Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Materia Medica (Author: Tadhg Ó Cuinn)

subsection 200

200. Mirbulani: the fruit of a tree that grows in India; there are five sorts of it, all of them cold in the first degree and dry in the second degree; every sort of them has the laxative virtue. The first sort of them is the citrine myrobalans; this is heavy, with a yellow colour; it purges the choleric humour principally, and the melancholic humour secondarily; this sort is appropriate for people with jaundice and tertian fever, and against immoderateness of the liver and spleen, and against the lack of appetite when this was reduced by excess of the choleric humour; it cleans the stomach and the intestines, and it expels the water of the dropsy called ascites and tympanites; it should be administered with whey of goat's milk or with juice of fumiter; none of the sorts of myrobalans should be boiled, they should be given cold, because to boil them deprives them of their efficacy. The second sort, called myrobalans chebuli, is much better than the aforesaid sort, it is less bitter, the styptic virtue dominates more in it, it slightly relaxes the bowel and purges the melancholic humour; it mostly creates the burnt humours; consequently, it is appropriate for people with false quartan fever, heartburn, and swooning caused by the melancholic humour, and against the oppilation of the liver and spleen, and the flux of piles, and against the darkening of the vision caused by the fumes of the melancholic humour; this sort of myrobalans is put into compound medicines with rhubarb and diuretic seeds against darkness of the vision as we have said. The third sort, myrobalans indi, has an effect between that of citrini and chebuli, because the choleric humour is not greatly purged by citrini, but the melancholic humour is greatly purged by chebuli. The fourth sort, myrobalans emblici, purges the melancholic humour


principally, and the phlegmatic humour secondarily. The fifth sort, myrobalans bellerici, likewise purges the melancholic humour principally and the choleric humour secondarily. The doctors say that all the myrobalans purge from the liver, from the stomach, from the veins called the mesenteric veins, and from the extremities, as we have said before.