Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition

Background details and bibliographic information

Machtnadh an Duine Dhoilghiosaich

Author: Seághan Ó Coileáin

File Description

Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber

Funded by School of History, University College Cork

1. First draft.

Extent of text: 1370 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College Cork.
College Road, Cork, Ireland.—


Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G402579

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Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.


    Manuscript sources
  1. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 659 (formerly 24 A 22), "written by Mícheál Ó Horgáin, 1824" (O'Rahilly 213).
  2. Maynooth, Mur[phy] 48, p. 66; "this part possibly in the hand of Bishop Murphy; dated 1818 on title-page" (O'Rahilly 213).
  3. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 24 C 13, p. 81, "written by Rev. Matthew Horgan" (O'Rahilly 213).
    Editions and Translations
  1. Thomas Furlong, 'The Mourner's Soliloquy in the Ruined Abbey of Timoleague', in James Hardiman, Irish Minstrelsy, 235–43. [An English translation in six-line verses.]
  2. J. C. Mangan, 'Lament over the Ruins of the Abbey of Teach Molaga', The Nation, 8 August 1846. [Reproduced online at] Reprinted in John O'Daly, 'The Irish Language Miscellany' [with translation by J. C. Mangan]. Dublin, 1876.
  3. John O'Daly, 'The Irish Language Miscellany' [with translation by J. C. Mangan]. (Dublin 1876).
  4. Prose and verse translation, the latter by Sir Samuel Ferguson, 'Hardiman's Irish Minstrelsy. No III 'IV (the last part of a review article, which has an appendix with literal prose and verse translations of some of the poems edited by Hardiman), pp. 514-542, Dublin University Magazine, November 1834.
  5. Verse translation by Sir Samuel Ferguson, Specimens of the early native poetry of Ireland in English metrical translations, ed. Henry Montgomery Riddell. New and enlarged edition (Dublin 1892), 283–286. Reprinted in: A Book of Irish Verse: selected from modern writers with an Introduction and notes by W.B. Yeats> Revised edition (London 1900).
  6. T. F. O'Rahilly, Measgra Dánta, poem 59, p. 158–61, which contains an Irish version with modernized spelling (online at CELT in file G402568) and notes p. 213–17.
  1. Eugene Daly, 'Séan Ó Coileáin (1754-1817)', Skibbereen and District Historical Society Journal 2 (2006) 31–47.
  2. Bláthnaid Uí Chatháin, 'An eigse i gCairbre agus sa cheantar máguaird (Poetry in Carbery and in the surrounding area) (1750-1850)', Iris Muintir Mhathghamhna: The O'Mahony Journal 30 (2007) 27–36.
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. James Hardiman, Machtnadh an Duine Dhoilghiosaich: The Mourner's Soliloquy in the ruined Abbey of Timoleague in Irish Minstrelsy, or Bardic Remains of Ireland; with English Poetical Translations, Ed. James Hardiman. , London, Joseph Robins (1831) volume 2page 234, 236, 238, 240, 242


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

The whole text.

Editorial Declaration


Text has been checked and proof-read twice.


The electronic text represents the edited text; capitalisation at the start of each non-initial line was removed.


There are no quotations.


Hyphenation has been removed.


div0=the whole poem. Metrical lines and quatrains are marked and numbered; page-breaks are marked.


Names of persons (given names), and places are not tagged. Terms for cultural and social roles are not tagged.

Canonical References

The n attribute of each text in this corpus carries a unique identifying number for the whole text.

The title of the text is held as the first head element within each text.

div0 is reserved for the text (whether in one volume or many).

The numbered quatrains provide a canonical reference.

Profile Description

Created: By Seághan Ó Coileáin, (John Collins or John O'Cullane), of Myross (1754–1817) (June 1814)

Use of language

Language: [GA] The text is in Modern Irish, but uses archaizing spelling.

Revision History

Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G402579

Machtnadh an Duine Dhoilghiosaich: Author: Seághan Ó Coileáin


Seághan Ó Coileáin ró chan.
  1. 1] Oídhche dhamh go doilg, dúbhach,
    2] chois fhairge na dtonn dtréun,
    3] ag léursmuaíneadh a's ag luadh,
    4] air chorraibh chruadha an tsaoghail,
  2. 5] Bhídh an ré 's na réulta suas,
    6] níor chlos fuaim toinne ná tráigh.
    7] 's ní raibh gal ann de'n ngaoith
    8] do chroithfeadh bárr craínn ná bláith.
  3. 9] Do ghluaiseas ag machtnamh a 'm aon,
    10] gan aire agam air raon mo shiúbháil,
    11] dorus cille gur dhearc mé,
    12] 's an gconair réidh ar mo chionn.

