Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G800011F

Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála

Author: [unknown]

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Anne O'Sullivan

Electronic edition compiled by Dara Mac Domhnaill , Beatrix Färber

Funded by School of History, University College, Cork and
The HEA via PRTLI 4

1. first draft, revised and corrected.

Extent of text: 62278 words


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Text ID Number: G800011F

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Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

Copyright for the printed edition rests with the School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin. The electronic edition was compiled with the kind permission of the copyright owner.


    Manuscript source
  1. Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS 1339 (H 2.18, Book of Leinster) T. K. Abbott and E. J. Gwynn (eds.) Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College Dublin (Dublin 1921) 158–161.
  1. Robert Atkinson (ed.) The Book of Leinster sometime called the Book of Glendalough with introduction, analysis of contents, and index (Dublin 1880).
  2. R. I. Best, Osborn Bergin, M. A. O'Brien and Anne O'Sullivan (eds.) The book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála (6 volumes) (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1954–1983).
    Editions and translations of individual LL texts
  1. Charles O'Conor (ed.) Rerum hibernicarum scriptores veteres (Buckingham 1814) vol. 1, xxxi–xlii.
  2. John O'Donovan (ed. & trans.) The enumeration of the House of Tara, in: George Petrie, On the history and antiquities of Tara Hill, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 18, pt. 2 (Dublin 1837) 188–93.
  3. John O'Donovan (ed. & trans.) Suidigud Taigi Midchuardda, in: George Petrie, On the history and antiquities of Tara Hill, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 18, pt. 2 (Dublin 1837) 199–204.
  4. James Henthorn Todd (ed. & trans.) Can a mbunadas na nGaedel, in: idem (ed.) Leabhar breathnach annso sis: the Irish version of the Historia Britonum by Nennius (Dublin 1848) 220–287.
  5. Eugene O'Curry (ed. & trans.) Lectures on the manuscript materials of ancient Irish history (Dublin 1861) 476–494, 501, 583, 637–642.
  6. Whitley Stokes (ed.) Fragment of Cormac's Glossary, in: Three Irish Glossaries (London 1862) 44.
  7. James Henthorn Todd (ed. & trans.) Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh: The war of the Gaedhil with the Gaill (London 1867).
  8. William M. Hennessy (ed. & trans.) Noenden Ulad & Emuin Macha, in: Samuel Ferguson, Congal, a poem (Dublin 1873)
  9. Eugene O'Curry (trans.) Ilían caslióir Solman, in: idem, On the manners and customs of the ancient Irish (Dublin 1873) vol. 3, 14.
  10. W. K. Sullivan (ed. & trans.) The fight of Ferdiad and Cuchulaind: an episode from the ancient tale of the Táin Bó Chuailnge, or the Cattle Prey of Cooley, in Eugene O'Curry, On the manners and customs of the ancient Irish (Dublin 1873) vol. 3, 413–463.
  11. J. O'Beirne Crowe (ed. & trans.) The Dind-shenchus of Eriu, in Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland Journal 4 Ser. II (1874) 170–77.
  12. Brian O'Looney (ed. & trans.) Suidigud Taigi Midchuardda, in: John T. Gilbert (ed.) Account of facsimiles of National Manuscripts of Ireland (London 1878) pt. 2, 53.
  13. Whitley Stokes (ed. & trans.) Eclais Dé bí, in: idem (ed.) On the calendar of Oengus (Dublin 1880) iv.
