Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: L201053

Sermons of Columbanus

Author: Columbanus Hibernus

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

G. S. M. Walker

Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber

Funded by University College, Cork and
Professor Marianne McDonald via the CELT Project

1. First draft, revised and corrected.

Extent of text: 14 500 words


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Text ID Number: L201053

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Copyright for the printed edition rests with the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.


    Primary Manuscripts
  1. (T) Turin Bibliotheca Nazionale G. V. 38 (s. IX-X). This contains, at fo1. 90v to fo1. 125, the thirteen Sermons.
  2. (Ti) Turin Bibliotheca Nazionale G. VII. 16 (s. IX2) contains the Sermons at fol. 13v-59.
  3. (M) St. Gall Stiftsbibliothek 1346 (s. XVII) contains the same Sermons as (Ti), plus some dubious material.
  4. (R) Rome Bibliotheca Vaticana Reg. 140 (s. IX/X), from Fleury-sur-Loire, contains at foll. 78-82 the third and eleventh Sermons.
  5. (D) Paris Bibliothèque Nationale lat. 17188 (s. XVII) contains the same four works as (R) at pp. 153-9.
  6. (H) Paris Bibliothèque Nationale 13440 (s. VIII) contains the fifth Sermon, at foll. 97-100.
  7. (K) Zürich Kantonsbibliothek Rh. hist. 28 (s. IX) contains the fifth Sermon, at foll. 109v-111.
  8. (G) St. Gall Stiftsbibliothek 915 (s. X) contains the fifth Sermon, at foll. 167-9.
  9. (E) München Staatsbibliothek 14949 (Em. w. 6) (s. XV) contains the fifth Sermon, at foll. 16-17.
  10. (Lambda) Bamberg Lit. 143 (olim B VI 15) (s. XII) contains the fifth Sermon, at foll. 63v-64v.
  11. (Sigma) Salzburg St. Peterstift b IX 20 (s. XV) contains the fifth Sermon, at foll. 6-6v.
  12. MS Bamberg, 127 (s. XII) contains the fifth Sermon, (cf. Walker, Opera xli) the foll. are not given.
  13. München Clm. 14470 has 'a condensed version of fifth and sixth Sermons', at foll. 102r-104r.
  14. Admont Stiftsbibl. 331 (s. XIII), fol. 43. contains the fifth Sermon.
    Editions and Translations
  1. Otto Seebaß edited the third and eleventh Sermons, together with the dubious tracts De homine misero. and in De VIII vitiis principalibus, in Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 14 (1894) 76 ff.
    Secondary Literature (cf. Walker, Opera, lxxxiii-lxxxv and Lapidge, Columbanus, 287-304)
  1. Patricius Fleming, Collectanea Sacra seu S. Columbani Hiberni abbatis ... necnon aliorum aliquot e Veteri itidem Scotia seu Hibernia antiquorum sanctorum acta et opuscula, Louvain 1667.
  2. Dom Grappin, Histoire de l'Abbaye Royale de Luxeuil (unpublished eighteenth-century manuscript, Bibliothèque Municipale de Besançon, Fonds de l'Académie, no. 32).
  3. Dom Guillo, Histoire de l'illustre Abbaye de Luxueil (1725; unpublished manuscript, Bibliothèque Municipale de Vesoul, No. 190).
  4. P. L. della Torre, Vita di S. Colombano (1728).
  5. G. C. Knottenbelt, Disputatio historico-theologica de Columbano, Leyden 1839.
  6. A. Digot, St. Colomban et Luxeuil, L'Austrasie 1840.
  7. A. Gianelli, Vita de s. Colombano abbate, Turin 1844.
  8. W. F. Besser, Der heil. Columban, Leipzig 1857.
  9. Dom de Villiers, Eductum e tenebris Luxovium (1864; unpublished manuscript in Archives, Dept. de la Haute-Saône).
