Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Materia Medica (Author: Tadhg Ó Cuinn)

subsection 268

268. Tapsia: i.e. the buttercup; hot and dry in the third degree; it retains its efficacy for three years; principally, it provokes vomiting, and secondarily the flux of the abdomen. Item, if this herb be well pounded and boiled, it will help with podagra. It has the virtue of attracting the humours from the body internally to the external parts of the body. Item, take vinegar, the ointment named populeon, juice of the black nightshade, juice of this herb, flour of meal of barley, and milk of women's breasts, mix them equally, and apply it as a plaster to the joints, and this will help with


arthritis, podagra, gout of the hand, and every illness of the nerves that comes from coldness.