Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G402575

La lamentation d'Irlande

Author: unknown

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Edited by Rudolf Thurneysen Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber and Miriam TrojerProof corrections by Beatrix Färber

Funded by University College, Cork and
The EU via the LEONARDO Lifelong Learning Programme and the HEA via PRTLI 4

1. First draft, revised and corrected.

Extent of text: 4,250 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of the Department of History, University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—


Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G402575

Availability [RESTRICTED]

Available with prior consent of the CELT project for purposes of academic research and teaching only.


This text contains three poems; an Irish one, and two contemporary translations of the same; one into English, the other into Latin.


    Manuscript sources
  1. Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. Ms. hist. 773, written by Irish Franciscan Anthony O'Conor in the Francisan College in Prague, 1659. [Thanks are due to Frau Bärbel Mund of the Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek for supplying catalog details.]
    Secondary literature
  1. R. B. McDowell, 'The problem of religious dissent in Ireland, 1660–1740'. Bulletin, Irish Committee of Historical Sciences 40 (1945).
  2. Jane H. Ohlmeyer (ed.), Ireland from independence to occupation 1641–1660 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1995).
  3. Joep Leerssen, Mere Irish and Fíor-Ghael: studies in the idea of Irish nationality, its development and literary expression prior to the nineteenth century (Critical Conditions: Field Day Essays, Cork University Press 1996).
  4. Jane H. Ohlmeyer 'The civil wars in Ireland'. In: John Philipps Kenyon; Jane H. Ohlmeyer (eds.), The civil wars: a military history of England, Scotland, and Ireland 1638–1660 (Oxford: Oxford University Press 1998) 73–102.
  5. Micheál Ó Siochrú, Confederate Ireland 1642–1649: a constitutional and political analysis. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1998.
  6. Jane H. Ohlmeyer (ed.). Political thought in seventeenth-century Ireland: kingdom or colony. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press in association with the Folger Institute, Washington, DC, 2000.
  7. Pádraig Lenihan, Confederate Catholics at War 1641–49, Cork: Cork University Press, 2001.
  8. Michelle O'Riordan, Irish Bardic Poetry and Rhetorical Reality (Cork 2007).
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Rudolf Thurneysen, La lamentation d'Irlande in Revue Celtique. Volume 14, Paris, Émile Bouillon (1893) page 153–162


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Editorial Declaration


Text has been proof-read twice.


The electronic text represents the edited text. The ae ligature (with or without fada) has been rendered ae; f with overdot dot has been rendered fh in the electronic text. In the English translation, wth was expanded in the electronic text.


There are no quotations.


There is no hyphenation.


div0=the group of poems; div1=the individual poem. Stanzas are marked lg; and metrical lines l. Line-breaks are marked lb.


Names are not tagged, nor are terms for cultural and social roles.

Canonical References

This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the poem.

Profile Description

Created: By an unknown Irish poet. Date range: c. 1650 to 1659.

Use of language

Language: [GA] The first poem is in Classical Modern Irish, but the spelling is faulty.
Language: [EN] The first translation is in seventeenth-century English.
Language: [LA] The second translation is in Neolatin.
Language: [FR] Thurneysen's introduction and two footnotes are in French.

Revision History