  14. Ernst Windisch (ed.) Longes mac n-Uislenn, Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch (Leipzig 1880) 67–82.
  15. Ernst Windisch (ed.) Scéla Mucce meic Datho, Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch (Leipzig 1880) 93–112.
  16. Whitley Stokes (ed. & trans.) The Destruction of Troy (Calcutta 1881).
  17. Thomas Olden (trans.) On the geography of Ros Ailither, in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 3 Ser. (1884) 219–252.
  18. Ernst Windisch (ed.) Die irische Sage Noiden Ulad, Berichte der Königl. sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 36 (1884) 336–347.
  19. Ernst Windisch (ed.) Ein mittelirisches Kunstgedicht über die Geburt des Königs Aed Sláne, Berichte der Königl. sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 36 (1884) 191–243.
  20. Whitley Stokes (ed. & trans.) Find and the phantoms, Revue Celtique 26 (1886) 289–307.
  21. Henri d'Arbois de Jubainville (ed. & trans.) Ind ingen colach, Revue Celtique 8 (1887) 150–156, 403.
  22. Whitley Stokes (ed. & trans.) Incipit do flathiusaib Herend, in: idem (ed.) Tripartite Life of Patrick, App. 18 (London 1887) 512.
  23. Whitley Stokes (ed. & trans.) Annalad anall uile, in: idem (ed.) Tripartite Life of Patrick, vol. 2 (London 1887) 530–541.
  24. Whitley Stokes (ed.) The Siege of Howth, Revue Celtique 8 (1887) 47–64.
  25. Whitley Stokes (ed.) Annals from the Book of Leinster, A.D. 457–1189, with a translation of the Irish, in the Tripartite Life of Patrick (Rerum Britannicarum medii aevi scriptores, 89) (1887) 512–29.
  26. Ernst Windisch (ed.) Táin Bó Flidais, Irische Texte, Ser. II. 2 (Leipzig 1887) 206–23.
  27. Henri Gaidoz (trans.) Les trois clercs et le chat, Mélusine 4 (1888) 6–11.
  28. Heinrich Zimmer (ed. & trans.) Aided Derb Fhorgaill, Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum 32 (1888) 217–219.
  29. Heinrich Zimmer (ed. & trans.) Keltische Beiträge 1, Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum 32 (1888) 220–228.
  30. William. M. Hennessy (ed. & trans.) Mesca Ulad, Todd Lecture Series 1 (Dublin 1889).
  31. Ernst Windisch (ed.) De Chophur in dá muccida, Irische Texte, Ser. III.1 (Leipzig 1891) 230–77.
  32. Rudolf Thurneysen (ed.) Mittelirische Verslehren, in Irische Texte Ser. III. (Leipzig 1891) 32–33, 35–36, 57–59, 61–63, 70–71.
  33. Bartholomew MacCarthy (ed. & trans.) Hériu ard inis na rríg, in: Codex Palatino-Vaticanus, Todd Lecture Series 3 (Dublin 1892) 142–213.
  34. Edmund Hogan (ed. & trans.) Cath Ruis na Ríg for Bóinn, Todd Lecture Series 4 (Dublin 1892) 1–59.
  35. Standish Hayes O'Grady (ed.) The Boroma, in: idem (ed.) Silva Gadelica, vol. 1 (London 1892) 359–90.
  36. Standish Hayes O'Grady (ed.) Silva Gadelica, vol. 2 (London 1892) 467–468, 471, 477, 478–482, 485–486, 490, 513, 516, 523–534, 539 [Prose dindshenchas].
  37. Kuno Meyer (ed.) Fingal Rónáin, Revue Celtique 13 (1892) 368–97.
  38. Whitley Stokes (ed.) The Boroma, Revue Celtique 13 (1892) 32–124.
  39. Whitley Stokes (ed.) The Battle of Mag Mucrime, Revue Celtique 13 (1892) 426–74.
  40. Whitley Stokes (ed.) The Violent Deaths of Goll and Garb, Revue Celtique 14 (1893) 396–449.
  41. Eóin Mac Neill (ed. & trans.), Three poems relating to the Battle of Mucrama, in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 3 Ser. (1895) 540–553.
  42. Ernst Windisch (ed.) Tochmarc Ferbe, Irische Texte, Ser. III.2 (Leipzig 1897) 445–548.
  43. Eleanor Hull (ed.) The intoxication of the Ultonians, in: idem (ed.) The Cuchullin Saga in Irish literature (London 1898).
