Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Annals of Ulster (Author: [unknown])

Year U1207


Kalends of Jan. on 2nd feria, 29th of the moon, A.D. 1207.


Domhnall Ua Muiredaigh, chief lector of Daire of Colum-cille, after great suffering felicitously finished his life. And Muircertach O'Millugain (or O'Maelagain) was chosen in his stead.


Mael-Petair Ua Calmain, successor of St. Cainnech, tower of piety and hospitality of the North of Ireland, rested in peace. As the poet said:

    1. Loss is Ua Calmain in his church,
      Evil in comparison therewith I reckon not;
      There is a community silent with grief thereat,
      That to-night there is no piety in his abbey.

    2. p.247

    3. After Cainnech of the body pure
      Until arose Ua Calmain above an altar,
      It is not known whether one as good as Ua Calmain saw the heavenly kingdom,
      There went not monk's mantle upon one as good.
    4. He was a master scribe of beautiful execution,
      Well used he keep the fair Rule,
      He gave useful responses on every occasion.
      He was a sage, distinguished, eminent.
    5. Although no one under heaven could save
      His penitentiary from demons,
      Though he were sanctified without defect within it,
      Yet the body of Ua Calmain would save it.
    6. The successor of Cainnech of the churches,
      It is injury to every one in general,
      It is grief to every wretched person,
      It is a great evil,—his loss.

      Loss is Ua Calmain, etc.


Great destruction on people and cattle in this year.


Flaithbertach Ua Flaithbertaigh, prior of Dun-Geimhin, rested in peace.


Gilla-Patraic Ua Falachtaigh, herenagh of Dun-Cruithne, died.


Muircertach Ua Flaithbertaigh died.


A treacherous foray by the Cenel-Conaill into Ui-Fhearannain and into Clann-Diarmata, so that they seized cows and killed people. The Clann-Diarmata and the Ui-Fhairennain and the Ui-Gailmredhaigh overtook them, so that a countless number of them were slain and a multitude were drowned.


A hosting by Hugo De Lacy with the Foreigners of Meath and of Leinster into Telach-oc, so that churches and crops were burned. And they took not the pledges or hostages of Aedh Ua Neill on that occasion.


A hosting by Hugo


De Lacy into Ciannachta, so that he burned the churches of all Ciannachta and seized cows to a countless number.


The successor of St. Patrick went to the court of the king of the Saxons to succour the churches of Ireland and to accuse the Foreigners of Ireland.