Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G208004
Colum Cille cecinit
Author: Unknown
Background details and bibliographic information
File Description
Kuno MeyerElectronic edition compiled by Benjamin Hazard , Dara Mac Domhnaill
Funded by University College, Cork and
The HEA via the LDT Project.
2. Second draft.
Extent of text: 1455 words
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of the Department of History, University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland (2005) (2008) Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G208004
Availability [RESTRICTED]
Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.
Manuscript source- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 615, page 7. For full details see Brian Ó Cuív (ed.), Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Oxford College Libraries; 2 vols. (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 2001-2003) 88100.
Secondary literature- Anne O'Sullivan and Máire Herbert, The provenance of Laud Misc. 615, Celtica 10 (1973) 174192.
The edition used in the digital edition- Kuno Meyer, Colum Cille cecinit (Aus Laud 615, S.7) in Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie. Volume 9, Halle/Saale, Max Niemeyer (1913) page 173175
Project Description
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts
Sampling Declaration
The present electronic text covers Kuno Meyer's edition on pp. 173175.
Editorial Declaration
Text has been proof-read twice.
The electronic text represents the edited text. Text supplied by the editor is tagged sup resp="KM".
Direct speech is marked q.
CELT practice.
div0=the poem.
Names are not tagged, nor are terms for cultural and social roles.
Profile Description
Created: By an unknown Irish monastic author.
Date range: 9001200.
Use of language
Language: [GA] The text is in Middle Irish.
Language: [DE] Annotations are in German.
Revision History
- (2011-01-30)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
- New wordcount made.
- (2008-10-03)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
- Keywords added; file validated.
- (2008-07-19)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
- Value of div0 "type" attribute modified, 'creation' tags inserted, content of 'langUsage' revised; structural markup modified, file reparsed.
- (2007-12-18)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
- File converted to XML.
- (2005-08-01)
Benjamin Hazard (ed.)
- File parsed and HTML file created.
- (2005-07-27)
Benjamin Hazard (ed.)
- Header constructed and bibliographical details compiled.
- (2005-07-23)
Benjamin Hazard (ed.)
- File converted to SGML and proof-read (2); new content mark-up applied to text; structural mark-up inserted.
- (1996-07-30)
Dara Mac Domhnaill (ed.)
- Text captured by scanning; file proof-read (1); content mark-up added to file.