Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Materia Medica (Author: Tadhg Ó Cuinn)

subsection 78

78. Caulis ortentis: i.e. the garden cabbage; it is cold and dry in the first degree; there are two sorts of it, a big sort and a small sort, and the best sort is that which has red stalks and small foliage. Avicenna says that the foliage of the red cabbage is good for unclean wounds. Item, if a plaster of this foliage be put with pig lard, it will dissolve the hard boils. Platearius says, when this herb is well boiled, it has the constraining virtue, and when it is taken half raw, it has the laxative virtue. Item, Avicenna says, if the red cabbage be pounded well with honey, and put in the wounds which are ulcerating, it will clean them, if applied twice every day. Item, take rue, red cabbage, barley meal, and salt, pound them well and mix them well, and apply it to the joints in which there is arthritis and podagra, and it will help them. Item, Ysaac says, if the urine of people who eat the red cabbage be applied hot to affections of the nerves, it will greatly comfort them. Item, it is said that the use of cabbage half raw serves well for those who have mistiness of the eyes, and for darkness of vision, as Ysaac says. Item, pound cabbage well and put alum and vinegar through it, and rub it on people who have skin disease, and it will stop the skin disease and exudation of the skin. Item, if the same medicine be rubbed on the hair, it will not allow it to fall out. Item, if applied in the same way, together with a bean that has been boiled and pounded


through it, it will help with and cure the swelling of the testicles. Item, if red cabbage, flax seed, and vinegar, be applied as a plaster to the joints, it will help with arthritis. Item, if the roots of red cabbage be burnt, and ashes made of them, and they be drunk in wine, it will help with elongation of the uvula. Item, if the foliage of red cabbage and vinegar be put as a plaster over the spleen, it will help with swelling and hardness of the spleen. If the seed of cabbage be given to a woman who is aborting, she will bring it forth. If it be given to a woman who is not pregnant, it will provoke menstruation. Item, if red cabbage be boiled in water, it will stop the flux of the abdomen. Item, if ash be made of cabbage, and pig lard be put through it, and it be put on behind the knee, it will help the back of the thigh.