Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Materia Medica (Author: Tadhg Ó Cuinn)

subsection 112

112. Edera terrestris: i.e. ground ivy; this herb is hot and dry; it has the ability to provoke menstruation; it is of great benefit against mola matricis. If this herb be taken, and dodder of flax, equal amounts of each, and they be boiled in white wine and given as a drink to the woman, it will release the mola matricis. Item, if a plaster, made of the same herb with tartar from wine, be placed about the belly over the womb, it will provoke menstruation and release the mola matricis. Item, if a plaster of the same herb with pig lard be put on the joints, it will help with podagra and arthritis. A fomentation of the same herb with shells of hazelnuts will help with jaundice.