Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Annals of Ulster (Author: [unknown])

Year U1588


Kalends of Jan. on Fri., 2nd of moon, A.D. 1588.


The son of Redmond Mag Uidhir the Brefnian, namely, Gilla-Padraig, was slain between the two feasts of Mary. And it happened thus: he went with Mag Uidhir before that and fell by the host of O'Domnaill. Namely, an eminent hospitaller and a man who kept a guest-house and a person who defended his part of the territory in every way, such as leadership and going against Foreigners every other day for the sake of the territory was he.


The black Gillie, son of John, son of Philip Mag Uidhir, was slain by one shot of bullet by the Saxons whom the Oirgiallians had, on the son of Mag Uidhir, namely, Aodh, son of Cu-Connacht, son of Cu-Connacht, son of Cu-Connacht, going on raid on them. And they defeated the Oirgiallians and the Saxons without injury to themselves, except that good noble man, namely, the son of John.


Ua Concubhair of Sligech, namely Domhnall, son of Tadhg, son of Cathal Ua Concubhair junior, died this year.