  44. Kuno Meyer (ed. & trans.) The song of the sword of Cerball, Revue Celtique 20 (1899) 7–12.
  45. Georges Dottin (ed. & trans.) Les deux chagrins du royaume du ciel Revue Celtique 21 (1900) 349–387.
  46. T. O. Russell (ed.) An bhoramha Laighean, or, The Leinster tribute (Dublin 1901).
  47. Whitley Stokes (ed.) The Destruction of Dind Ríg, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 3 (1901) 1–14.
  48. A. H. Leahy (trans.) The Courtship of Ferb: an old Irish romance transcribed in the twelfth Century into the Book of Leinster translated into English prose and verse (London 1902).
  49. Whitley Stokes (ed. & trans.) On the deaths of some Irish heroes, Revue Celtique 23 (1902) 303–48, 438; 27 (1906) 202.
  50. Whitley Stokes (ed.) The Songs of Buchet's House, Revue Celtique 25 (1904) 18–39.
  51. Ernst Windisch (ed.) Die altirische Heldensage Táin Bó Cúalnge nach dem Buch von Leinster, Gedruckt mit Unterstützung der Königl. sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Leipzig 1905).
  52. Whitley Stokes (ed.) The Colloquy of the Two Sages, Revue Celtique 26 (1905) 4–64.
  53. Kuno Meyer (ed.) The Death–Tales of the Ulster Heroes (Dublin 1906 repr. 1993) 24–31.
  54. Kuno Meyer (ed. & trans.) A poem by Dallán mc More, Revue Celtique 29 (1908) 210–214.
  55. Whitley Stokes (ed.) Tidings of Conchobar mac Nessa, Ériu 4 (1908) 1–38.
  56. Kuno Meyer (ed. & trans.) Tecosca Cormaic: The instructions of Cormac Mac Airt, Todd Lecture Series 15 (Dublin 1909)
  57. Kuno Meyer (ed. & trans.) Fianaigecht, Todd Lecture Series 16 (Dublin 1910) 46–51. Available on CELT: G303018 (edition) and T303018 (English translation).
  58. Carl Marstrander (ed.) The deaths of Lugaid and Derbforgaill, Ériu 5 (1911) 201–18.
  59. Lucius Gwynn (ed.) De Maccaib Conaire, Ériu 6 (1912) 144–53.
  60. Kuno Meyer (ed. & trans.) Hail Brigit, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 8 (1912) 612.
  61. Tadhg O'Donoghue (ed. & trans.) The O'Conor Don MS, in: Osborn Bergin and Carl Marstrander (eds.) Miscellany presented to Kuno Meyer by some of his friends and pupils on the occasion of his appointment to the chair of Celtic philology in the University of Berlin (Halle 1912) 258–277.
  62. T. P. O'Nolan (ed.) Mór of Munster and the tragic fate of Cuanu son of Cailchin, in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 30, section C (1912–13) 261–82.
  63. Eóin Mac Neill (ed. & trans.) Poems attributed to Flann Mainistrech, Archivium Hibernicum 2 (1913) 48–99.
  64. Joseph Dunn (trans.) The ancient epic tale Táin Bó Cúalnge, the Cúalnge Cattle-raid (London 1914).
  65. Kuno Meyer (ed.) The Guesting of Athirne, Ériu 7 (1914) 1–9.
  66. W. R. Owen (ed. & trans.) Tuathal Techtmar ocus ríge na hÉireann, Ivernian Society Journal 7 (1915) 147–155.
  67. Paul Walsh (ed. & trans.) A poem on Ireland, Ériu 8 (1915) 64–74.
  68. Kuno Meyer (ed. & trans.) Masu de chlaind Echdach aird, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 11 (1916) 107–113.
  69. Tom Peete Cross (ed. & trans.) Laegaire mac Crimthann's visit to Fairyland, Modern Philology 13 (1916) 731–9.
  70. Rudolf Thurneysen (ed. & trans.) Morands Fürstenspiegel, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 11 (1916–17) 56–106, 212, 308.
  71. George Calder (ed.) Auraicept na n-Éces: the scholars' primer [includes text of the Trefhocul from LL] (Edinburgh 1917) 258–269.
  72. Kuno Meyer (ed.) Mitteilungen, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 12 (1918) 377–379.
  73. Kuno Meyer (ed. & trans.) Cú Chorb and Echu Find Fúath nAirt, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 12 (1918) 435–8.