  10. K. J. Greith, Die heil. Glaubensboten Kolumban und Gall und ihre Stellung in der Urgeschichte St. Gallens, St. Gallen 1865.
  11. J. A. Zimmermann, Die heil. Columban und Gallus nach ihrem Leben und Wirken geschildert, St. Gallen 1866.
  12. P. F. Moran, 'An Irish Missionary and his work', Irish Ecclesiastical Record (1869).
  13. G. Hertel, 'Über des heil. Columba Leben und Schriften, besonders über seine Klosterregel', in: Zeitschrift für die historische Theologie 45 (1875) 396–454.
  14. G. Hertel, 'Anmerkung zur Geschichte Columbas', Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 3 (1879) 145–150.
  15. Otto Seebaß, Über Columba von Luxeuils Klosterregel und Bußbuch, Dresden 1883.
  16. B. MacCarthy, Irish Eccleciastical Record 5 (1884), 771; on the date of Columban's death.
  17. Albert Hauck, 'Über die sogenannte Instructiones Columbani', Zeitschrift für kirchliche Wissenschaft und kirchliches Leben 6 (1885) 357–64.
  18. Clemens Blume and G. M. Dreves (edd.), Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi, 55 vols., Leipzig 1886–1922.
  19. Clemens Blume, 'Hymnodia Hiberno-Celtica saeculi V.–IX.' in: Clemens Blume and G. M. Dreves (edd.) Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi, LI 259–365.
  20. S. Vincent, St. Colomban, Paris 1887.
  21. Wilhelm Gundlach, 'Über die Columban-Briefe 1. Die prosaischen Briefe', Neues Archiv 15 (1890) 497–526.
  22. J. von Pflugk-Harttung, 'The Old Irish on the Continent', Royal Historical Society Transactions, new series V, (1891) 75–102.
  23. Otto Seebaß, 'Über die Handschriften der Sermonen und Briefe Columbas von Luxeuil', Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde 17 (1892) 245–59.
  24. Otto Seebaß, 'Über die sogenannte Instructiones Columbani', Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 13 (1892) 513–34.
  25. Otto Seebaß, 'Das Poenitentiale Columbani', Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 14 (1894) 430–48.
  26. Wilhelm Gundlach, 'Zu den Columban-Briefen: eine Entgegnung', Neues Archiv 17 (1892) 425–9.
  27. A. Malnory, Quid Luxovienses monachi discipuli S. Columbani ad regulam monasteriorum atque ad communem ecclesiae profectum contulerint, Paris 1894.
  28. H. Beaumont, Étude historique sur l'abbaye de Luxeuil, Luxeuil 1895.
  29. L. Dedieu, Colomban, législateur de la vie monastique, Cahors 1901.
  30. Bruno Krusch (ed.), 'Vitae S. Galli', Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores Rerum Merovingicarum, iv (1902) 229–337.
  31. T .J. Shahan, 'St. Columbanus at Luxeuil', American Catholic Quarterly Review (Jan. 1902).
  32. C. W. Bispham, Columban, saint, monk, and missionary, New York 1903.
  33. G. Bonet-Maury, 'S. Colomban et la fondation des monastères irlandaises en Brie au VIIe siècle', Revue Historique 83 (1903) 277–99.
  34. Bruno Krusch (ed.), 'Ionae Vitae Columbani', Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores Rerum Merovingicarum, iv (1902); separatim ed. (1905).
  35. Louis Gougaud, in: Annales de Bretagne 22 (1906–7) 327–43; on Columban's itinerary to France.
  36. Heinrich Zimmer, in: Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 14 (1909) 391–400; on Columban's route to France.
  37. W. T. Leahy, Columbanus the Celt, Philadelphia 1913.
  38. G. Metlake, 'Jonas of Bobbio', Ecclesiastical Review 48 (1913) 563–74.
  39. G. Metlake, 'St. Columban and the School of Luxeuil', Ecclesiastical Review 49 (1913) 533–52.
