Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition

Background details and bibliographic information

Molaisse und seine Schwester

Author: Unknown

File Description

Julius Pokorny

Electronic edition compiled by Ruth Murphy, Beatrix Färber

Funded by University College, Cork and
The HEA via the LDT Project.

2. Second draft.

Extent of text: 930 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of the Department of History, University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—

(2009) (2011)

Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G201026

Availability [RESTRICTED]

Available with prior consent of the CELT project for purposes of academic research and teaching only.


The editor does not indicate either manuscript foliation or variant readings but combines both versions trying to reconstruct the text.


  1. Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS 1339, alias H 2 18 alias Book of Leinster, 285b 45–286a 35.
  2. Chatsworth, Book of Lismore, written for Fínghin Mac Carthaigh Riabhach (ob. 1505) and his wife Caitilín (ob. 1506), at Chatsworth since 1930, published in facsimile: R. A. S. Macalister (ed), The Book of Mac Carthaigh Riabhach otherwise the Book of Lismore, Facsimiles in Collotype of Irish Manuscripts V (Dublin: Stationery Office for Irish Manuscripts Commission 1950).
  1. R. I. Best and M. A. O'Brien (eds), Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála (Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1967) 1244–45.
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Julius Pokorny, Molaisse und seine Schwester in Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie. volume 9, Halle/Saale, Max Niemeyer (1913) page 239–241


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

The present electronic text covers Julius Pokorny's edition on pp. 239–241.

Editorial Declaration


The text has been proof-read twice.


The electronic text represents the edited text. Expansions are tagged ex.


Direct speech is marked q.


Soft hyphens are silently removed. When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page-break, this break is marked after completion of the hyphenated word.


div0=the whole text; div1=the section, corresponding to the editor's numbered paragraph.


Names are tagged.

Canonical References

This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the section.

Profile Description

Created: By unknown scribes in Irish monasteries. Date range: c.800–1000.

Use of language

Language: [GA] The text is in Old and Middle Irish.
Language: [DE] Annotations and title are in German.

Revision History

Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G201026

Molaisse und seine Schwester: Author: Unknown


Boí síur Mo-Laissi Lethglinne oc légund i Mo-Laisse. Is-sí didiu do-imthirthed in clérech. Mac-clérech didiu hi combuid in chlérig. Imman-arnaic dóib & in mac-caillech co m-bo torrach de.

‘Bíaid olc di-sund’ ol a m-banscal, ‘dia festar in clérech. Do-béra a miscais forn, conna gébam nem na talmain. Is lóur íarum’ olsi, ‘mo mudugud-sa. Eirg-siu for a imgabáil!’

‘Ní-m-érbara-sa didiu a ben!’ ol in mac-clérech.

‘Ní-epér, mani-tí trem' thóeb’, ol a m-banscal. ‘M'écn(d)airc-se’, olsi, ‘do gabáil co-mmaith!’

‘Mad-am béo-sa’, olse-sium, ‘ní-bía(e) i n-iffurn’.

‘For foísom n-Dé ón’ olsi-si.


Luid-sium íar-sin co m-boí i n-Ardd Macha(e).

Asbert nech and fri Mo-Laisse íarum: ‘Atá a chlérig in mac-caillech co n-idnaib.’

‘Ro-bat idain dían-báis ón’ ol Mo-Laisse & fo-gait nime & talmain airre.

Ba fír són. Ní-s-tarraid comman. Do-cóid eter úir & iffern. Ní-relic in clérech a adnacul i-rrelic. Conid issin móin fri cill an-ís ro-adnacht.

Mac-clérech di Laignib ránic cucai-sium co Ardd Macha(e).

‘C'indas’, olse-sium, ‘do M'Laissiu?’

‘Amein’, ol in mac-clérech.

‘& in mac-caillech?’

‘Iss-ed so’, olse. ‘Do-cóid eter úir & iffern. Nicon-fess cía do-d-rigni.’

‘Maith dano’ olse.

N-a-lléici tra íar-sin for gabáil a écn(d)arca .i. secht m-bíaite cech laí leis & chét sléchtan & na tri coícait cech laí leis.

Do-tét a-túaid íar-sin. Bendachaid don chlériuch.

Im-comairc cech rét dó.

‘Iss-ed so’, ol in clérech.

‘Áil dam’, ol in mac-clérech, ‘bothnat díamair i n-geisinn Día fri cill an-echtair.’

‘Maith’, ol in clérech.

Do-gní boith samlaid i fochraib ind ligi. Blíadain dó and. Fecht and didiu con-da-acca(e) cucai.


‘Bendacht fort' anmain tra’ olsi. ‘Is maith ataí frium-sa. Do-m-essurt inge bec.’

‘Cid as mó do-tt-essairc?’ ol in mac-clérech.

‘In bíait’, olsi-si. Is and asbert:

    1. A cétal fota(e) figlech
      in bíait is inmain adrad.
      Dia n-gabtha(e) erum di léir
      ní-beinn nach céin i n-damnad.
      • In bíait is inmain adrad
        céin-mair anmain dia n-dichet!
        Fíu la ríg do-don-farci
        cethéora darti fichet.

‘In bíait ón’, olsi, ‘is-sí no-m-chobradar-sa.’

Fecht and didiu tánic Fursu cráibdech dochum na cille, conacca(e) side timthirecht n-aingel issin móin dond lig(i)u.

‘Maith, a mMo-Laissi’, ol Fursu, ‘cía nóeb fil issin móin?’

‘Ídal fil and’, ol Mo-Laisse, ‘demon caillige’.

‘Décca(e) so, a mMo-Laissi’, ol Fursu. Conacc(e) so: timthirecht aingel dind lig(i)u dochum nime.

Tucad íarum in corp assin móin, co ro-adnacht issind relic. Co n-dernai Fursu foísom in mac-clérig co n-dernai nóeb din mac-clériuch & co n-dechaid dochum nime.

Conid ferr cech ernaighthi didiu in bíait do tessarcain anma(e) ar demnaib.