  74. Rudolf Thurneysen (ed. & trans.) Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 12 (1918) 271–280.
  75. Rudolf Thurneysen (ed. & trans.) Morand und sein 'sín', Zur keltischen Literatur und Grammatik, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 12 (1918) 271–280.
  76. Tadhg O'Donoghue (ed. & trans.) Advice to a prince, Ériu 9 (1921) 43–54.
  77. Rudolf Thurneysen, Ailiu íath nhErend, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 17 (1928) 270.
  78. Rudolf Thurneysen, Zu Auraicept na n-Éces, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 17 (1928) 290–303; 19 (1932) 128.
  79. Margaret E. Dobbs (ed. & trans.) The Ban-shenchus, Revue Celtique 67 (1930) 282–339.
  80. Vernam Hull (ed.) The cause of the Exile of Fergus mac Roig, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 18 (1930) 293–8.
  81. Richard Irvine Best and Hugh Jackson Lawlor (eds. and trans.) The Martyrology of Tallaght: from the Book of Leinster and MS. 5100–4 in the Royal Library, Brussels, with introduction, translations, notes and indices (London 1931).
  82. Vernam Hull (ed.) De Gabáil in t-Sída, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 19 (1931) 53–8.
  83. Mary E. Byrne and Myles Dillon (eds.) Táin Bó Fraich (Dublin 1933).
  84. Rudolf Thurneysen (ed.) Scéla Mucce meic Dathó (Dublin 1935, repr. 1975).
  85. Paul Grosjean (ed.) Hagiographica celtica, Analecta Bollandiana 55 (1937) 96–108, 284–99.
  86. J. Carmichael Watson (trans.) Mesca Ulad, Scottish Gaelic Studies 5 (1938) 1–34.
  87. Vernam Hull (ed.) Aided Meidbe: The violent death of Medb, Speculum 13 (1938) 52–61.
  88. R. A. S. Macalister (ed. & trans.) Lebór Gabála: The Book of the Taking of Ireland (Dublin: ITS 1938–41) Part I–IV.
  89. Vernam Hull (ed.) The Exile of Conall Corc, Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 56 (1941) 937–50.
  90. Kenneth Jackson (ed. & trans.) The Adventure of Laeghaire mac Crimthainn, Speculum 17 (1942) 377–89.
  91. Myles Dillon (ed. & trans.) The Yew of the disputing sons, Ériu 14 (1946) 154–65.
  92. Margaret E. Dobbs (ed.) Agallamh Leborchaim, Études Celtiques 5 (1949/51) 154–61.
  93. Vernam Hull (ed. & trans.) Longes mac nUislenn: The Exile of the sons of Uisliu (London 1949).
  94. T. F. O'Rahilly (ed.) Cúán Ua Lothcháin and Corcrán Clérech, Celtica 1 (1950) 313–7.
  95. Margaret E. Dobbs (ed. & trans.) On the graves of Leinster men, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 24 (1954) 139–53.
  96. David Greene (ed.) Fingal Rónáin, in: idem (ed.) Fingal Rónáin and other stories (Dublin: D.I.A.S. 1955) 1–15.
  97. David Greene (ed.) Orgain Denna Ríg, in: idem (ed.) Fingal Rónáin and other stories (Dublin: D.I.A.S. 1955) 16–26.
  98. David Greene (ed.) Esnada tige Buchet, in: idem (ed.) Fingal Rónáin and other stories (Dublin: D.I.A.S. 1955) 27–44.
  99. Gerard Murphy (ed. & trans.) A ben, bennacht fort—ná ráid! By Daniél ua Líathaiti, in: Early Irish lyrics: eighth to twelfth century (Oxford 1956) 6–9.
  100. Christian J. Guyonvarc'h (trans.) La Mort violente de Celtchar fils d'Uthechar, Ogam 10 (1958) 371–80.
  101. Christian J. Guyonvarc'h (trans.) Le Meurtre de Conchobar, Ogam 10 (1958) 129–38.
  102. Christian J. Guyonvarc'h (trans.) La Naissance de Conchobar. Version A, Ogam 11 (1959) 56–65.
  103. Christian J. Guyonvarc'h (trans.) Les exploits d'enfance de Cuchulainn, d'après la version du Táin bó Cualnge du Livre de Leinster, Ogam 11 (1959) 206–15, 325–35.
  104. Paul Grosjean (ed. & trans.) Deux textes inédits sur S. Ibar, Analecta Bollandiana 77 (1959) 426–50.
