Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition

Background details and bibliographic information

Die gaelische Ballade vom Mantel

Author: unknown

File Description

Ludwig Christian Stern

Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber

Funded by University College Cork, School of History

1. First draft.

Extent of text: 1180 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College Cork.
College Road, Cork, Ireland—


Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G303004

Availability [RESTRICTED]

Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.


    Manuscript sources
  1. Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, MS 72/1/37 (Book of the Dean of Lismore), 15th to 16th century, p. 114.
  2. Dublin, UCD-OFM, Duanaire Fhinn (1628).
  3. Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, MS 54 (18th century?).
  4. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 C 31, p. 66.
  5. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 G 21, p. 147.
  1. Thomas Maclauchlan, The Dean of Lismore's Book: a selection of ancient Gaelic poetry, from a manuscript collection made by James M'Gregor, Doyen de Lismore (1862).
  2. Alexander Cameron, Reliquiae Celticae 1 (Inverness 1892) 76.
    Secondary literature
  1. Pádraig Ó Macháin, 'Poems by Fearghal Óg Mac an Bhaird', Celtica 24 (2003) 252–263. [Survey article about Mac an Bhaird's oeuvre with further literature.]
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Ludwig Christian Stern, Die gaelische Ballade vom Mantel in Macgregors Lieberbuche in Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie, Ed. Kuno Meyer; Ludwig Christian Stern. , Halle/Saale, Max Niemeyer (1897) volume 1page 296–298


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

All the editorial text with the corrections of the editor has been retained. Variant readings and editorial annotations have not been reproduced in this edition. Variants may be entered in a future edition. The quatrains marked 10a and 13a are inserted from the Edinburgh manuscript. A translation into German and an Irish version of this poem are available in Stern's article.

Editorial Declaration


Text has been checked; and proof-read twice.


The electronic text represents the edited text.


There are no quotations.


The editorial practice of the hard-copy editor has been retained.


div0=the poem. Page-breaks, metrical lines and quatrains are marked and numbered.


Names of persons (given names), and places are not tagged. Terms for cultural and social roles are not tagged.

Canonical References

The n attribute of each text in this corpus carries a unique identifying number for the whole text.

The title of the text is held as the first head element within each text.

div0 is reserved for the text (whether in one volume or many).

The numbered quatrains provide a canonical reference.

Profile Description

Created: By an unknown bardic poet. Date range: c. 1480–1500.

Use of language

Language: [GA] The text is in Gaelic.

Revision History

Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G303004

Die gaelische Ballade vom Mantel: Author: unknown


A h-ughdar so Oisín mac Fhinn.

  1. Lá dha n-deachaidh Fionn do dh'ól
    in Almhain is nior iomad slógh,
    seisior ban is seisior fear,
    aon ghill' is ainnir uchtgheal.
  2. Fionn féin is Diarmaid gan on,
    Caoilt' is Oisín is Oscur,
    Conán Maol go maill' ar maigh,
    agus mná nan sé laoch sin.
  3. Maighineas bean Fhinn bu dhéin
    is Ainnear uchtgheal mo bhean féin,
    Gormlaith áillidh is Dubh Rosg,
    Niamh is n-ighean Aonghuis.
  4. 'Nuair a ghabh meisge na mná
    tugsadar ann gus a rádh,
    nach robh ar in domhan tig
    seisior ban in g-coimhionruic.
  5. Adubhairt an innilt gan on:
    'Is colach corrach in domhan;
    gé math sibh-se is iomadh bean
    nach d'rinn feis ach re aon fhear.'
  6. Gairid ar bhith dhoibh mar sin
    táinig aon bhean d'ar rochtain,


    aon bhrat uimpe go n-áilde
    agus í 'na h-aonshnáithe.
  7. Táinig nighean a' bhruit fhinn
    in bh-fiadhnaise mhic Cumhaill,
    beannaichios do'n rígh gan on
    agus suidhios 'na fharradh.
  8. Fiosraighios Fionn sgéala dhi,
    do'n nighin luthmhair lámhghil:
    'A bhean a' bhruit go n-áilde,
    ciod a rad thu is t'aonshnáithe?'
  9. Is geas dom' bhrat go n-áilde,
    bean ann ach 'na h-aonshnáithe,
    nochan fhaigh díon fam' bhrot
    ach bean aoinfhir gan aon locht,
  10. 'Tabhair am brat dom' mhnaoi féin',
    adeir Conán mór gan chéill,
    'go bh-feasmaois an breithir mir
    a tug na mná bho chianaibh'.
  11. * 'Ghacfad-sa an brat, a Chonáin,
    ma's áil leat léigean do t'iomrádh,
    's is mór ghoilleas orm féin
    a n-deanais tu dom' aimhréir.'
  12. Gabhais bean Chonáin am brat
    in cuirios uimpe le rac,
    go'm b'é sin an leithid locht
    dar léig ris uile a geal ucht.
  13. Mar a chunnaic Conán Maol
    am brat ar casadh f'a taobh,
    tairngios an chraoiseach go nimh
    agus marbhuis an nighean.
  14. Gabhuis bean Diarmad' a dhíol
    am brat bho mhnaoi Chonáin mhaoil,
    nochar fearr a mheasadh dhí,
    casaidh am brat f'a cích,
  15. * Glacuis bean Oisin amhra
    am brat fa chúis labhra,


    an téadach nár cumadh dí
    níor chubhaidh a chur uimpe.
  16. Gabhuis bean Oscair 'na dheigh
    am brat comhfhada coimhreidh;
    gé leobhar sgoth a' bhrait fhinn,
    nochar fholaigh a h-imlinn,
  17. Gabhuis Maighineas gan fheall
    am brat is do chuir f'a ceann,
    do chas is do chuar mar sin
    am brat go luath f'a cluasaibh,
  18. Tabhair am brat', ar mac Reith
    dom' mhnaoi-si, is ní cúis cleith,
    go bh-feasmaois aníos gan on
    treis' eile da h-iomlait diubh.'
  19. Do bheirinn-se briathar ris,
    agus ní briathar eagmhais,
    nach dearnus do fheis ri fear
    ch dol duit-si in aois leinbh.'
  20. Nochtuis bean mhic Reith a taobh,
    cuirios uimp' an brat fíorchaomh,
    a sáth eadar chos is lámh
    na go ladhar a ludugán
  21. 'Aon phóg d'fhuarus in braid
    o mhac Uí Dhuibhne Diarmaid;
    do risseadh am brat um lár,
    mur bhéidh sí na h-aonarán,'
  22. 'Tabhraibh mo bhrat domh, a mhná,
    is mi nighean an Deirg ghráin,
    nocha dearnus do locht
    ach feis re Fionn faobharnocht,'
  23. 'Beir mo mhallacht is imthigh bhuainn!'
    's é deir mac Cumhaill gan bhuairt,
    'a d'fhágais fa mhiothlacht ar mná,
    na tair chugainne aon lá!'