Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Annals of Ulster (Author: [unknown])

Year U1201


([A.M.] 5405 [A.D. 1201].) Kalends of Jan. on 2nd feria, 24th of the moon, A.D. 1201.


Ruaidhri Mac Duinnsleibhe [Ua Eochada], king of Ulidia and candle of championship of all Ireland, was killed by the Foreigners, to wit, through the miracles of Paul and Peter and Patrick whom he dishonoured.


Tomaltach Ua Conchobair, successor of Patrick and arch primate of all Ireland for wisdom and piety, rested in peace.


Expulsion of Cathal Red-hand Ua Conchobuir and coronation of Cathal Carrach in his stead (Or perhaps it is in this [preceding] year above the expulsion of Cathal Red-hand comes.).


A hosting by Aedh Ua Neill in aid of Cathal Red-hand with the Men of Magh-Itha and with the Airghialla, until they came to Tech-Baithin of Airtech. They turned there until they came to Es-dara and Cathal Carrach with the nobles of Connacht and William [de] Burgh with the Foreigners of Limerick along with him overtook them. And the North of Ireland was defeated and Ua Eicnigh, arch-king of Airgialla and many others were lost.


A hosting by John De Courcy with the Foreigners and the son of Ugo De Lacy with the Foreigners of Meath in aid of Cathal Red-hand, until they reached Cell-mic-Duach.


Then came Cathal Carrach with the Connachtmen along with him and they engaged in battle and the Foreigners of Ulidia and Meath were defeated. The place wherein were the five battalions, there came not therefrom but two battalions of them.


Aedh Ua Neill was deposed by the Cenel-Eogain and the coronation of Conchobar Mac Lachlainn [was effected] by them. And he made a foray into Tir-Ennai, so that he took away cows innumerable and killed people. Then came Eicnechan Ua Domnaill with the fleet of Cenel-Conaill and with their host on land, so that they formed a camp at Gaeth-in-cairrgin. Thereafter came the Clann-Diarmata to Port-rois on the other side, to act against the fleet. After that, there were sent against them the thirteen ships full of the host, so that [the battle] went against the Clann-Diarmata. Thereupon Mac Lachlainn (namely, Conchubhur the Little) came to their aid, until his horse was wounded and he fell of that fall by the Cenel-Conaill, in reparation of [St.] Colum-cille and of his successor and of his Shrine that he dishonoured. And through the same miracle Conchobur killed Murchadh Ua Crichain, king of Ui-Fiachrach.


(Conchubhar na Glaisfheine U[a] Ruairc was drowned.)