This passage, Dr. Todd ( St. Patrick, 362) considered to be the origin of the absurd story that Patrick was of Jewish descent. See Vita 4ta, c. 1. See also the Book of Leinster, p. 353 of the facsimile, col. 4, where the story is thus given: Do maccaib Israhel immorro cofhír do Patraic. Acht dia ro-esróided maiccne Israhel o Thit ocus o Uespasian fo chethair aird in domain fodaere in digail fola Crist, isand do-riacht a bunud co Bretnu. Is ar bunad Patraic do maccaib Israhel do-rat Dia tigernus basti ocus cretmi in hErinn ocus innarbba demna. (‘However, of the sons of Israel Patrick was verily. But when the children of Israel were scattered by Titus and Vespasian in bondage throughout the four quarters of the world, in revenge for Christ's blood, then did Patrick's stock come to Britain. Because Patrick's stock is of the sons of Israel, God gave him lordship of baptism and faith in Ireland and expulsion of demons.’)

From The Confession of Saint Patrick (Author: St Patrick), p.357 MS [A] folio 22, a 1 Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
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