  40. J. J. Laux, Der heil. Kolumban, sein Leben und seine Schriften, Freiburg 1919; (trans. G. Metlake) Life and Writings of St. Columban, Philadelphia 1914.
  41. H. Concannon, Life of Saint Columban, Dublin 1915.
  42. H. Concannon, 'St. Columban, apostle of peace and penance', Studies 4 (1915) 513–26.
  43. J. J. O'Gorman, St. Columban, (privately printed) Ottawa 1915.
  44. A. B. Scott, 'St. Columbanus', Transactions, Gaelic Society of Inverness (1915) 50ff.
  45. D. Cambiaso, 'San Colombano, sua opera e suo culto in Liguria', Rivista diocesana Genovese 6 (1916) 121–5.
  46. G. Domenici, 'San Colombano', Civiltà Cattolica (1916).
  47. P. Lugnano, 'San Colombano, monaco e scrittore', Rivista Storica Benedittina 11 (1916) 5–46.
  48. Aubrey Gwynn, in: Studies 7 (1918) 474–84; on the date of Columban's birth.
  49. P. Buzzi, Colombano d'Irlande; il santo ed il poeta, Locchi 1921.
  50. E. Martin, St. Columban, Paris 1905; 3rd edn 1921.
  51. Louis Gougaud, in: Revue Celtique 39 (1922) 211–14; on the cult of St. Columban.
  52. Louis Gougaud (trans. V. Collins), Gaelic Pioneers of Christianity, Dublin 1923.
  53. J. Rivière, 'St. Colomban et le jugement du Pape hérétique', Revue des Sciences Réligieuses, Paris, 3 (1923) 277ff.
  54. Chanoine Bouhélier, Saint Colomban, Luxeuil 1924.
  55. P. Chauvin, Saint Colomban, Fondateur de l'Abbaye de Luxeuil, Luxeuil 1924.
  56. F. Cabrol, Luxeuil et Saint Colomban, Luxeuil 1926.
  57. E. J. MacCarthy, St. Columban, Nebraska, New York 1927; a reprint of Montalembert, with added critical studies.
  58. E. J. MacCarthy, 'Shrines of St. Columban in Europe', Far East (July 1927).
  59. J. F. Kenney, The Sources for the Early History of Ireland. I: Ecclesiastical. An Introduction and Guide, New York 1929, 186ff.; revised impression By Ludwig Bieler, 1966.
  60. J. Roussel, 'Itinéraire suivi par St. Colomban d'Irlande en Gaule', Bulletin de l'Académie des Sciences, Belles-lettres et Arts de Besançon (1930) 128–44.
  61. N. Grimaldi, 'S. Colombano ed Agilulfo', Archivio Storico Prov. Parm. 39 (1931).
  62. Mario Esposito, 'The ancient Bobbio catalogue', Journal of Theological Studies 32 (1931) 337–44.
  63. J. Guiraud, 'L'Action civilatrice de Saint Colomban et de ses moines dans la Gaule Mérovingienne', 31st International Eucharistic Congress, Dublin 1932, ii, 180–9.
  64. Louis Gougaud, 'Sur les routes de Rome et sur le Rhin avec les 'peregrini' insulaires', Revue de l'Histoire Ecclésiastique 29.1 (1933) 253–71.
  65. C. G. Mor, 'San Colombano e la politica ecclesiastica de Agilulfo', Bolletino di Storia Piacentina 28 (1933) 49–58.
  66. J. F. O'Doherty, 'St. Columbanus and the Roman See', Irish Ecclesiastical Record, series V, 42 (1933) 1–10.
  67. H. Bresslau (ed.), 'Miracula S. Columbani', Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores, 30. 2 (1934) 993–1015.
  68. L. Kilger, 'Kolumban und Gallus in Tuggen', Heimatkunde vom Linthgebiet Uznach 1939, 28–39 and 41–48.
  69. F. Blanke, Columban und Gallus, Zürich 1940.
  70. J. Roussel, St. Colomban et l'Épopée Colombanienne, 2 vols., Besançon 1941–2.
  71. P. Salmon, 'Le Lectionnaire de Luxeuil', Revue Bénédictine 53 (1941) 89–107.
  72. J. B. Gai, 'L'influence de St. Colomban sur la Société Mérovingienne', Vie Spirituelle 67 (1942) 366–89.