  4. p.236

  5. 13] Do stad mé 's an dorus tsean,
    14] 'nar ghnáith almsanna a's aoídheacht,
    15] d'á ndáil don lobhair agus do'n lag,
    16] an tráth mhair luchd an tíghe.
  6. 17] Bhídh forradh fiar air a thaobh,
    18] is cian ó cuireadh a chlódh,
    19] air a suigheadh saoíthe a's cliar,
    20] a's taistiollaich thriallta an róid.
  7. 21] Shuidh mé síos le machtnamh lán,
    22] do léigeas mo lámh faoí m' ghruadh,
    23] gur thuit frasa diana déur,
    24] ó'm dhearcaibh air an bhféur anuas.
  8. 25] A dúbhairt mé ann sin fá dhíth,
    26] a's mé ag caoídh go cúmhach,
    27] Do bhídh aímsir ann 'n a raibh,
    28] an teach-so go soilbh, súbhach.
  9. 29] Is ann do bhíodh cloig a's cliar,
    30] dréuchda a's díadhachd d'á léughadh,
    31] córaídhe, ceatal agus ceól,
    32] ag moladh mórdhachda Dé.

  10. p.238

  11. 33] Fotharach fholamh, gan áird,
    34] agus so is aésda túr,
    35] is iomdha easgal agus gaoth,
    36] do bhuail fá mhaol do mhúr.
  12. 37] Is iomdha fearthainn is fuacht,
    38] agus stoirm cuain do chuiris dhíot,
    39] ó tíodhlaiceadh thú air dtúis,
    40] do rígh na ndúl mar thígheas.
  13. 41] A Mhuir naomhtha na mbeann nglas,
    42] do b'órnáid do'n tír-so tráth,
    43] is diombáidh dian liom do scrios,
    44] agus cur do naoímh air fán!
  14. 45] Is uaigneach ataoír anois!
    46] Ní fhuil ionnat córaídhe ná ceól,
    47] acht sgréuchadh na gceann-cat
    48] ann ionad na psailm sógh ail!
  15. 49] Eídheann ag eascar ós do stuaigh,
    50] neanntóg ruadh a'd úrlár úr,
    51] tabhthann caol na seannach seang,
    52] a's crónán na n-eas a'd chlúid.

  16. p.240

  17. 53] Mar a nglaodhadh an fhuiseóg mhoch,
    54] do chleir ag canadh na dtráth,
    55] ní fhuil teangadh ag corruídhe anois,
    56] acht teangadh ghliogair na gcág.
  18. 57] Tá do phroínnteach gan bhiadh,
    58] do shuan-lios gan leaba bhláith,
    59] do thearmoinn gan íodhbairt cliar,
    60] ná aithfrionn do Dhia 'g á rádh,
  19. 61] D'imthigh do luaim a's do riaghail,
    62] a's do chualacht fá chian cháidh,
    63] och! ní fhionnaim anois fá'd iadhadh
    64] acht cárnán criadhta cnámh.
  20. 65] Och! anfhorlann a's an-uaill,
    66] anbhroid, an-uais agus aindlíghe,
    67] fóirneart namhad a's creachadh cruadh,
    68] d' f[h]úig uaigneach tú mar taoír!
  21. 69] Do bhídh-sa féin sona seal!
    70] faraoíor do chlaochloidh mo chlódh!
    71] tháinigh tóir an t-saoghail a'm aghaidh,
    72] ní'l féidhm orm acht brón!

  22. p.242

  23. 73] D'imthigh mo luadhaill a's mo lúth,
    74] radharc mo shúl agus mo threóir,—
    75] táid mo cháirde agus mo chlann,
    76] 's an gcíll-si go fann ag dreóghadh!
  24. 77] Tá duairceas ar mo dhreach!
    78] tá mo chroídhe 'n a chrotal cnódh!
    79] dá bhfóirfeadh orm an bás,
    80] budh dhearbh m'f[h]áilte fá na chómhair!