Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber , Caoimhín Ó Dónaill
Funded by University College, Cork and
The HEA via the LDT Project
1. First draft.
Extent of text: 44240 words
Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G206008
Availability [RESTRICTED]
Available with prior consent of the CELT project for purposes of academic research and teaching only.
Copyright for the printed edition rests with the Irish Texts Society. The electronic edition was compiled with the kind permission of the copyright owner.
You can purchase the book containing this text via the ITS website (http://www.irishtextssociety.org/). Click on the link to the RIA shop.
Volume 1 was published in 1933 and contains the Latin text from Paris, Mazarin Library MS 984, on pages 1101, which has not been captured. Volume 2 contains the English translation.
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts
The present text represents even pages 107229 of the volume. All editorial introduction, notes and indexes have been omitted.
Text has been proof-read twice.
The electronic text represents the edited text. Corrections supplied by the editor are tagged corr sic="" resp="JMK".
There are no quotations.
When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page-break or line-break, the page-break and line-break are marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.
div0=the text; div1=the chapter.
Names are not tagged, nor are terms for cultural and social roles.
This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the section.
Created: By an unknown translator Date range: c. 14501600.
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
Caoimhín Ó Dónaill (ed.)
Data Capture Company (data capture)