The Age of the World, 4805.
The first year of Fearghus Fortamhail, son of Breasal Breac, in the sovereignty of Ireland.
The Age of the World, 4815.
Fearghus Fortamhail, son of Breasal Breac, after having been eleven years in the monarchy of Ireland, was slain by Aenghus Tuirmheach in the battle of Teamhair Tara.
The Age of the World, 4816.
The first year of the reign of Aenghus Tuirmheach Teamhrach in the sovereignty of Ireland.
The Age of the World, 4875.
Aengus Tuirmheach Teamhrach, after having been sixty years in the monarchy of Ireland, died at Teamhair. He was called Aenghus Tuirmheach because the nobility of the race of Eireamhon are traced to him.
The Age of the World, 4876.
The first year of Conall Collamhrach, son of Ederscel, as king over Ireland.
The Age of the World, 4880.
Conall Collamhrach, son of Ederscel Teamhrah, son of Eochaidh Ailtleathan, after having been five years in the sovereignty of Ireland, was slain by Nia Sedhamain.
The Age of the World, 4881.
The first year of Nia Sedhamain, son of Adhamair, in the sovereignty of Ireland.
The Age of the World, 4887.
Nia Sedhamain, son of Adhamair, after having been seven years in the sovereignty of Ireland, was slain by Enna Aighneach. It was in the time of the King Nia Sedhamain that the cows and the does were alike milked.
The Age of the World, 4888.
The first year of Enna Aighneach over Ireland.
The Age of the World, 4907.
Enna Aighneach, son of Aenghus Tuirmeach