Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Annals of Ulster (Author: [unknown])

Year U1427


Kalends of Jan. on 4th feria, 1st of the moon, A.D, 1427.


Gilbert Ua Flannagain, lord over the third of Tuath-ratha, a reputable, well-mannered man, died this year.


The castle of Edan-daire in Offaly was broken down by Foreigners this year.


Murchadh, son of Toirdelbach Ua Briain, was killed in treachery by his own brother.


Diarmait Ua Mathgamna, king of the Fonn-iartharach, namely, one eminent for excellent hospitality, that refused not anybody ever, died this year with victory of penance.


Cormac Mac Diarmata junior died this year.


Una, daughter of Aedh Mag Uidhir, namely, wife of Ua Ruairc, that is, of Tadhg: to wit, the woman who was best in hospitality and piety and charity that was in Lower Connacht in her own time, died after victory of penance.


Aine, daughter of Cormac Ua Birn, namely, wife of Mag Raghnaill, that is, of Geoffrey, died this year.


Lord Grey came to Ireland and Mac Murchadha, namely, king of Leinster, was brought with him from Saxon-land to be liberated.


Fergal Mac Tighernain died this year: one who was to be chief of Tellach-




Brian, son of Fergail Mag Samradhain, namely, son of the chief of Tellach-Eathach, eminent in charity and good hospitality, died this year with victory of penance.


Joan, daughter of the bishop Mac Cathmhail, wife of Maurice Mag Uidhir, that is, of the great Archdeacon, died on the 13th of the Kalends of February Jan. 20; one, that maintained a guest-house at Claeninis and at Ros-oirther for six and fifty years reputably, humanely and charitably.


Brian Ua Daimin, chief of Tir-Cenufhada, died on the 8th of the Ides 6th of January.


Catherine, daughter of Ardghal Mag Mathgallina, wife of Ua Neill, namely, of Eogan, son of Niall Ua Neill junior, died, this year on the Nones 5th of June.