Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Materia Medica (Author: Tadhg Ó Cuinn)

subsection 91

91. Consolida minor: the daisy; it is cold in the second degree and wet in the third degree; it serves well against the hot, acute, illnesses, such as tertian fever, high fever, and the like: take daisy, violet, fresh maidenhair spleenwort, purslane, endive, prickly lettuce, roots of sorrel, wood sorrel, water betony, coltsfoot, plantain, flower of red rose, and water lily, equal amounts of each, pound them and boil in pure spring water, strain well, put a little vinegar and juice of pomegranate into it, and sugar and liquorice, the seventh part of these, keep in a tin vessel, and put the vessel in cold water to keep, and give to drink to the patient as is necessary. Item, take this herb, boil it in a bath made from foliage of oak, rub it on the hair and beard, and this will change the grey colour. Item, Avicenna says if this herb be pounded, and the water that lies in a platt of cow-dung be put through it, and this be put on warts, it will cure them. Item, take the juice of this herb, and the milk of a woman who has given birth to a daughter, and put one drop of in the nostril, and this will clear the brain. Item, take the juice of the same herb, tops of poppy, foliage of bitter-sweet, pound these, and mix them with


white of egg, and put as a plaster on poisonous boils at an early stage, and this will repercuss them powerfully.