Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Annals of Ulster (Author: [unknown])

Year U983


Kalends of January
. AD 982 alias 983.


Cormac son of Mael Ciaráin, successor of Mo-Chutu, and Muiredach son of Muirecán, prior of Ard Macha, die.


Mael Sechnaill, son of Domnall, and Glún Iairn, son of Amlaíb, inflicted a battle-rout on Domnall Claen, king of Laigin, and Ímar of Port Láirge, in which fell Gilla Pátraic son of Ímar and others—many being drowned or slain. (Gilla Pátraic son of Amlaíb).


Aed ua Mothráin, successor of Da-Sinchell, was fatally wounded and died.