Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Materia Medica (Author: Tadhg Ó Cuinn)

subsection 96

96. Centinodia: .i. knot-grass; it is hot and dry; it is good in an ointment for those with violent pains; take knot-grass, celandine, red rose, roots or foliage of fennel, clary, foliage of rue, burnet saxifrage, and chervil, pound these herbs, and make a water of them as with rose water, and it will clear the eye. Item, to make an ointment, as follows, take seeds of knot-grass, roots of horseradish, tops of watercress, autumn crocus, water crowfoot, seeds of nettle, and roots of burnet, pound these herbs, boll them in old pig lard, strain, put lard of hen and capon in it, and rub it on the feet in


which there is podagra and swelling of dropsy, and it will help them. Item, to make a fomentation as follows: take foliage of setwall, knotgrass, lovage, mugwort, and foliage of elder, boil them in salt water, and apply as a fomentation to the joints, as is said, and it will help disease of the joints.