Electronic edition compiled by John Carey, Philip Irwin
Funded by University College, Cork and
Professor Marianne McDonald via the CELT Project
2. Second draft.
Proof corrections by Aideen O'Leary
Extent of text: 117245 words
Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G206000
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Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts
The present text represents 35275 of the volume. All editorial introduction, translation, notes and indexes have been omitted.
Editorial corrigenda are integrated into the electronic edition. Missing text supplied by the editor is tagged sup.
Text has been checked and proofread twice. All corrections and supplied text are tagged. The Passions and the Homilies from Leabhar Breac is a large work. Any corrections of errors in the original text, as edited by Atkinson, or in this digital edition are welcome. They will be credited to the scholars who make them.
The electronic text represents the text of the edition with the following exceptions:
John Carey's corrections of Atkinson's text take the form of a corr sic="" tag. Carey has corrected Atkinson's incorrect expansions on his own authority; where collation with the O'Longan transcript indicates a transcription error on Atkinson's part, O'Longan's testimony is cited as resp="OL". Where text was edited by Carey based on O'Longan, this is marked resp="COL" This was done in cases where a transcription error by Atkinson seems highly likely; when the two disagree with regard to lenition-marks, n-suspensions, etc., either might easily have slipped. The MS itself was not consulted, and without doing so, it is impossible to be certain.
the tag sup resp="RA" introduces material supplied editorially by Atkinson; he generally, but not completely consistently, encloses this in square brackets. The tag sup resp="JC" introduces material supplied by John Carey, generally along the same lines as by Atkinson (e.g., restoring letters or syllables which appear to have been lost by homoeoteleuton). In both cases the material added represents editorial emendation of the testimony of the manuscript. Where however the tag sup resp="OL" or corr sic resp="OL" is used, this is a correction of Atkinson's edition on the basis of the O'Longan transcript: this extends even to the restoration of corruptions (generally dittographies), by the scribe which Atkinson had silently emended.
Atkinson's notation of interlinear additions is inconsistent. Thus on p. 41 cristaige urmoir (line 3) is enclosed in parentheses, a Cesare composita and provincia (line 12) are enclosed in square brackets and printed in small type (noted as another font by the scanner), and .i. in t-senaid noim (lines 1718) is not distinguished from the main text in any way: all are supralinear additions. The facsimile was taken as guide and in noting all such additions by enclosing them in square brackets.
Note: Many of the homilies are bilingual, with more or less closely corresponding Irish renderings following passages of Latin. Atkinson gives continuous Irish texts, printing some of the Latin texts separately in the same section which contains translations of the Irish (cf. his note p. 276). The omission of Latin segments was indicated by the note Editor omits corresponding Latin passage. Atkinson's omission of most of the Latin has occasionally led him to compose bits of Irish text not found in Leabhar Breac itself. Thus on p. 192 occus o ra-forbaide (l 5413) represents the manuscript's et cum complerentur, while is amlaid-sin (5430) corresponds to sic; on p. 228 ocus aithle ocht laa (6687) stands for post dies octa; on p. 261 a athair (7891) stands for pater noster.
Quotation marks are rendered Q. Quotations inside quotations are nested.
Soft hyphens are silently removed. When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page-break, the page-break is marked after the completion of the hyphenated word. Mutated words with nasalization in anlaut, such as n- and m-, have been hyphenated off. The same applies to the h- of gemination.
The verbal complex, and nominal and adjectival compounds, have been left as they appear in Atkinson's (inconsistent) treatment. There is still a question whether preposition + pronoun should be written as one word or two: since it seems unlikely in any case that they will be hyphenated following Atkinson (e.g. is-in, i n-a), they have been run them together as single words as an interim measure.
The column-numbers from O'Longan's transcript have been inserted, marking every change of column with the tag mls unit="column" n="193b". Where Atkinson jumps from one point in the manuscript to another, and a text in the Passions and Homilies neither follows its predecessor in Leabhar Breac nor begins at the head of a column (e.g. pieces XXVI, XXVIII, V, beginning in PH on pp. 60, 64, 81), it is introduced by the tag mls unit="column/line" n="34a 19". Note that LB pp. 199200 (on PH pp. 23640) are not written in columns.
DIV0=the Passions and Homilies; DIV1=the individual texts DIV2=the individual section; paragraphs and page-breaks are marked.
Personal names, place names and group names have not been tagged. Social and professional roles have not been tagged.
Created: Date range: 9001200.
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