Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Annals of the Four Masters (Author: Unknown)

Annal M1013


The Age of Christ, 1013 rectè 1014.


Ronan, successor of Fechin;


Flaithbheartach, son of Domhnall, i.e. of the Clann-Colmain, successor of Ciaran and Finnen;


and Conn Ua Diugraidh, successor of Caeimhghin, died.


Cairbre Fial, son of Cathal, anchorite of Gleann-da-locha,


and Naemhan Ua Seinchinn, died; these were both anchorites.


Dunlang, son of Tuathal, King of Leinster, died.


Cairbre, son of Cleirchen, lord of Ui Fidhgeinte, was treacherously slain by Maelcoluim Caenraigheach.


A battle between the


Ui-Eathach themselves, i.e. between Cian, son of Maelmhuaidh, and Domhnall, son of Dubh-da-bhoireann, in which were slain Cian, Cathal, and Roghallach, three sons of Maelmhuaidh, with a great slaughter along with them.


An army was led by Donnchadh, son of Brian, to the south of Ireland; and he slew Cathal, son of Domhnall, and carried off hostages from Domhnall.


An army was led by the foreigners and Leinstermen into Meath, and afterwards into Breagha; and they plundered Tearmonn-Feichine, and carried off many captives and countless cattle.


An army was led by Brian, son of Ceinneidigh, son of Lorcan, King of Ireland, and by Maelseachlainn, son of Domhnall, King of Teamhair, to Ath-cliath. The foreigners of the west of Europe assembled against Brian and Maelseachlainn; and they took with them ten hundred men with coats of mail. A spirited, fierce, violent, vengeful, and furious battle was fought between them, the likeness of which was not to be found in that time,—at Cluaintarbh, on the Friday before Easter precisely. In this battle were slain Brian, son of Ceinneidigh, monarch of Ireland, who was the Augustus of all the West of Europe, in the eighty-eighth year of his age; Murchadh, son of Brian, heir apparent to the sovereignty of Ireland, in the sixty-third year of his age; Conaing, son of Donncuan, the son of Brian's brother; Toirdhealbhach, son of Murchadh, son of Brian; Mothla, son of Domhnall, son of Faelan, lord of the Deisi-Mumhan;


Eocha, son of Dunadhach, i.e. chief of Clann-Scannlain; Niall Ua Cuinn; Cuduiligh, son of Ceinneidigh, the three companions of Brian; Tadhg Ua Ceallaigh, lord of Ui Maine; Maelruanaidh na Paidre Ua hEidhin, lord of Aidhne; Geibheannach, son of Dubhagan, lord of Feara-Maighe; Mac-Beatha, son of Muireadhach Claen, lord of Ciarraighe-Luachra; Domhnall, son of Diarmaid, lord of Corca-Bhaiscinn; Scannlan, son of Cathal, lord of Eoghanacht-Locha Lein; and Domhnall, son of Eimhin, son of Cainneach, great steward of Mair in Alba. The forces were afterwards routed by dint of battling,


bravery, and striking, by Maelseachlainn, from Tulcainn to Ath-cliath, against the foreigners and the Leinstermen; and there fell Maelmordha, son of Murchadh, son of Finn, King of Leinster; the son of Brogarbhan, son of Conchobhar, Tanist of Ui-Failghe; and Tuathal, son of Ugaire, royal heir of Leinster; and a countless slaughter of the Leinstermen along with them. There were also slain Dubhghall, son of Amhlaeibh, and Gillaciarain, son of Gluniairn, two tanists of the foreigners; Sichfrith, son of Loder, Earl of Innsi hOrc; Brodar, chief of the Danes of Denmark, who was the person that slew Brian. The ten hundred in armour were cut to pieces, and at the least three thousand of the


foreigners were there slain. It was of the death of Brian and of this battle the following quatrain was composed:
    1. Thirteen years, one thousand complete, since Christ was born, not long since the date,
      Of prosperous years—accurate the enumeration—until the foreigners were slaughtered together with Brian.
Maelmuire, son of Eochaidh, successor of Patrick, proceeded with the seniors and relics to Sord-Choluim-Chille; and they carried from thence the body of


Brian, King of Ireland, and the body of Murchadh, his son, and the head of Conaing, and the head of Mothla. Maelmuire and his clergy waked the bodies with great honour and veneration; and they were interred at Ard-Macha in a new tomb.


