The Kalends of January on Sunday, and the twentieth of the moon thereon. The second year after the bissextile, and the one thousandth one hundredth and twenty-second from the Incarnation.
Peace in the above year between Connachta and Desmumu.
Ua Lígda, coarb of Ailbe, rested, and Mael Mórda, grandson of Clothna, succeeded him.
In Gilla Srónmael Ua Ruairc was slain by Murchad Ua Maíl Shechnaill at the instigation of the saints.
A battle between Cenél Eógain and Fir Manach, and the Fir Manach took flight.
The Cenél Eógain took great preys from the Ulaid at the same time.
Gofraid, lector of Ard Macha, rested in Christ.
Mael Sechnaill Ua Donnocáin, king of Ara, was slain.
Mór, daughter of Mac Lochlainn's son, died [and thus parted] from the king of Connachta.
Death of Aed Ua Duib Dírma in Inis Eógain.
Death of Ua hÓcain of Cenél Eógain Tulcha Óc.
The Kalends of January on Monday, and the first day of the moon thereon. The third year after the bissextile, and the one thousandth one hundredth and [twenty]-third year from the Incarnation.
Donn Cuan Ua Cennétig rested.
A hosting by Tairdelbach, son of Ruaidrí, to Cíche Anann in Luachair.
The Ulidian bishop rested in Les Mór.
The song of Gilla Pátraic Ruad, king of Osraige, was slain by his own people.
A grave malady afflicted Tadc, son of Mac Carthaig, and Cormac, his brother, took the kingship of Desmumu in his presence.
Muiredach Ua Dedaid was slain by Tadc, son of Diarmait.
Bissextile. The Kalends of January on Tuesday, and the twelfth of the moon thereon.
Tadc son of Mac Carthaig, king of Caisel, rested.
A fleet [was brought] by Ruaidrí's son to Áth Caille.
Ua Muirchertaig, king of Eóganacht Locha Léin, Cú Luachra Ua Conchobuir, king of Ciarraige, and Murchad Ua Ségda, king of Corcu Duibne, were banished by Cormac, son of Mac Carthaig.
A defeat [was inflicted] by Ruaidrí's son on the men of Mide and on the Conmaicne, and many were slain.
A hosting by Cormac and the Leth Moga to Áth Luain against Ruaidrí's son, and their hostages were put to death by the latter.
Muiredach grandson of Aed, king of Uí Briúin, rested.
The Kalends of January on Thursday, [and] the twenty-third of the moon thereon. The first year after the bissextile, and the one thousandth one hundredth and twenty-fifth year from the Incarnation.
Les Mór Mo-Chutu was burned.
A fleet under the leadership of Muirchertach Ua Muirchertaig, i.e. king of Eóganacht Locha Léin, [was sent] by Ruaidrí's son to Corcu Duibne, and they wrought havoc there.
Mael Trena rested in Glenn dá Locha.
Mael Eóin, eminent bishop of Laigin and a very learned scholar, rested in Christ in Leithglenn.
A great slaughter of the Airgialla by the men of Mide at Droichet Átha, in which the son of Ua Cerbaill, the son of Cú Febla Ua Cernaig, and many others fell.
A slaughter of the foreigners of Luimnech and of the Ciarraige by Tairdelbach Ua Briain.
Cormac, son of Mac Carthaig, took the kingship of Luimnech in the above year.
Murchad Ua Maíl Shechnaill was banished to Mumu by Ruaidrí's son.
Mael Sechnaill, son of Donnchad, was slain by the son of Murchad Ua Maíl Shechnaill.
The Kalends of January on Friday, and the fourth day of the moon thereon. The second year after the bissextile, and the one thousandth one hundredth and twenty-sixth year from the Incarnation.
Ciarmac Ua hEtersceóil died.
The bishop Ua Ruadgusa rested in Christ.
Cerball Ua hArrachtáin rested in Christ.
The son of Cerball Ua Ciairmeic died.
Sadb, daughter of Ua Conchobuir Chiarraige, rested in Les Mór after a victory of pilgrimage and penance.
Énna son of Diarmait, king of Laigin, died.
A hosting by Tairdelbach Ua Conchobuir in Laigin, and he took the hostages of Laigin and Uí Cheinnselaig and placed his son in the kingship of Áth Cliath.
An unexpected raid by the Cenél Conaill in Connachta after he (Tairdelbach) had gone.
A great ravaging by the Connachta in Tír Conaill, and they reached Ráith Both.
A raid by Ruaidrí's son himself in Mumu, and he reached Móin Mór and took booty and cattle-spoil.
Ua Dubda, king of Uí Amalgada, was drowned along with the crews of two coracles.
A fleet under the leadership of Ua Muirchertaig, i.e. Muirchertach son of In Finnshúilech, king of Loch Léin, [was sent] by Ruaidrí's son, and he (Ua Muirchertaig) came on Loch Léin.
The Kalends of January on Saturday, and the fifteenth of the moon thereon.
Cormac, son of Mac Carthaig, king of Desmumu, was deposed by the Munstermen themselves, and he entered Les Mór, and much destruction was wrought in his absence.
A hosting by Ruaidrí's son, and he reached Corcach and took the hostages of Mumu.
