Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Materia Medica (Author: Tadhg Ó Cuinn)

subsection 65

65. Burneta: i.e. burnet saxifrage; it is cold and dry; it greatly relieves the veins from their pain and from their poison, and from the poison of the vein of the forehead; take camomile, foliage of betony, foliage of germander, asparagus, red fennel, foliage of oak, and flower of red rose, pound these things, boil them in fresh butter and a little of the pith of rose, press them through a cloth, and put them in a covered vessel; if they are rubbed to the forehead and the temples, they will stop the headache and bring on sleep. Item, a handful of this herb, roots of plantain, snakeroot, and take a handful of maidenhair spleenwort, and hart's tongue fern, boil these herbs in rain-water, strain them, mix this juice with milk, boil it with bread, and, if it be given to drink going to bed and getting up, it will help with the flux of dysentery. Item, cut the same herb with a knife, mix through it the foliage of mint, wormwood, calamint and the seed of


fennel, boil them in wine or in ale, and put them in a box; if they be put hot on the diaphragm they will give great comfort.