  73. L. Kilger, 'Die Quellen zum Leben der heil. Columban und Gallus', Zeitschrift für schweizer. Kirchengeschichte 36 (1942) 107–120.
  74. G. Vinay, 'Interpretazione de S. Colombano', Bolletino storico-bibliografico subalpino 46 (1948) 5–30.
  75. D. Chute, 'On St. Columban of Bobbio', Downside Review 47 (1949), 170ff and 304ff.
  76. Jean Laporte, 'S. Colomban, son âme et sa vie', Mélanges de Science Réligieuse, Lille 1949, 49–56.
  77. G. S. M. Walker, 'On the use of Greek words in the writings of St. Columbanus of Luxeuil', Archiuum Latinitas Medii Aeui (Bulletin Du Cange) 21 (1949/50) 117–31.
  78. M. Henry-Rosier, St. Colomban dans la Barbarie Mérovingienne, Paris 1950.
  79. E. J. MacCarthy, 'Portrait of St. Columban', Irish Ecclesiastical Record 74 (1950) 110–15.
  80. Marguerite Marie Dubois (ed.), Mélanges Colombaniens, Actes du Congrès international de Luxeuil, 20-23 juillet 1950, Paris 1951.
  81. Jean Laporte, 'Étude d'authenticité des oeuvres attribuées à saint Colomban', Revue Mabillon 45 (1955) 1–28; 46 (1956) 1–14.
  82. E. Franceschini, [review of Opera, ed. and transl. Walker] Aevum 31 (1957) 281–3.
  83. J. O'Carroll, 'The chronology of saint Columbanus', Irish Theological Quarterly 24 (1957) 76–95.
  84. Heinz Löwe, [review of Walker, Opera] Theologische Literaturzeitung 83 (1958) 685–7.
  85. Anscari Mundó, 'L'édition des oeuvres de S. Colomban', Scriptorium 12 (1958) 289–93.
  86. M. L. W. Laistner, [review of Walker, Opera] Speculum 34 (1959) 341–3.
  87. Mario Esposito, 'On the new edition of the Opera Sancti Columbani', Classica & Mediaevalia 21 (1960) 184–203.
  88. R. L. P. Milburn, [review of Walker, Opera] Medium Aevum 29 (1960) 25–7.
  89. Marguerite Marie Dubois, Saint Colomban, Un Pionnier de la civilisation occidentale, Paris 1950 (translated with additional notes by James O'Caroll: Saint Columban, A pioneer of Western civilization, Dublin 1961).
  90. Ludwig Bieler, 'Editing Saint Columbanus. A reply, Classica & Mediaevalia 22 (1961) 139–50.
  91. Ludwig Bieler, [review of J. Laporte (ed.), Le Pénitentiel de Saint Colomban] Journal of Theological Studies, new series 12 (1961) 106–12.
  92. C. Mohrmann, 'The earliest Continental Irish Latin', Vigiliae Christianae 16 (1962) 216–33.
  93. Valeria Polonio, Il monasterio di San Colombano di Bobbio dalla fondazione all'epoca carolingia, Genova 1962.
  94. M. Tosi, 'Il commentario di san Colombano ai Salmi', Columba 1 (1963) 3–14.
  95. G. F. Rossi, 'Il commento di san Colombano ai Salmi ritrovato a Bobbio in un codice della fine del secolo XII', Divus Thomas 67 (1964) 89–93.
  96. Friedrich Prinz, Frühes Mönchtum im Frankenreich: Kultur und Gesellschaft in Gallien, den Rheinlanden und Bayern am Beispiel der monastischen Entwicklung (4. bis 8. Jahrhundert), München 1965.
  97. M. Tosi (ed. and transl.), Vita Columbani et discipulorum eius, Piacenza 1965.
  98. A. Quacquarelli, 'La prosa d'arte di S. Colombano', Vetera Christianorum 3 (1966) 5–24.
  99. P. Engelbert, 'Zur Frühgeschichte des Bobbieser Skriptoriums', Revue Bénédictine 78 (1968) 220–60.
  100. Ludwig Bieler, [review of Smit, Studies] Latomus 31 (1971) 896–901.
  101. Johannes Wilhelmus Smit, Studies on the Language and Style of Columba the Younger (Columbanus), Amsterdam 1971.
  102. A. Önnefors, 'Die Latinität Columbas des Jüngeren in neuem Licht', Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 83 (1972) 52–60.
