Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Materia Medica (Author: Tadhg Ó Cuinn)

subsection 262

262. Sauina, bracteos: i.e. savin; hot and dry in the third degree; its foliage is suitable for medical purposes; it retains its efficacy


for a year; it has the attenuating virtue. If it be boiled in wine, it will relieve pain in the stomach and intestines that are caused by coldness, and of the chest likewise. If it be boiled in wine and drunk, it will help against stranguria. If this herb be boiled in wine, it will provoke menstruation and induce the aborted foetus. If the same herb be boiled in vinegar and its fumes be allowed to the anus, it will help with tenesmus and the swellings of piles. If the smell of it be received in the nose frequently, it will comfort the brain. Item, take tops of mint, savin and sage, eat them with salt, and this will preserve you from the cold illnesses and from paralysis in particular.
  1. Of tartar of wine
  2. of terra sigillata
  3. of turbit
  4. of wheat
  5. of silverweed
  6. of buttercup
  7. of spider's web
  8. of turpentine
  9. of tamarisk
  10. of tamarind
  11. of the soft shoots of vine.