Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Annals of Ulster (Author: [unknown])

Year U1441


Kalends of Jan. on 1st feria, 5th of the moon, A.D. 1441.


Mac Domnaill of the Clann-Cellaigh (namely, Aedh) was slain by the sons of Cu Connacht Mag Uidhir


this year.


Great forays were made by Mag Uidhir, namely, Thomas junior, upon the sons of Annadh Mac Domnaill and a grandson of Edmond Mac Domnall was slain by him on that expedition.


Conchobur Mag Uidhir junior died this year, after putting the world from him, with victory over world and over demon.


Ua Mail-Conaire died this year: namely, Mailin, son of Tanaidhe, chief professor in history of the Sil-Muiredaigh and head of dignity and honour of Ireland in his own time. He died about the feast of St. Berach and so on.


Pierce Ua Luinin the Stooped died this year: namely, an excellent historian and poet and herenagh of the Ard and of the Third of Airech-Maelain and a man of great dignity and honour and a man to whom God largely gave beauty and graces. He died with victory over world and over demon and so on.


Mac Donnchaidh of Tir-Oilella died this year after victory of penance: to wit, Concobur Mac Donnchaidh; a general protector to the learned troops of Ireland in his own time was he.


Gilla-na-naem Mag Sgoloigi, vicar of Claen-inis, died on the 15th of the Kalends of May Ap. 17.


Brian Mac Gilla-Finnein the Grey and Cathal Ua Maileigen died on the 16th of the Kalends of December Nov. 16.


Medbh, daughter of the Abbot Mac Gilla-Finnein, died.


Gilla-Patraig Ua Maeluidhir, abbot of Clochar, died on the 2nd of the Kalends of January Dec. 31.


Isibel, daughter of the Great Archdeacon, died on the 5th of the Kalends of January Dec. 28.


Bean-Muman, daughter of Mag Dorchaidh, wife of Mag Confraich, died on the 5th of the Ides 9th of January.


Muircertach (the Archdeacon), son of Cathal Mor Mac Maghnusa, namely, archdeacon of Clochar


and parson of Airech-Maelain, a good cleric and a man of excellent hospitality and charitable, died on the 12th of the Kalends of March Feb. 18.


(Aine, daughter of Edmond Mag Samradhain, died.)