  105. Christian J. Guyonvarc'h (trans.) L'ivresse des Ulates, Ogam 12 (1960) 487–506; 13 (1961) 343–360.
  106. Myles Dillon (ed. & trans.) Lebor na cert: The Book of rights (Dublin 1962 ITS vol. 46).
  107. M. A. O'Brien (ed.) Corpus genealogiarium Hiberniae, vol. 1 (Dublin: D.I.A.S. 1962).
  108. Seán S. Ó Conghaile (ed.) Is ór nglan, is ném im gréin, in: idem (ed.) Rí na n-uile: Liricí diaga a cumadh idir an 9ú agus an 12ú céad (Baile Átha Cliath 1964) 64–7.
  109. Máirín O'Daly (ed. & trans.) Beir mo scíath, sceo fri úath, Ériu 20 (1966) 191–201.
  110. David Greene and Frank O'Connor (eds. and trans.) Ráithe fó foiss fogamar, in: A golden treasury of Irish poetry, A.D. 600 to 1200 (London 1967) 140–3.
  111. David Greene and Frank O'Connor (eds. and trans.) Cluiche cách, caíne cách, in: A golden treasury of Irish poetry, A.D. 600 to 1200 (London 1967) 174–175.
  112. David Greene and Frank O'Connor (eds. and trans.) Men and women, in: A golden treasury of Irish poetry, A.D. 600 to 1200 (London 1967) 202–204.
  113. Gearóid S. Mac Eoin (ed.) Ein Text von Togail Troí, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 30 (1967) 42–70.
  114. Wolfgang Meid (ed.) Táin bó Fraích (Dublin: D.I.A.S. 1967).
  115. Cecile O'Rahilly (ed. & trans.) Táin bó Cúalnge from the Book of Leinster, (Dublin: D.I.A.S. 1967, repr. 1970).
  116. Máirín O'Daly (ed. & trans.) Úar in lathe do Lum Laine, in: James Carney and David Greene (eds.) Celtic studies: Essays in memory of Angus Matheson (1912–1962) (London 1968) 99–108.
  117. Anne O'Sullivan (ed. & trans.) The O'Moore poems in the book of Leinster, Celtica 8 (1968) 182–6.
  118. H. P. A. Oskamp (ed. & trans.) Mochen, mochen, a Brénaind. By Máel Ísu Ó Brolchán, Éigse 13 (1969/70) 92–8.
  119. Wolfgang Meid (trans.) Die Romanze von Froech und Findabair (Innsbruck 1970).
  120. Vernam Hull (ed.) Four Old-Irish songs of summer and winter, Celtica 9 (1971) 200–1.
  121. Máirín O'Daly (ed.) Cath Maige Mucrama (Dublin 1975) 38–63.
  122. Fergus Kelly (ed. & trans.) Audacht Morainn (Dublin: D.I.A.S. 1976).
  123. Ulrike Roider (ed.) De Chophur in da Muccida (Innsbruck 1979).
  124. Jeffrey Gantz (trans.) The intoxication of the Ulaid, in: idem (ed.) Early Irish Myths and Sagas (London 1981) 188–217.
  125. Edward Gwynn (ed.) The Metrical Dindshenchas, 5 vols. (Dublin repr. 1991). (Available on CELT.)
  126. Kevin Murray (ed.) The Finding of the Táin, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 41 (2001) 17–23.
    Secondary literature
  1. Brian O'Looney, On the Book of Leinster and its contents, Royal Irish Academy Proceedings, 2 Ser. I. (1877) 367–81.
  2. Heinrich Zimmer, Deutsche Literaturzeitung II. 270–1 (1881).
  3. Max Nettlau, The Fer Diad episode of the Táin Bó Cúailnge LL 82a 21–88b 52, Revue Celtique 10 (1889) 330–346; 11 (1890) 23–32; 318–343.
  4. Edmund Crosby Quiggin, Die lautliche Geltung der vortonigen Wörter und Silben in der Book of Leinster version der Táin Bó Cualnge (Greifswald 1900).
  5. Kuno Meyer, Die Zuverlässigkeit des Faksimiles von LL, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 8 (1910) 181–2.
  6. Lucius Gwynn, Leabhar gabhála and the Book of Leinster, Ériu 8 (1916) 114–16.
  7. Rudolf Thurneysen (ed.) Die irische Helden- und Königsage bis zum siebzehnten Jahrhundert (Halle 1921).
  8. Áine de Paor, The common authorship of some Book of Leinster texts, Ériu 9 (1923) 118–146.
  9. R. M. Smith, The speculum principum in early Irish literature, Speculum 2 (1927) 411–445.
