Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Annals of Ulster (Author: [unknown])

Year U1029


Kalends of January fourth feria, twelfth of the moon. AD 1029.


Donn Sléibe son of Brogorbán, king of Uí Fhailgi, was killed by his own people.


Donnchad ua Donnacáin, king of Fernmag, and In Gerc's son, king of Conaille, fell by one another in Cell Shléibe.


Brian ua Conchobuir, heir designate of Connacht, was killed by his own people.


Aed ua Ruairc and Aengus ua hAengusa and the superior of Druim Cliab and three score people with them were burned in Inis na Lainne.


Muirchertach ua Maíl Doraid was killed by the Uí Chanannáin.


Amlaíb son of Sitriuc, king of the foreigners, was held prisoner by Mathgamain ua Riacáin, king of Brega, and as his ransom he gave up 1,200 cows and six score Welsh horses and sixty ounces of gold and the sword of Carlus and Irish pledges both of Laigin and Conn's Half, and sixty ounces of pure silver; and four score cows was the portion of the award and the bequest, with four pledges, to ua Riacáin himself for peace, and full compensation for the release of one of the three pledges.


Mael Coluim son of Mael Brigte son of Ruaidrí, and Mael Brigte ua Brolcháin, chief artificer of Ireland, died.