Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition

Background details and bibliographic information

Turus acam Día h-Aíne

Author: [unknown]

File Description

Electronic edition compiled by Donnchadh Ó Corráin

Funded by University College, Cork and
Professor Marianne McDonald via the CURIA Project.

2. Second draft, revised and corrected.

Extent of text: 1334 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—

(1996) (2010)

Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G400048

Availability [RESTRICTED]

The hard copy on which the present electronic edition is based is copyright by Oxford University Press, and is here used by kind permission of the publishers.


    Manuscript sources.
  1. Chatsworth, Book of Lismore. (B).
  2. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud 610. (L).
  3. Killiney, Co Dublin, Dún Mhuire Franciscan Library, MS of Acallam na Senórach. (F).
  4. Oxford, Bodleian Library, B 487. (R).
  1. S. H. O'Grady, Silva Gadelica (London 1892), vol. 2, 120 sq., 122, 188, 192.
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Gerard Murphy, Cáel Praises Créide's House in Early Irish lyrics, eighth to twelfth century, Ed. Gerard Murphy. , Oxford, Clarendon Press (1956) page 140–146


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

All editorial introduction, translation, glossary, notes and indexes have been omitted. Editorial corrigenda are integrated into the electronic edition. Only the text of the Murphy's edition is retained, and for this electronic edition the variants cited by Murphy are not reproduced. A full citation of variants is likely in a future electronic edition.

Editorial Declaration


Text has been checked and proof-read. All corrections and supplied text are tagged. Further checking is required.


The electronic text represents the edited text. Words are segmented in accordance with CELT practice, but this segmentation may not be yet complete.


Quotation marks are rendered q.


Soft hyphens are silently removed. When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page-break or line-break, the page-break and line-break are marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.


div0 encloses the whole text; div1 is the poem. Typographical line-breaks in prose passages are not marked. Page-breaks of the printed text are marked.

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Names of persons (given names and surnames), groups (dynasties, tribes, peoples etc.), places are tagged. Numbers and dates are tagged.

Profile Description

Created: By anonymous authors in Irish monastic scriptoria Date range: c.1150–1200.

Use of language

Language: [GA] The text is in Middle and Early Modern Irish.
Language: [EN] The subtitle is in English.

Revision History

Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G400048

Turus acam Día h-Aíne: Author: [unknown]


Cáel praises Créide's house

& táinic Crédhi dár n-acallaim, & trí cáecait do mhnáibh uimpi. & do ráidh in flaith-féinnidh ría: ‘Is dod thogha-sa & dod thochmharc tháncamar-ne’, ar sé. Fíarfaigis an ingen cía dhár áil a tochmharc. ‘Do Cháel chétghuinech úa Neamhnainn, do mac rígh Laigen an-air’. ‘Do-chúalamar a scéla’, ar an ingen, ‘gengu facamur é; & in bh-fuil aigi mu dhúan damsa?’ ‘A-tá imorra’, ar Cáel. & do éirig & do ghabh a dhúan:
  1. Turus acam Día h-Aíne
    (gé dech, isam fíraíge)
    co tech Créide (nó sním súail)
    re h-ucht in t-sléibe an-airtúaid.

  2. p.142

  3. A-tá i cinniud dam dul ann,
    co Créide i Cíchaib Anann,
    co rabar ann fo decraib
    cethra lá ocus leithshechtmain.
  4. Aíbinn in tech ina tá,
    itir fhira is maca is mná,
    itir druíd ocus áes céoil,
    itir dáilem is doirséoir,
  5. Itir gilla scuir nách sceinn
    ocus ronnaire re roinn:
    a-tá a commus sin uile
    ac Créide finn foltbuide.
  6. Bud aíbinn damsa 'na dún
    itir cholcaid ocus clúm;
    mad áil do Chréide (ro-clos)
    bud aíbinn dam mo thurus.
  7. Síthal aice i sil súg sub:
    as ro niged a blaí dub;
    dabach gline gan desca,
    copáin aice is caím-escra.
  8. A dath amar dath in aíl;
    colcaid etarru ocus aín;
    síta etarru is brat gorm;
    dergór etarru is glanchorn.
  9. A gríanán ac Loch Cuire
    d' arcat ocus d' ór buide;
    tuige druimnech gan dochma
    d' eitib donna is dergcorcra.
  10. Dá ursain úainide ad-cí;
    a comla ní dochraid h-í;
    arcat echta (cían ro-clos)
    in crann fuil 'na fordorus.

  11. p.144

  12. Cathaír Chréide dot laim chlí,
    ba súarca sa súarca h-í;
    casair uirri d' ór Elpa
    fa chosaib a caím-leptha.
  13. Lepaid luchair na laíde
    fuil ós cinn na cathaíre
    do-rónad ac Tuile thair
    d' ór buide is do líc lógmair.
  14. Lepaid aile dot láim deis
    d'ór is d'arcat gan éislis,
    co pupaill co m-bricht buga
    co cáemslatuib créduma.
  15. In teglach a-tá 'na tig
    is dóib is aíbne ro chin:
    nídat glasa slima a m-bruit;
    at casa finna a forfuilt.
  16. Ro choitéltais fir gona
    cona táescaib tromfola
    re h-énuib síde ac síanán
    ós borduib a glaingríanán.
  17. Madam buidech-sa don mnaí,
    do Chréide dá n-gairenn caí,
    mérait ní bas lía a laíde,
    mad dá n-díla a commaíne.
  18. Mad áil le h-ingin Cairbre
    Nídam-chuirfe ar cóir cairde,
    co n-apra féin rim i fus
    ‘Is mo móirchen dot turus’.
  19. Cét traiged i tig Créide
    ón chuirr go roich a chéile,
    is fiche traiged tomuis
    i leithet a degdoruis.

  20. p.146

  21. A h-udnacht is a tuige
    d' eitib én n-gorm is m-buide;
    a h-urscar thair ac topar
    do glain is do charrmocal.
  22. Cethra h-úaitne im gach lepaid
    d' ór is d' arcat choimecair;
    gem glaine i cinn gach úaitne:
    nídat cenn ansúairce.
  23. Dabach ann do chrúan flatha
    i silenn súg súarc-bracha;
    aball ós cinn na daibche
    co n-imat a trom-thairthe.
  24. In úair líntar corn Créide
    do mid na dabcha déine,
    tuitit isin corn co cert
    na ceithra h-ubla i n-áenfecht.
  25. In t-í 'gá táit sin uile,
    itir thráig ocus tuile,
    ruc Créide a Tulcaib Trí m-Benn
    ed urchair di mnáib Éirenn.
  26. Laíd sunn cuice (ni crod cas)
    (ní grés luigthe co lúathbras),
    co Créide cruthaig i fus;
    buad luchair lé mo thurus.

    Is and sin ro faíetar in lánamainsin ar feis leaptha & láimhdhérgaigthi; & do bátur ann re secht laithib ag ól & ac aíbhnes.