Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Materia Medica (Author: Tadhg Ó Cuinn)

subsection 66

66. Bibolica vel biliria: i.e. the narrow-leaved water parsnip; it has the diuretic virtue and it provokes the urine and menstruation; it serves against illness of the chest. Item, the narrow-leaved water parsnip, fresh maidenhair spleenwort, balm, small scabious, flower of violet and of water lily, the strawberry plant, the heads and flower of thistle, and ox-eye daisy, equal amounts of each, boil them in the butter of May-time, strain through a linen cloth, put in the powder of sugar, liquorice and anise, and drink it in mead or in ale or in a sweet drink, and it will open up the chest and help with the cough. Item, pound the same herb with marsh mallow and ox-eye daisy, boil them in the drink known as mulsa, give it warm to drink, and it will help with the hard cough. Item, the juice of this herb, seed of burnet, seed of alexanders, seed of pignut and of anise, seed of fennel, foreign burnet, and this herb, make a fine powder of them, and take it in wine or in ale; it is powerful against stranguria and dysuria. Item, pound this herb, and the roots of hemlock and the roots of marsh mallow, pound them and put lard through them; if it be put on the joints, it will help with the swelling and pain of the joints.