Conchobar Ua Briain and Tairdelbach his brother, turned against Ruaidrí's son, and brought Cormac out of Les Mór, and gave him the kingship of Mumu.
Murchad Ua Ségda, In Gilla Manntach Ua Fáilbi, and Cathal Ua Cathuil were slain.
Muirchertach Ua Muirchertaig, king of Loch Léin, two sons of Tadc son of Mac Carthaig, namely Donnchad and Domnall, and Ua Caím were banished to Connachta.
A battle was fought by the Ulaid among themselves, and their two kings, i.e. Ua Mathgamna, and the sons of Donn Sléibe, fell therein, and there was a terrible slaughter of the Ulaid.
A hosting by the son of Mac Lochlainn into Ulaid, and he took hostages from the Ulaid.
Gilla Críst Ua Maíl Eóin, eminent coarb of Ciarán of Cluain Moccu Nóis and candle of generosity and charity of Leth Cuinn, rested in Christ.
Lachtnán, son of Cú Chaille, died.
Gilla Críst Ua Dubda of Cenél Eógain Aelaig died.
Mael Sechnaill Ua Cinaeda was slain.
Muirchertach Ua Cinaeda, royal heir of Uí Liatháin, was slain.
A fleet [was brought] by the son of In Finnshúilech Ua Muirchertaig to Inis Cathaig on behalf of Ruaidrí's son, and they wrecked some of the ships of Mathgamain Ua Conchobuir Chiarraige. And Ua Conchobuir Chorcu Modruad captured one of their ships and killed its crew, incluaing Cathal Crobderg Ua Domnaill, son of the king of Uí Echach, and Senán(?), son of Gollsci, their steersman.
A fleet, also, [was put] on Loch Dergdeirc by Conchobar Ua Briain and by Cormac, son of Mac Carthaig.
The slaying of the son of Mac Riabaig, i.e. Ragnall, in Ard Macha by the Airthir(?).
Bissextile. The Kalends of January on Sunday, and the twenty-sixth of the moon thereon.
Aed Ua Cerbaill, king of Eóganacht Locha Léin, was treacherously slain by the Uí Manchíne(?) and by the Uí Rusíne.
An expedition by Donnchad, son of Mac Carthaig, the son of In Finnshúilech Ua Muirchertaig, the son of In Dubshúilech Ua Domnaill, Finnguine Ua Caím, and Gerr na Cuinneóc Ua Bric, from Connachta into Ciarraige Luachra. Ua Conchobuir behaved treacherously towards them, and they slew a company of his followers, and got away from his pursuit into Eóganacht Locha Léin. The son of In Finnshúilech stopped there, and Donnchad went into Uí Echach, but they were banished again.
A great slaughter of the men of Tethba and of the Conmaicne by Magnus, son of Mac Lochlainn.
The plundering of Fir Manach, their nobles together with their king being slain by the Cenél Eógain.
The men of Bréifne raided Conaille Muirthemne and plundered Lugmad and the coarb of Patrick.
Áth Truim in Mide, including church, people, and cattle, was burned by Conchobar, son of Mac Lochlainn, in revenge for the undeserved slaying of his fosterbrother by Ua C[a]indelbáin.
The Kalends of January on Tuesday, and the seventh day of the moon thereon. The one thousandth one hundredth and twenty-ninth year from the Incarnation.
Gilla Mo-Chutu Ua Rebacháin, coarb of Mo-Chutu, died.
Mael Brigte Ua Flannáin, the noble senior, rested in Les Mór Mo-Chutu.
Mael Brénainn Ua Rebacháin rested.
Ua in Chrosáin, coarb of Senán, died.
Cellach, coarb of Patrick, rested in Ard Pátraic in Mumu and was buried with honour in Les Mór.
The son of Donnchad Ua hEochada, king of Ulaid, was killed in a house [set] on fire by the Ulaid.
A defeat of the eastern Mide by the men of Fernmag, in which Flann Ua Cellaig, king of Brega, and many others were slain.
A hot summer this year, and the waters of Ireland dried up, and there was a great mortality of beasts and cattle.
A great raid by Conchobar, son of Mac Lochlainn, in Ulaid.
The plundering of Inis Taite by the Ulaid, in which . . .gel, son of Mac Lochlainn, Mac Caíme Ua Flainn, and many others were slain.
A great raiding by the Ulaid in Dál Araide, in which Ua hAmráin was slain at Camus Comgaill.
Death of the king of Ailech, i.e. Magnus, son of Mac Lochlainn.
Mathgamain Ua Briain rested, and was buried in Les Mór Mo-Chutu.
The son of Dub Roa Ua Meic Fhlainn was slain by the Cenél Eógain.
The Kalends of January on Wednesday, [and] the eighteenth of the moon thereon.
Mac Raith Ua Conchobuir, son of the king of Ciarraige Luachra, was treacherously slain in the termon of Inis Cathaig.
A great crop of nuts . .
The slaying by fire of the son of Cathbarr Ua Domnaill in Cell Mac nÉnáin.
A slaughter of the men of Moray in Alba.
A battle-rout of the Ulaid by Conchobar, son of Mac Lochlainn, and by the Cenél Eógain, and he [Conchobar] took their hostages in addition to their principal chiefs(?)
The bishop Ua Dubchróin, abbot of Cluain Uama, rested in Christ.