A battle between the two sons of Brian, i.e. Donnchadh and Tadhg. Donnchadh was defeated, and Ruaidhri Ua Donnagain, lord of Aradh, and many others along with him, fell in the battle.


An army was led by Ua Maeldoraidh and O'Ruairc into Magh-Aei; and they slew Domhnall, son of Cathal, and plundered the plain, and carried off the hostages of Connaught.

Annal M1014


The Age of Christ, 1014 rectè 1015.


The first year of Maelseachlainn Mor, son of Domhnall over Ireland, after the killing of Brian, son of Ceinneidigh.


Ronan, successor of Fechin;


Colum Ua Flannagain, Abbot of Maein-Choluim-Chille;


and Conaing, son of Finn, Abbot of Doire-mor and Liath-Mochaemhog, died.


Muircheartach Ua Lorcain, airchinneach of Lothra, died.


Niall, son of Dearggan, airchinneach of Mungairit, was killed.


Donnghal Macua Chantene, airchinneach of Tir-da-ghlas, died.


Muircheartach, son of Muireadhach Ua Neill, was slain by Conchobhar Ua Domhnallain, lord of Ui-Tuirtre.



Donnchadh Ua Goaigh, lord of Cianachta Glinne Geimhin, was slain.


Gillachrist, son of Niall, son of Dubhlaech was slain by Maelseachlainn.


Muircheartach, son of Anmccadh, lord of Ui-Liathain, was slain by Mathghamhain, son of Maelmhuaidh.


Meanma, son of the lord of Ui-Caisin, died.


Donnchadh, son of Aedh Beag O'Maeleachlainn, was slain by the foreigners.


Maelisa, son of the lord of Ui-Maine, was slain at Iubhar Arnun, by the men of Teathbha.


The son of Raghnall, son of Imhar, lord of Port-Lairge, was slain by the Ui-Liathain.


Cudubh, son of Maelfabhaill, chief of Carraig-Brachaidhe, was slain by the race of Tadhg in Breagha.


An army was led by Domhnall, son of Dubhdabhoireann, to Luimneach. The two sons of Brian, namely, Donnchadh and Tadhg, met him, and a battle was fought between them, wherein the people of the south of Ireland were defeated, and Domhnall fell, and numbers along with him.


An army was led by Ua Neill, i.e. by Flaithbheartach, with the men of Meath and Breagha about him, into Leinster; and he plundered the country as far as Leithghlinn, carried off spoils and prisoners, and slew thelord of Ui-mBuidhe, and many others.


An army was led by Maelseachlainn, Ua Neill, and Ua Maeldoraidh, to Ath-cliath; and they burned the fortress, and all the houses outside the fortress; and they afterwards proceeded into Ui-Ceinnsealagh, and plundered the whole territory, carrying off many thousand captives and cattle. A party of his marauders were overtaken, and a great number of them killed, together with the son of the King of Connaught, i.e. Sleghanach; and there were also lost Conghalach, son of Conchobhar, lord of Ui-Failghe; Gillacoluim Ua hAghdha, lord of Teathbha, and many others also.


An army was led by Maelseachlainn, Ua Neill, Ua Maeldoraidh, and O'Ruairc, into Leinster; and they carried off the hostages of Leinster, and gave the kingdom


of Leinster to Donncuan, son of Dunlaing; and they plundered Osraighe, and carried off innumerable preys and many prisoners.


A great depredation by Maelfothartaigh in Dal-gCais; and Donnchadh, son of Brian, and the Dal-gCais overtook him, but these were defeated, and the son of Ruaidhri Ua Donnagain, the son of Ua Cathalain, and other persons also, were slain; and Maelfothartaigh afterwards bore away the spoils.


Aedh O'Ruairc, i.e. the son of Sen-Fearghal, lord of Breifne, and royal heir of Connaught, was slain by Tadhg of the White Steed, son of Cathal, son of Conchobhar, King of Connaught, at Loch Neill, in Magh-Aei, in revenge of Domhnall, his brother.


The Sleghanach Ua Maelseachlainn was slain by the Ui-Ceinnsealaigh.


Ceinneidigh, son of Fearghal, lord of Laeighis, died.


