Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Materia Medica (Author: Tadhg Ó Cuinn)

subsection 190

190. Menta: i.e. mint; hot and dry in the second degree; it greatly comforts the stomach and the digestion. If it be given fasting in the morning it will kill the worms that are in the body internally. If it be boiled in water and a fomentation be made of it for the testicles, it will help with their swelling, and it will help also against hardness and swelling of the breasts. If mint and salt be pounded together and applied to the bite of a mad dog, it will help it immediately, and it will not be affected by poison thereafter. To prevent conception, put juice of mint in the vagina, and the woman will not become pregnant. If juice of mint be rubbed on cheese, it will not go off, however long it be on hands. If mint be dried, it will retain its efficacy for a year. If mint be boiled in vinegar and the teeth washed in it, this will relieve the pain, and consolidate the teeth, and it will help with bad breath. If powder of pepper and cinnamon be eaten with juice of mint as a sauce, it will comfort the digestion. Item, if mint be boiled in vinegar and drunk, it will stop vomiting. If tops of mint be boiled in vinegar and put as a plaster on the kidneys, this will clean the womb for the women. If a handful of tops of mint be boiled in wine and applied hot to the navel, it will help with colic and ileus.