  10. Rudolf Thurneysen, Die drei Kinder, die gleich nach ihrer Geburt sprachen, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 20 (1936) 192–200.
  11. Vernam E. Hull, A collation of two tales in the Book of Leinster, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 19 (1933) 161–62 PMLA 56 (1941) 937–50.
  12. Máirín O'Daly, The verbal system of the LL Táin, Ériu 14 (1946) 31–139.
  13. Review of The Book of Leinster, vol. 1, Francis Shaw, Studies 45 (1956) 111–3.
  14. Aubrey Gwynn, Some notes on the history of the Book of Leinster, Celtica 5 (1960) 8–12.
  15. Review of Some notes on the history of the Book of Leinster, Brian Ó Cuív, Éigse 10 (1962/63) 263.
  16. William O'Sullivan, Notes on the scripts and make-up of the Book of Leinster, Celtica 7 (1966) 1–31.
  17. Review of The book of Leinster, vol. 4, Brian Ó Cuív, Éigse 11 (1964/66) 297–8.
  18. Cecile O'Rahilly, The preverb con- (co n-) in the LL Táin, Ériu 20 (1966) 104–11.
  19. Review of The book of Leinster, vol. 5, Tomás Ó Concheanainn, Éigse 12 (1967/68) 240–4.
  20. Cecile O'Rahilly, 'ciarso (carsa), ciarsat' in LL, Celtica 7 (1966) 38–42.
  21. D. Dilts Swartz, Repetition in the Book of Leinster Táin Bó Cúailnge and in neo–classical rhetoric, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 5 (1984) 128–146.
  22. D. Dilts Swartz, The problem of classical influence in the Book of Leinster Táin Bó Cúailnge: significant parallels with twelfth-century neo-classical rhetoric, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 6 (1986) 96–125.
  23. Erich Poppe, The genealogy of Émín(e) in the Book of Leinster, Ériu 40 (1989) 93–97.
  24. Norbert Backhaus, The structure of the list of Remscéla Tána Bó Cúalgni in the Book of Leinster, Cambridge Medieval Studies 19 (1990) 19–26.
  25. Uáitéar Mac Gearailt, The language of some late Middle Irish texts in the Book of Leinster, Studia Hibernica 26 (1993) 167–216.
  26. Uáitéar Mac Gearailt, Infixed and independent pronouns in the LL text of Táin Bó Cúailgne, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 49–50 (1997–98) 494–515.
  27. Pádraig Ó Néill, The Latin colophon to the 'Táin Bó Cúailnge' in the Book of Leinster: a critical view of Old Irish literature, Celtica 23 (1999) 269–275.
  28. Edel Bhreathnach, Two contributors to the Book of Leinster: Bishop Finn of Kildare and Gilla na Náem Úa Duinn, Michael Richter and Jean-Michel Picard (eds.) Ogma: essays in Celtic studies in honour of Próinséas Ní Chatháin (Dublin 2002) 105–11.
  29. Gerald Manning (ed.) The later marginalia in the Book of Leinster, Celtica 24 (2003) 213–22.
  30. Michael Slavin (ed.) The ancient books of Ireland (Dublin 2005).
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála. Anne O'Sullivan (ed), first edition [xv + 381 pp.] Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Dublin (1983)


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

The present text represents pages 1327–1595 of the volume. The Martyrology of Tallaght and other texts, on pp 1596–1708, are omitted here. Editorial introduction and indexes have also been omitted. Missing text supplied by the editor is tagged sup. Expansions to the text are marked ex, however a large number of expansions have remained unmarked.

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Profile Description

Created: By Irish scribes in monastic scriptoria, based on older materials. Date range: 1150–1190.

Use of language

Language: [GA] The text is in Middle Irish.
Language: [LA] Some words and phrases are in Latin.
Language: [EN] Some words are in English.

Revision History