Aedh, son of Tadhg, son of Murchadh Ua Ceallaigh, lord of Ui-Maine, was slain at Cluain-mic-Nois.


Gillachrist, son of Niall, son of Dubhlaech, was slain by Maelseachlain, son of Domhnall.


Dunghal Ua Donnchaidh went on a predatory excursion into Aradh Cliach, and Finn, the son of Ruaidhri Ua Donnagain, and Ui-Cuanach, were slain by him.

Annal M1015


The Age of Christ, 1015 rectè 1016.


The second year of Maelseachlainn.


Flannagan, son of Conaing, Fos-airchinneach of Ard-Macha;


and Muirgheas, airchinneach of Lis-aeidheadh, died.


Diarmaid Ua Maeltelcha, successor of Comhghall;


and Eithne, daughter of Ua Suairt, successor of Brighid, died.


Airbheartach, son of Cosdobhroin, airchinneach of Ros-ailithir; and Maelpadraig Ua Sluaghadhaigh, the most learned of Ireland, died.


Macliag, i.e. Muircheartach, son of Cuceartach, chief poet of Ireland at that time, died. The following was Macliag's first quatrain:


    1. Muircheartach Beag, son of Maelcertach, who has been herding the cows,
      It is more worthy that he retaliates not,—give him a handful of findraip.
His last quatrain was this:
    1. O Bell, which art at the head of my pillow, to visit thee no friends come;
      Though thou makest thy ‘ding dang,’ it is by thee the salt is measured.


An army was led by Maelseachlainn into Ulidia, and carried off the hostages of the Ulidians.


Gillacoluim Ua hAghdhai, lord of Teathbha, was slain by the son of Donn, son of Donnghal, at Druim-raite.


Macrath, son of Muireadhach Claen, lord of Ciarraighe-Luachra, was killed.


Donncuan, i.e. the Simpleton, son of Dunlaing, lord of Leinster, and Tadhg Ua Riain, lord of Ui-Drona, was slain by Donnchadh, son of Gillaphadraig, at Leithghlinn, after they had made friendship, and taken a mutual oath in the beginning of the day. Moling delivered this prophecy:

    1. Donndurgen, and the royal Bard of lances,
      Shall violate friendship at Glinngerg; mutual oaths shall not prevent bloodshed.


Dun-da-leathghlas was totally burned, with its Daimhliag and Cloictheach, by lightning.


Cluain-mic-Nois, Cluain-fearta-Brenainn, and Ceanannus, were burned.


A battle between the Ulidians and the Dal-Araidhe, wherein the DaI-Araidhe were defeated by Niall, son of Eochaidh; and wherein fell Domhnall, son of Loingseach, lord of Dal-Araidhe; Niall, son of Dubhtuine, son of Eochaidh, son of Ardgar, ex-king of Ulidia; and Conchobhar Ua Domhnallain,lord of Ui-Tuirtri, and others along with them.


An army was led by Maelseachlainn into Ossory; and he plundered Osraighe, and carried off spoils and


prisoners, and slew Dunghal, son of Gillaphadraig, son of Donnchadh, and many others.


An army was led again by Maelseachlainn into Osraighe; and he plundered half the territory, and carried off hostages. He subsequently proceeded into Ui-Ceinnsealaigh, which he plundered, and carried off their cows and prisoners.


The Connaughtmen plundered and demolished Ceann-coradh and Cill-Dalua.


The men of Munster plundered Inis-Clothrann and Inis-bo-fine.


Gebhennach, son of Aedh, lord of Ui-Maine, was slain by the Ui-Maine themselves.


Maelisa, son of Flannagan, was killed.


A victory was gained by the Eili over Eoghanacht-Chaisil, where Domhnall, grandson of Domhnall, royal heir of Caiseal, and Domhnall, grandson of Ruaidhri, lord of Aradh, and numbers of others, were slain.

Annal M1016


The Age of Christ, 1016 rectè 1017.


The third year of Maelseachlainn.


Diarmaid Ua Maeiltealcha, a distinguished wise man, scribe, and bishop, died.


Caenchomhraic Ua Baithin, lector of Gleann-Uisean, died.


Ceallach Ua Maelmidhe, airchinneach of Druim-raithe, died.


