Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G402562
Duanaire Finn
Author: [unknown]
Background details and bibliographic information
File Description
Gerard MurphyElectronic edition compiled by Emer Purcell
proof corrections by Hilary Lavelle, University of Ulster at Coleraine
Funded by University College, Cork and
The HEA via the LDT Project. and
The IRCHSS via the Digital Dinneen Project.
2. Second draft, revised and corrected.
Extent of text: 45430 words
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of the Department of History, University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Irelan (2006) (2008) (2011) Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G402562
Availability [RESTRICTED]
Available with prior consent of the CELT project for purposes of academic research and teaching only.
Copyright for the printed edition rests with the Irish Texts Society. The electronic edition was compiled with the kind permission of the copyright owner.
You can purchase the book containing this text via the ITS website ( Click on the link to the RIA shop.
Manuscript sources- Dublin, University College L, OFM, A 20; (16267); 230 folios; paper (olim Fransciscan Library Killiney). The manuscript also contains a version of Agallamh na seanórach. The scribes are Niall Ó Catháin (writing in Ostend and Louvain in 16261627) and Aodh Ó Dochartaigh writing in Ostend in 16261627. Aodh Ó Dochartaigh is the sole scribe of Duanaire Finn. Captain Somhairle Mac Domhnaill of Clann Domhnaill of the Route in County Antrim commissioned this collection.
Further reading- Edmund Crosby Quiggin, Prolegomena to the study of the later Irish bards, 12001500 (Oxford 1911).
- Eleanor Knott, An introduction to Irish syllabic poetry of the period 12001600: with selections, notes and glossary (Cork; Cork University Press, 1928).
- Gerard Murphy, Duanaire Finn III: additions to Addenda and corrigenda, Éigse 8 (1956) 168171.
- Eleanor Knott, Irish classical poetry: commonly called bardic poetry (Dublin 1957.
- Osborn J. Bergin (ed), Irish bardic poetry, ed. David Greene & Fergus Kelly (Dublin 1970).
- Katharine Simms, 'Bardic poetry as a historical source'. In: T. Dunne (ed), The writer as witness (Cork 1987).
- Paul Walsh, 'The books of Captain Sorley MacDonnell', Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 5th ser., 30 (1927), 33751, 56168; repr. in Paul Walsh, Irish chiefs and leaders (Dublin 1960), 110141.
- John Carey (ed), Duanaire Finn: Reassessments, Irish Texts Society Subsidiary Series, 13 (London: Irish Texts Society, 2003).
Editions- Gerard Murphy (ed.), Duanaire Finn. The book of the lays of Finn, Part 2
The edition used in the digital edition- Duanaire Finn. The book of the lays of Finn, Part 2. Gerard Murphy (ed), first edition [xvii + 409 pp.] London (1933) Irish Texts Society. Irish Texts Society [Cumann na Scríbheann nGaedhilge]. , No. 28
This edition is part 2 of 3 editions of the text; Eoin MacNeill, Dunaire Finn, part 1 (London: Irish Texts Society 1908) and Gerard Murphy, Duanaire Finn, part 3 (London: Irish Texts Society 1953).
Project Description
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts
Sampling Declaration
The present text represents even pages 2408 of the volume. All editorial introduction, notes and indexes have been omitted.
Editorial Declaration
Text has been proof-read twice.
The electronic text represents the edited text. Text supplied by the editor is tagged sup resp="GM". Expansions to the text are marked ex.
There are no quotations.
The editor's hyphenation has been retained.
div0=the poem book; div1=the section; stanzas are marked lg; metrical lines are marked.
Names are not tagged, nor are terms for cultural and social roles. Such encoding is envisaged in a future edition.
Canonical References
This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the section.
Profile Description
Created: By the scribe Aodh Ó Dochartaigh. The work was commissioned by Captain Somhairle Mac Domhnaill of Clann Domhnaill of the Route.
Date range: 16261627.
Use of language
Language: [GA] Text is in Classical Modern Irish.
Language: [LA] Notes are in Latin.
Language: [EN] Editor's notes are in English.
Revision History