  103. B. Vollmann, [review of Smit, Studies] Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 15 (1972) 210–14.
  104. A. Quacquarelli, 'La prosa di san Colombano', in: Colombano, pioniere di civilizzazione cristiana europea. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi colombaniani, Bobbio, 28–30 agosto 1965, Bobbio 1973, 23–41.
  105. Tomás Ó Fiaich, Columbanus in his own words, Dublin 1974.
  106. J. J. O'Meara and B. Naumann (edd.), Latin Script and Letters A.D. 400–900: Festschrift presented to Ludwig Bieler, Leiden 1976.
  107. Michael Winterbottom, 'Columbanus and Gildas', Vigiliae Christianae 30 (1976) 310–17.
  108. Michael Lapidge, 'The authorship of the adonic verses Ad Fidolium attributed to Columbanus', Studi Medievali, 3rd series, 18 (1977) 815–80.
  109. M. W. Herren, 'Classical and secular learning among the Irish before the Carolingian Renaissance', Florilegium 3 (1981) 118–57.
  110. M. W. Herren (ed.), Insular Latin Studies: Papers on Latin Texts and Manuscripts of the British Isles: 550–1066, Toronto 1981.
  111. Heinz Löwe, 'Columbanus und Fidolius', Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 37 (1981) 1–19.
  112. Friedrich Prinz, 'Columbanus, the Frankish nobility and the territories east of the Rhine', in: H. B. Clarke and Mary Brennan (edd.), Columbanus and Merovingian Monasticism, Oxford 1981, 73–87.
  113. Pierre Riché, 'Columbanus, his followers and the Merovingian church', in: H. B. Clarke and Mary Brennan (edd.), Columbanus and Merovingian Monasticism, Oxford 1981, 59–72.
  114. Ian Wood, 'A prelude to Columbanus: the monastic achievement in the Burgundian territories', in: H. B. Clarke and Mary Brennan (edd.), Columbanus and Merovingian Monasticism, Oxford 1981, 3–32.
  115. Kate Dooley, 'From penance to confession: The Celtic contribution', Bijdragen: Tijdschrift voor Philosophie en Theologie 43 (1982) 390–411.
  116. Heinz Löwe (ed.), Die Iren und Europa im früheren Mittelalter, 2 vols., Stuttgart 1982.
  117. Peter Christian Jacobsen, 'Carmina Columbani', in: Heinz Löwe (ed.), Die Iren und Europa, I, 434–67.
  118. John J. Contreni, 'The Irish in the western Carolingian empire (according to James F. Kenney and Bern, Burgerbibliothek 363)' in: Die Iren und Europa, ed. Löwe, II, 758–98.
  119. Fidel Rädle, 'Die Kenntnis der antiken lateinischen Literatur bei den Iren in der Heimat und auf dem Kontinent', in: H.Löwe (ed.), Die Iren und Europa im früheren Mittelalter, Stuttgart 1982, vol.I, 484–500.
  120. K. Schäferdiek, 'Columbans Wirken im Frankenreich', in: H.Löwe (ed.), Die Iren und Europa im früheren Mittelalter, Stuttgart 1982, vol.I, 171–201.
  121. Ian Wood, 'The Vita Columbani and Merovingian hagiography', Peritia 1 (1982) 63–80.
  122. Proinséas Ní Chatháin and Michael Richter (edd.), Ireland and Europe: the Early Church, Stuttgart 1984.
  123. Michael Lapidge, 'Columbanus and the "Antiphonary of Bangor"', Peritia 4 (1985) 104–16.
  124. Michael Lapidge and Richard Sharpe, A Bibliography of Celtic-Latin Literature 400–1200 (Dubin 1985).
  125. D. R. Howlett, 'Two works of Columban', Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 28 (1993) 27–46.
  126. R. Stanton, 'Columbanus, Letter 1. Translation and Commentary', The Journal of Medieval Latin 3 (1993) 149–68.
