Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
An Irish Materia Medica (Author: Tadhg Ó Cuinn)

subsection 57

57. Branca ursina: i.e. the bear's breech; cold and dry; Avicenna says that if this herb be pounded with pig lard through it, it will ripen boils. If this herb be pounded and boiled in lard or in oil, and left so for eleven days, and strained through a linen cloth thereafter, and wax be put in it, and ointment made of it, and it be rubbed to the nerves and to the joints, it will help with the shaking and hardness of the nerves. If this herb be pounded with goat's milk and meal of linseed and juice of chickweed, and it be put as a plaster on the breasts, it will help them. Item, if the juice of the herb and mother's milk be mixed together, with juice of red fennel and flour of barley meal, and it be put as a compress on the forehead and above the eyes, it will stop the heat and pain of the eyes, and will bring on sleep.