Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G503002
Cóir Anmann
Author: Unknown
Background details and bibliographic information
File Description
Whitley StokesElectronic edition compiled by Kaarina Hollo , Philip IrwinProof corrections by Kaarina Hollo, Philip Irwin
Funded by University College, Cork
2. Second draft, revised and corrected.
Extent of text:
18600 words
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of the Department of History, University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland (2008) (2010) Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G503002
Availability [RESTRICTED]
Available with prior consent of the CELT project for purposes of academic research and teaching only.
This electronic text is based on Cóir Anmann (Fitness of Names), ed. Whitley Stokes in Irische Texte mit Übersetzungen und Wörterbuch, herausgegeben von Wh. Stokes und E. Windisch, dritte Serie, 2 Heft (Leipzig, 1897).
Manuscript sources- Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS 1337 (olim H. 3. 18), 16th century; vellum and paper. A collection of fragments of different MSS. The main text is found on 565a595b.
- Dublin, Royal Irish Academy MS 535 (olim 23 P 2, Book of Lecan), 441447. Eleven entries lacking in the above MS are supplied from this.
- Dublin, Royal Irish Academy MS 1225 (olim D ii 1, Book of Uí Maine). Not used in this edition.
- Dublin, Royal Irish Academy MS 536 (olim 23 P 12, Book of Ballymote). Not used in this edition.
- Dublin, National Library of Ireland, G 23 olim Phillipps 7021 and 7022 (originally one volume); 14th to 15th century. Not used in this edition.
Editions and secondary literature- Pádraig Ó Riain, Rawlinson B 502 alias Lebar Glinne Dá Locha: a restatement of the case, in: Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 51 (1998) 130147.
- Sharon J. Arbuthnot, Short Cuts to Etymology: Placenames in Cóir Anmann, in: Ériu 50 (1999) 7986.
- Sharon J. Arbuthnot, Fithal in Cóir Anmann, in: Scottish Gaelic Studies 20 (2000) 197200.
- Sharon J. Arbuthnot, The manuscript tradition of Cóir Anmann, in: Studia Celtica 35/1 (January 2001) 285298.
- Sharon J. Arbuthnot, Cóir Anmann. A Late Middle Irish Treatise on Personal Names; Part 1. ITS volume 59. (London: Irish Texts Society 2005.)
- Sharon J. Arbuthnot, Cóir Anmann. A Late Middle Irish Treatise on Personal Names; Part 2. ITS volume 60. (London: Irish Texts Society 2006.)
The edition used in the digital edition- Whitley Stokes, Cóir Anmann (Fitness of Names) in Irische Texte, Ed. Whitley Stokes and Ernst Windisch. , Leipzig, S. Hirzel (1897) iii + 127 pp + 33 pp (notes and indexes)
Project Description
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts
Sampling Declaration
The present text represents pp. 288410 of the volume. All editorial introduction, translation and indexes have been omitted. Notes have been omitted except where they elucidate an editorial decision. Editorial corrigenda are integrated into the electronic edition.
Editorial Declaration
Text has been thoroughly checked and proofread. All corrections and supplied text are tagged.
The electronic text represents the edited text. The editor's divisions of words have been silently changed to bring them into accord with modern practice. Compound personal names are segmented in line with CELT practice.
Direct speech is rendered q.
Soft hyphens are silently removed. When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page-break, the page-break is marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.
div0=the whole work; div1=the main MS witness; div2=the individual entry; paragraphs are marked; verse occurring within paragraphs is marked as embedded poems; segemtend into lg and l. Page-breaks and MS foliation are marked.
Personal and group names and place-names are tagged. Objects with proper names are tagged. So are foreign words and titles of literary works.
Canonical References
This text uses the DIV2 element to represent the entry.
Profile Description
Created: By (an) unknown author(s) in Irish monastic scriptoria
Date range: 1050-1200.
Use of language
Language: [GA] Over 95% of the text is in Middle Irish.
Language: [LA] Some phrases are in Latin.
Language: [GR] Some words are in Greek.
Language: [EN] The witness list in the fornnt matter is in English.
Revision History