnoise, died on the tenth of March.
Malone O'Carmacan, Successor of St. Coman, died.
Hugh O'Neill was deposed by the Kinel-Owen, and Conor O'Loughlin was elected in his stead. The latter plundered Tir-Enda, killed many persons, and drove off many cows.
Egneghan O'Donnell, Lord of Tirconnell, sailed with the fleet of Tirconnell thirteen vessels by sea, and despatched his army by land, and pitched his camp at Gaeth-an-Chairrgin. The Clandermot repaired to Port-Rois on the
Meyler, and the English of Leinster, marched to Clonmacnoise against Cathal Carragh (O'Conor), where they remained two nights: they plundered the town of its cattle and provisions, and attacked its churches.
Cathal Crovderg O'Conor went into Munster, to the son of Mac Carthy and William Burke to solicit their aid.
Gerrmaide O'Boylan was slain by O'Donnell (Egneghan).
A battle was fought between O'Donnell on the one side, and O'Rourke (Ualgarg) and Conor na-Glaisfene O'Rourke on the other. The Hy-Briuin (O'Rourkes) were defeated, and their men dreadfully cut off, both by drowning and killing. Conor himself was drowned on this occasion. This battle was fought at Leckymuldory.
Donough Uaithneach, the son of Roderic O'Conor, was slain by the English of Limerick.
Mahon, the son of Gilla Patrick-O'Keary, was slain by the English of Clonard.
Clonard was burned by O'Keary, to injure the English who were in it.
Cathal Crovderg O'Conor made a predatory incursion into Munster, and plundered Castleconning Castleconnel, the market of Limerick, and Castle-Wilkin; and led Wilkin and his wife away captives, after having killed thirteen knights, and many other persons besides them.
Fiachra O'Flynn, Chief of Sil-Mailruana, died.
Cathal Carragh assumed the government of Connaught, and Cathal Crovderg was banished by him into Ulster. He arrived at the house of O'Hegny, Lord of Fermanagh, and went from thence to John de Courcy, with whom he formed a league of amity.
THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1201. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred one.
Tomaltagh O'Conor, successor of St. Patrick, and Primate of Ireland, died.
Conn O'Melly, Bishop of Annaghdown, a transparently bright gem of the Church, died.
Johannes de Monte Celion, the Pope's Legate, came to Ireland, and convoked a great synod of the bishops, abbots, and every other order in the Church,
A fortnight afterwards the same Legate called a meeting of the clergy and laity of Connaught at Athlone, at which meeting many excellent ordinances were established.
Niall O'Flynn O'Lynn was treacherously slain by the English of Ulidia.
Manus, the son of Dermot O'Loughlin, was slain by Murtough O'Neill; and Murtough was killed in revenge of him.
Conor, the son of Maurice O'Heyne, died.
Teige O'Breen, Lord of Lune, in Meath, died.
Murray, son of Niall, who was son of the Sinnagh (the Fox) O'Caharny, died.
Murrough O'Madden, Chief of half Sil-Anmchadh, was wounded in the head by an arrow, and died of the wound.
Cathal Crovderg and William Burke, at the head of their English and Irish forces, marched from Limerick, through Connaught, to Tuarn, and proceeded
At this time Cathal Mac Dermot went on a predatory excursion into Hy-Diarmada: Teige, the son of Conor Moinmoy, overtook him, and a battle was fought between them, in which Cathal Mac Dermot was slain.
As to Cathal Carragh, King of Connaught, he assembled his forces, and marched against this army, and arrived at Guirtin Cuil luachra, in the vicinity of the monastery. They remained confronting each other for a week, during which daily skirmishes took place between them. At the end of this time Cathal Carragh went forth to view a contest; but a body of his people being violently driven towards him, he became involved in the crowd, and was killed. This happened through the miracles of God and St. Kieran. Ancolly, the son of Dermot O'Mulrony, and many others, were also killed in this battle. After this Cathal Crovderg and William Burke passed with their forces through Moylurg and Moy-Nai, and thence through West Connaught, and arrived at Cong, where they spent the Easter. William Burke and the sons of Rory O'Flaherty, however, conspired to deal treacherously by Cathal Crovderg, but God protected him on this occasion from their designs, through the guarantee of the ecclesiastical witnesses to their league of mutual fidelity.
The people of William Burke afterwards went to demand their wages from the Connacians; but the Connacians rushed upon them, and killed seven hundred of them. William then returned to Limerick, and Cathal Crovderg assumed the regal sway of Connaught.
Ualgarg O'Rourke mustered an army, and marched into Tirconnell. On their arrival in the country, they seized upon a number of cows and other property. O'Donnell (Egneghan) overtook them at Leck-I-Muldory, where a battle was fought between them, in which the Hy-Briuin (O'Rourkes) and their army were defeated and cut off with terrible havoc, both by killing and drowning. It was on this occasion that Conor na-Glais-fene (O'Rourke) was drowned.
On the same day the Kinel-Owen made another predatory incursion into Tirconnell; and a conflict took place between them and O'Donnell, in which the Kinel-Owen were defeated, and Gearrmaidi O'Boylan and many others of the Kinel-Owen were slain alone with him.
Tiernan, the son of Donnell, who was the son of Cathal O'Rourke, was slain by Mag-Fiachrach and the Clann-Cahill; but Mag-Fiachrach, surnamed Eoganach i.e. the Tyronian was killed on the same spot.