Oenghus, son of Flann, airchinneach of Lann-Leire; and Diarmaid Ua Maelmaedhog, Abbot of Gleann-Uisean, died.


Connmhach, lector and Abbot of Achadh-Urghlais, was slain by the Ui-Bairrche.


Oenghus, son of Carrach Calma, royal heir of Teamhair, pillar of the dignity of Ireland, died of the cholic.


Fearghal, son of Domhnall, son of Conchobhar, royal heir of Aileach, was slain by the Cinel-Eoghain themselves.


Conn, son of Conchobhar, son of Eigneachan, died.



Donnchadh, son of Donnchadh Ua Conghalaigh, lord of Breagha, and royal heir of Ireland, was slain by the men of Breagha themselves.


Gillachrist Ua Lorcain, lord of Caille-Follamhain, was killed at Ceanannus.


Flann Ua Beice, lord of Ui-Meith, was killed.


Muireadhach Ua Duibheoin, lord of Ui-Mic-Uais-Breagh, was slain by Flaithbheartach Ua Neill.


A slaughter was made of the foreigners by Maelseachlainn, at Odhbha, where many were slain.


Gaeithini Ua Mordha was slain.


Dubhdabhoirenn Ua Riain was slain.

Annal M1017


The Age of Christ, 1017rectè 1018.


The fourth year of Maelseachlainn.


Gormghal of Ard-Oilean, chief anmchara of Ireland;


and Cormac Ua Mithi-dhein, Abbot of Achadh-abhla, died.


Muireadhach Ultach, anmchara of Cluain-mic-Nois, died.


Braen, son of Maelmordha, son of Murchadh, King of Leinster, was blinded by Sitric, son of Amhlaeibh, at Ath-cliath, through treachery; and he died in consequence.


Conghalach, son of Conchobhar, son of Finn, lord of Ui-Failghe, died.


Maelan, son of Egneach Ua Leocain, lord of Gaileanga and all Tuath-Luighne, was killed by the Saithni.


Cearbhall, son of Maelmordha, royal heir of Leinster, was slain by treachery.


A war between Maelseachlainn and the Ui-Neill of the North, so that the Eoghanachs went northwards over Sliabh-Fuaid.


A predatory excursion by Maelseachlainn into


the territory of the Feara-Ceall; and a party of the army was overtaken by the Feara-Ceall and the Eli, so that Domhnall Ua Caindealbhain, lord of Cinel-Laeghaire, and Cass-Midhe, Maelseachlainn's lawgiver, were slain; and Ua Cleircein, lord of Caille-Follambain, was wounded, and died after a short period. Flannagan Ua Ceallaigh, and Conghalach, son of Maelseachlainn, were mortally wounded at the same place.


Gillacoluim, son of Muireadhach Ua Maeltrea, and Aedh Ua hEradain, lord of Ui-Breasail-Macha, died.


Cearnach Ua Mordha, lord of Laeighis, was killed.


Muireadhach, son of Muircheartach, lord of Fotharta, was killed.

Annal M1018


The Age of Christ, 1018 rectè 1019.


The fifth year of Maelseachlainn.


Domhnall, son of Maelseachlainn, son of Domhnall, successor of Finnen and Mocholmog, died.


Ongharcc Ua Maelduin, vice-abbot i.e prior of Cluain-mic-Nois, died.


Ua Brodubhain, Abbot of Achadhur, was killed.


Cill-dara was all burned by lightning, excepting one house only.


Ceanannus was plundered by Sitric, son of Amhlaeibh, and the foreigners of Ath-cliath; and they carried off innumerable spoils and prisoners, and slew many persons in the middle of the church.


The shrine of Ciaran was plundered by Domhnall, son of Tadhg; and he himself was killed at the end of a week, through the miracles of God and Ciaran.


Two sons of Maelseachlainn, son of Maelruanaidh, Ardghar and Ardchu, both royal heirs of Aileach, were killed by the Cinel-Eoghain themselves.


Mathghamhain, son of Conaing,son of Donncuan, royal heir of


Munster, died.


The son of Catharnach, son of Aedh of the Ui-Caisin, attacked Donnchadh, son of Brian, and gave him a stroke of a sword in his head and across the arm, so that he struck off his right hand, i.e. his right palm. The son of Brian afterwards escaped, and the son of Catharnach was slain.


