Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: L202000

Exegesis on the Four Evangelists

Author: [unknown]

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Electronic edition compiled by Donnchadh Ó Corráin

Funded by University College, Cork.

2. Second draft.

Proof corrections by Donnchadh Ó Corráin

Extent of text: 1110 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—

(1996) (2008)

Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: L202000

Availability [RESTRICTED]

Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.


    Manuscript sources
  1. London, British Library, Harley 1802 (also known as the Gospels of Mael Brigte), written in Armagh in 1138 by Mael Brigte Ua Mael Uanaig (see further Jean Ritmueller, The gospel commentary of Mael Brigte ua Maeluanaig and its Hiberno-Latin background', Peritia 2 (1983) 185–214; Jennifer O'Reilly, 'The Hiberno-Latin traditions of the Evangelists and the Gospel of Mael Brigte', Peritia 9 (1995) 290–309).
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Seán Connolly, Diplomatic transcript of Harleian manuscript 1802. f 9r. in Peritia, Ed. Donnchadh Ó Corráin. volume 9 (1995) page 305–306


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

This document represents pp 305–306 of the published edition. The text is exactly as in the printed work except for the following: the editor's corrections, in footnotes in the published text, have been intregrated in the text and tagged as corrections. The line-breaks and hyphenation of the published text (there used to indicate where the scribe has carried over words into the next line) have been retained except lines 7–8 (evang|gelia) and 12–13 (comporan|tur) where the carried-over portion is brought back in order to mark the whole word for correction. Editorial expansions of manuscript suspensions are tagged.

Editorial Declaration


Text has been thoroughly checked and proof-read. All corrections are tagged.


The electronic text represents the printed text. In regard to capitalisation, the editor's practice has been followed exactly.


There are no quotations.


The line-breaks and hyphenation of the published text (there used to indicate where the scribe has carried over words into the next line) have been retained except lines 7–8 (evang|gelia) and 12–13 (comporan|tur) where the carried-over portion is brought back in order to mark the whole word for correction.


div0=the text; there are no other divisions. Page-breaks are marked using pb n="", line-breaks are marked lb n="".


Names of persons (given names) are tagged.

Canonical References

The n attribute of each text in this corpus carries a unique identifying number for the whole text.

The title of the text is held as the first head element within each text.

div0 is reserved for the text.

Page-numbers of the printed text are tagged pb n="nn". A canonical reference can be made from the pb and lbnumbers.

Profile Description

Created: By an Irish biblical commentator. Date range: c.1100–1138.

Use of language

Language: [LA] The text is in Latin.

Revision History