Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Materia Medica (Author: Tadhg Ó Cuinn)

subsection 275

275. Ueruena, herba Ueneris, peristeron: it is hot and dry; its dryness is greater than its hotness. If this herb be boiled in wine and drunk, it will help with the injurious poison of a mad dog, with the herb itself as a plaster. If the juice of the same herb be held in the mouth, it will help with disease of the mouth. If the foliage of this herb be put in a fresh wound, it will help with it. This herb may be drunk in wine or ale against any poison. If three roots and three leaves of this herb be gathered, saying a Pater noster with each leaf and each root, and it be drunk in water from a stream, this will help with tertian fever. If four leaves and four roots be gathered in the same way and drunk before the paroxysm of quartan fever, it will cure it. If you have vervain in your hand when you go to visit your patient, and if you ask him how he is, and he says he is well, he will recover, but if he says he is not well, he will die. If this herb be boiled in wine or mead against every illness that comes from coldness of the stomach or chest, it will serve beneficially for them. If vervain, betony and yarrow be dipped in water and drunk when fasting [in the morning] every day, it will break the urinary stone surely.