  127. P. T. R. Gray and M. W. Herren, 'Columbanus and the Three Chapters controversy – a new approach', Journal of Theological Studies, new series 45 (1994) 160–70.
  128. D. R. Howlett, 'The earliest Irish writers at home and abroad', Peritia 8 (1994) 1–17.
  129. Ian Wood, The Merovingian Kingdoms 450–751, London 1994.
  130. James P. Mackey, 'The theology of St Columbanus'. In Próinséas Ní Chatháin and Michael Richter (eds.), Irland und Europa im früheren Mittelalter: Bildung und Literatur, Stuttgart 1996, 228-39.
  131. Michael Lapidge (ed.), Columbanus: studies on the Latin writings, Woodbridge, UK/Rochester, New York, USA 1997.
  132. Donald Bullough, 'The career of Columbanus', in: Michael Lapidge (ed.), Columbanus: studies on the Latin writings, 1–28.
  133. Neil Wright, 'Columbanus's Epistulae', in: Michael Lapidge (ed.), Columbanus: studies on the Latin writings, 29–92.
  134. Clare Stancliffe, 'The thirteen sermons attributed to Columbanus and the question of their authorship', in: Michael Lapidge (ed.), Columbanus: studies on the Latin writings,93–202.
  135. Jane Barbara Stevenson 'The monastic rules of Columbanus', in: Michael Lapidge (ed.), Columbanus: studies on the Latin writings, 203–216.
  136. T.M. Charles-Edwards, 'The penitential of Columbanus', in: Michael Lapidge (ed.), Columbanus: studies on the Latin writings, 217–239.
  137. Dieter Schaller, ''De mundi transitu': a rhythmical poem by Columbanus?', in: Michael Lapidge (ed.), Columbanus: studies on the Latin writings, 240–254.
  138. Michael Lapidge, ''Precamur patrem': an Easter hymn by Columbanus?', in: Michael Lapidge (ed.), Columbanus: studies on the Latin writings, 255–263.
  139. Dáibhí Ó Cróinín, 'The computistical work of Columbanus', in: Michael Lapidge (ed.), Columbanus: studies on the Latin writings, 264–270.
  140. Michael Lapidge, 'The Oratio S. Columbani', in: Michael Lapidge (ed.), Columbanus: studies on the Latin writings, 271–273.
  141. Michael Lapidge, 'Epilogue: Did Columbanus compose metrical verse?', in: Michael Lapidge (ed.), Columbanus: studies on the Latin writings, 274–285.
  142. Charles Clement O'Brien, Exegesis, Scripture and the Easter Question in the Letters of Columbanus, unpublished M. Phil. Thesis, National University of Ireland, Cork, Department of History 1998.
  143. T. M. Charles-Edwards, Early Christian Ireland, Cambridge: CUP 2000, 344–390; on Columbanus and his disciples.
  144. Pier Franco Beatrice, "Hermagorica novitas. La testimonianza di Colombano sullo scisma dei Tre Capitoli", in: S. Tavano, G. Bergamini, S. Cavazza (eds.), Aquileia e il suo Patriarcato (Pubblicazioni della Deputazione di Storia Patria per il Friuli, 29) Udine 2000, 75–93. [This reference was kindly supplied by Dr Pier Franco Beatrice].
  145. Damian Bracken, 'Authority and Duty: Columbanus and the Primacy of Rome', Peritia 16 (2002) 168-213. (available at CELT.)
  146. Fergus Clifford, 'Columbanus and the theme of leadership: a monastic perspective' unpublished M. Phil Thesis, National University of Ireland, Cork, Department of History 2002. [This reference was kindly supplied by Dr Damian Bracken.]
    The edition used in the digital edition.
  1. Sancti Columbani Opera (Scriptores Latini Hiberniae Vol. II). G. S. M. Walker (ed), First edition [xciv + 247 pp.] The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Dublin (1957 [repr. 1970])


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