Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition

Background details and bibliographic information

Die Helden von Emain Macha (Mongán mac Fíachna cecinit do thecosc a athar)

Author: [unknown]

File Description

Kuno Meyer

Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber

Funded by University College, Cork, School of History

1. First draft.

Extent of text: 1200 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—


Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G400069


Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.



    Manuscript Source
  1. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson B. 502, S. 158. For details see Brian Ó Cuív (ed.), Catalogue of Irish language manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Oxford College Libraries (2 vols.) (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2001-03) volume 1, MS 34, 163–200. For a facsimile edition with an introduction and indexes, see Kuno Meyer (ed.), Rawlinson B. 502; a collection of pieces in prose and verse in the Irish language compiled during the eleventh and twelfth centuries (Oxford 1909).
    Digital images of MS Rawlinson B. 502
  1. These are available at
  1. M. A. O'Brien, Corpus Genealogiarum Hibernici (Dublin 1962), 'Senchas Síl Ír', without translation, p.282–284. (see CELT file G105003, p. 282–284).
  2. Lian Blasse, A Fhiachnae, na ráid in gáe: een editie van een Middeliers gedicht, Bachelor's Thesis, University of Utrecht 2013, with metrical analysis, dating, and Dutch translation (available online through Utrecht University Library:
    Information on Kuno Meyer
  1. See
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Kuno Meyer, Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften: Die Helden von Emain Macha in Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie. Volume 8, Halle a. d. Saale, Max Niemeyer (1912) page 217–218


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Editorial Declaration


Text has been checked and proof-read twice.


The electronic text represents the edited text on on p. 217–218. In Meyer's edition, the acute accent and the macron are used to mark long vowels. Editorial corrections and expansions are marked. Hyphenation and word separation have been brought in line with CELT practice. Where Meyer's and O'Briens editions differ, this is noted.


There are no quotations.


Soft hyphens are silently removed. When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page-break, this break is marked after completion of the hyphenated word.


div0=the poem. Page-breaks are marked pb n=""; manuscript foliation is marked mls unit="ms page" and numbered.


Names are not tagged, nor are terms for cultural and social roles.

Profile Description

Created: By an unknown Irish author Date range: 10th century (see Lian Blasse)..

Use of language

Language: [GA] The text is in Old and Middle Irish.
Language: [DE] The supplied title is in German.
Language: [LA] One word is in Latin.
Language: [EN] Text in the notes supplied at CELT is in English.

Revision History

Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G400069

Die Helden von Emain Macha (Mongán mac Fíachna cecinit do thecosc a athar): Author: [unknown]

{ms page 158}


Die Helden von Emain Macha

Mongán mac Fíachna cecinit do thecosc a athar.
  1. A Fíachnæ ná ráid in gæ,
    is buidech Día do cach fír,
    bretha córa for cach dáil,
    is ed dlegair do cach ríg.
  2. Mad cumma ech ocus ech,
    mad mé no-thecmad oc rath,
    madat comlúatha frim les,
    ním-lúaidfed mes(?)1 ara ndath.
  3. Dóine bátar sunn co se
    for bruinnib Emna Mache,
    mad dia no-s-tísed taithlech,
    a n-húabur isim aithrech.
  4. Fergus mac Léite in rí
    no-lúaided cairptiu ar Machi;
    Ulaid cen écnach, cen on,
    dia éis ro-s-gab Conchobor.
  5. Nochon do biuc bæ dia bríg,
    ba ferr Conchobor cach ríg,
    acht in Rí ro-delb in sam,
    coimdiu nime ocus talman.
  6. Ba fíal Cacht mac Ilguine,
    ba suithc[h]erna fria guide,
    mad ar a búar cessed nech,
    roindfed a chrod i certleth.
  7. Ropu chalmu læchaib Lúar
    bale i comraiced cach slúag,
    is é bas genaige tra
    cach duine nácha chúala.
  8. Meicc beca ní geibtis eill
    do Muinremur mac Geirrceind,
    menad leis oc úaim a brond
    tan na n-gonta i cath comthrom.
  9. Nochon fuilgitis na liúin
    buille Fergusa fortriúin,
    no-daimtis cauraid cára
    do mac Roäich rodána.
  10. Dá h-úa Roäich rúamna gass
    Illann ocus Ilarchass,
    trí h-úi Chleite, comol n-glé,
    Hiruth, Húath is Aislingthe.
  11. Macne2 Conchobuir ind ríg,
    la Ultu ba mór a m-bríg,
    ní ro-thimchell cath ná crech
    nónbur ar-do-sáraigfed.
  12. Cormac Con Loingess don Laind,
    Fíachna, Glaisne ocus Conaing,
    Maine, Cuscraid, comol n-glé,
    Findchad, Fíachu, Furbaide.

  13. p.218

  14. Clann Amargin ercctha chned,
    Conall Cernnach a sinser,
    Mess Dé is Mess Dedaid dían,
    Lægaire, Cass, moam bid3 bían.
  15. Trí meic Fíachrach a Cúailnge,
    cethern no bíd fri h-úaibre,
    fri gail ní cómclóitis dath,
    Ross is Dáre is Findchad.
  16. Ní fácbaitis ní dia n-urd
    macne Durthecht a m-Murbulg;
    is cían ó thánic a r-ré
    Eogan, Crimthan, Congal Clé.
  17. Macne Uislenn ard a n-gus
    maith a teglachus h-i fus;
    reithitis caurach dar sál
    Nóisse is Aindle is Arddán.
  18. Ibar coicthi cinnas lat?
    ocus trí meicc Ríangabrat,
    Foroll ón tuind, trén a ferg,
    Conall cuinnid, Áed óderg.
  19. Fer ro-bæ sund fria4 sella
    Bricriu noithech neimthenga;,
    dí cích mná no chlóitis leis,
    ba méiti no-s-imrestais.
  20. Ailill Miltenga nád mair,
    is dia innisin no-m-fhail,
    fir domain dia n-delbtais cath,
    ba derb ar-do-sídaigfed.
  21. Gilla no-bíd sunn innu
    diarbu chomainm Caulaind Cú,
    ro-bæ a h-úamun in cach airm,
    co mair a ainm in cach dú.
  22. Is lía a turim ar cach dáil,
    is leór sin dia túarascbáil;
    nochon fúaratar5 fria ré
    slúag fo nim dia n-ergaire.
  23. Dia m-bátar i n-Emuin úais
    muinter Conchobuir co crúais,
    triär as cach cóiciud cain
    daimtis cert d'óenfiur d'Ultaib.
  24. Ro-scáchatar sin uile,
    nocho mair díb óenduine,
    is erchraidi in domun dái,
    cid nách déice, a Fíachnai.