Maelmordha, son of Maelmhuaidh, Tanist of Dealbhna, was killed.


Ua Geibhennach, Tanist of Ui-Mane, was killed.


Flaithbheartach Ua Neill came into Tir-Conaill, and plundered Tir-Enda and Tir-Lughdhach.


Ruaidhri Ua hAileallain, lord of Ui-Eathach, was slain by the men of Fearnmhagh; and the two sons of Ceinneidigh, namely, Conghalach and Gillamuire, were immediately slain in revenge of him.


Gillacaeimhghin, son of Dunlaing, son of Tuathal, royal heir of Leinster, was slain by the Leinstermen themselves, i.e. by the people of Laeighis.


Aileni, son of Oissene, lord of Mughdhorna; and Ossene Ua Cathasaigh, lord of Saithne, were slain by the Gaileanga.


Ruaidhri, son of Faelan, lord of Fotharta, was slain.

Annal M1019


The Age of Christ, 1019 rectè 1020.


The sixth year of Maelseachlainn.


Maelmhuaidh O'Maelmhuaidh, lord of Feara-Ceall, was slain in Magh-Lena by Muircheartach Ua Carraigh.


An army was led by Maelseachlainn, Ua Neill, Donnchadh, son of Brian, and Art Ua Ruairc, to the Sinainn; and they gave the hostages of Connaught to Maelseachlainn.


Flaithbheartach Ua hEochaidh was blinded by Niall, son of Eochaidh.


The Termon of Finnia was plundered


by the Ui-Faelain.


Domhnall, son of Muireadhach, lord of Ui-Maine, was killed.


Aedh Ua h-Innreachtaigh, lord of Ui-Meith, was slain by the Ui-Niallain.


Culuachra Ua Conchobhair, lord of Ciarraighe-Luachra, died.

Annal M1020


The Age of Christ, 1020.


The seventh year of Maelseachlainn.


Cormac Ua Finn, a distinguished Bishop of Munster, died.


Ard-Macha was burned, with all the fort, without the saving of any house within it, except the library only, and many houses were burned in the Trians; and the Daimhliag-mor was burned, and the Cloictheach, with its bells; and Daimhliag-na-Toe, and Daimhliag-an-tSabhaill; and the old preaching chair, and the chariot of the abbots, and their books in the houses of the students, with much gold, silver, and other precious things.


Cill-dara, with its oratory, was burned.


Gleann-da-loch, with its oratories, was burned.


The burning of Cluain-Iraird, Ara, Sord, and Cluain-mic-Nois.


The shrine of Patrick, and the Finnfaidheach a bell? of Patrick, were robbed by the plunderers, by Ua hAidith, and the people of Lower Ui-Eathach; and they carried off with them seven hundred cows.


Maelmuire, son of Eochaidh, successor of Patrick, head of the clergy of all the north-west of Europe, and flood of the dignity of the western world,—this


learned sage died on the third day of the month of June, the Friday before Whitsuntide precisely; and Amhalghaidh was installed in the successorship of Patrick by the laity and the clergy.

Annal M1021


The Age of Christ, 1021.


The eighth year of Maelseachlainn.


Maenach, priest and airchinneach of Lann-Leire, died.


Maelmaire, daughter of Amhlaeibh, wife of Maelseachlainn, son of Domhnall, died.


Aedh, son of Flann, son of Maelseachlainn, heir to the sovereignty of Ireland, was slain by Ua Maighteachain, one of the Feara-Bile.


Branagan, son of Maeluidhir, a chief of Meath, was drowned on May-day, in Loch-Ainninn Lough Ennell, and MacConailligh, chief lawgiver of Maelseachlainn, died, after the plundering of the shrine of Ciaran by them both; this happened at the end of nine days after the plundering.


A victory was gained by Ugaire, son of Dunlaing, King of Leinster, over Sitric, son of Amhlaeibh, and the foreigners of Ath-cliath, at Derge-Mogorog in Ui-Briuin-Cualann, where he made a dreadful slaughter of the foreigners.


Cucaille, son of Dubhlaech, lord of Feara-Tulach, died.


Cucaille, son of Marcan, was slain by the Sil-Anmchadha.


The son of Cuceanann, lord of Ui-Diarmada, was slain by the Ui-Gadhra.


