Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Materia Medica (Author: Tadhg Ó Cuinn)

subsection 208

208. Nepta: i.e. catmint; hot and dry in the third degree; if it be boiled in wine and drunk, it will provoke sweating all over. If the same herb be boiled and drunk and rubbed on the pulses, it will help with the paroxysm of quartan fever. If the same herb be pounded on its own and applied as a plaster to the hollow behind the knees, it will help with pain of the back and kidneys, and it will draw to itself the viscous humours that occur in those parts of the body. If the same herb be boiled in wine, it will provoke menstruation. If the same herb be boiled in wine and given against the skin disease that comes from coldness, it will not develop further. If the same herb be given in wine or in ale, it will help with the bite of a mad dog. If the juice of the same herb be drunk, it will kill worms. If the same juice be put in the ears, it will kill the worms in the ears. Pregnant women should not use this herb. If the same herb be boiled in wine or ale, it will help with the asthma that comes from coldness, tightness of the chest, oppilation of the spleen, pain in the stomach, and hiccup. If the same herb be finely pounded and put on the apostumes, it will help with their bad colour, and it will clean them.