A great depredation by Maelseachlainn upon the foreigners; and on the same night a depredation was committed by the Ui-Neill upon the Cianachta.


A great depredation was committed by Maelseachlainn upon the Cinel-Eoghain; and they were driven northwards over Sliabh-Fuaid.


Mac-Etigh, son of Follamhain, chief of Clann-Uadach, died.



A shower of wheat was rained in Osraighe.


Amhalghaidh, successor of Patrick, went into Munster for the first time, and made a great circuit thereof.

Annal M1022


The Age of Christ, 1022.


The victory of Ath-buidhe-Tlachtgha was gained by Maelseachlainn over the foreigners of Ath-cliath, where many were slain; of which was said:

    1. His last bloody victory was in the evening at Ath-buidhe;
      Thirty revolving days from this until his death.
He lived but a month after this.


Maelseachlainn Mor, son of Domhnall, son of Donnchadh, pillar of the dignity and nobility of the west of the world, died on Cro-inis Locha-Aininn, after having been forty-three years in sovereignty over Ireland, according to the Book of Cluain-mic-Nois, which places the reign of Brian, son of Kennedy, in the enumeration, at the end of nine years after the battle of Cluain-tarbh, in the seventy-third year of his age, on the fourth of the Nones of September, on Sunday precisely, after intense penance for his sins and transgressions, after receiving the body of Christ and his blood, after being anointed by the hands of Amhalghaidh, successor of Patrick, for he and the successor of Colum Cille, and the successor of Ciaran, and most of the seniors of Ireland, were present at his death; and they sung masses, hymns, psalms, and canticles, for the welfare of his soul. Sorrowful to the poor of the Lord was the death of Maelseachlainn, as is evident from this quatrain:

    1. Three hundred forts had the king, in which flesh and food were given,
      Guests from the king of the elements were in each fort of these.


Of the year of Maelseachlainn's death was also said:
    1. Two years, twice ten, and a thousand, from the birth of Christ, the head of every king,
      Till the death of the descendant of Colman of preys, Maelseachlainn, the perfect, the memorable.


Flann Ua Tacain, airchinneach of Dearmhach, a distinguished wise man; and Maelcobha Ua Gallchubhair, comharba of Scrin-Adhamhnain, died.


Lachtnan of Inis-caein, successor of Deagha, died at Ard-Macha.


Cathasach Ua Garbhain, lector of Cluain-mic-Nois, of the sept of Cuircni; and Joseph, son of Dunchadh, anmchara of Cluain-mic-Nois, died: the latter was the father of Conn-na-mBocht.


Muiren of the tongue was slain by two Gillies of the Luighni.


Domhnall, grandson of Murchadh Glunillar, lord of the North, was slain by the Cianachta of Gleann-Geimhin.


Domhnall, son of Aedh Ua Maeldoraidh, was slain.


Muireadhach Ua Sleibhene Slevin, chief poet of the north of Ireland, was slain by the Feara-Rois.


The son of Cearbhall, lord of Eile; and Domhnall, son of Ceallach, chief of Fotharta, were slain.


Sitric, son of Imhar, lord of Port-Lairge, was slain by the lord of Osraighe.


Macleighinn, son of Coireall, lord of Oirghialla, died, after doing penance for his sins.


Mathghamhain, son of Laidhgnen, son of Cearbhall, lord of Fearnmhagh, was slain at Cluain-Eois, by Cathal Ua Crichain.


Muircheartach Ua Carraigh


Calma was treacherously slain by Maelseachlainn God.


A battle on the sea between the foreigners of Ath-cliath and Niall, son of Eochaidh, King of Ulidia, wherein the foreigners were defeated, and they themselves led into captivity, and their ships carried away, except a few which fled away. Flathroi, son of Dubhslangha, son of Aedh, son of Tomaltach, fell by the foreigners in that sea battle, in the seventeenth year of his age.


Donnchadh, chief of Clann-Cathail, died.


Very great showers of hail fell in the summer, the stones of which were the size of wild apples; and great thunder and lightning succeeded, so that men and cattle were destroyed throughout Ireland.


The plundering of Cill-dara by Donnsleibhe and the Ui-Faelain.


A victory was gained at Sliabh-Fuaid over the Airghialla, by Niall, son of Eochaidh; and a great slaughter was made of the Airghialla there.