Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G201001

Lives of the Saints from the Book of Lismore

Author: Unknown

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Whitley Stokes

Electronic edition compiled by Elva Johnston

Funded by University College, Cork and
Professor Marianne McDonald via the CURIA Project.

2. Second draft.

Extent of text: 71130 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—

(1995) (2010)

Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G201001

Availability [RESTRICTED]

Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.


    Manuscript sources
  1. Chatsworth, Book of Lismore (at Chatsworth since 1930), folios 41ra1–84ra9 (facsimile foliation); published in facsimile: R. A. S. Macalister (ed), The Book of Mac Carthaigh Riabhach otherwise the Book of Lismore, Facsimiles in Collotype of Irish Manuscripts V (Dublin: Stationery Office for Irish Manuscripts Commission 1950). Stokes's edition was made from the original, lodged for him in the British Museum.
  2. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 57, 477 (olim 23 K 5 see Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy, fasc. 2, 163), made by Eugene O'Curry, c. 1839.
  3. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 478, 474 (olim 23 H 6 see Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy, fasc. 10, 1278), made by Joseph O'Longan in 1868.
    Internet resources
  1. The book is available online in .PDF format at
  2. See for further details and bibliographical information.
  3. See for Eugene O'Curry's description of the manuscript's rediscovery in 1814, from 'Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History' (Dublin 1861).
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Lives of the Saints from the Book of Lismore. Whitley Stokes (ed), First edition [cxx + 411 pp] Clarendon PressOxford (1890)


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

All editorial introduction, translation, notes and indexes have been omitted. Editorial corrigenda (pp. 404–411 and elsewhere in the edition) are integrated into the electronic edition. In general, only the text of the Book of Lismore had been retained, since variants are cited from other MSS in a non-systematic way and most are non-significant. Therefore, only significant variants are retained and these are tagged as variants. Missing text supplied by the editor is tagged.

Editorial Declaration


Text has been thoroughly checked and proofread. All corrections and supplied text are tagged.


The electronic text represents the edited text. The editor's expansion of the notum for 'vero' as 'immorro' is retained throughout. Words are segmented in accordance with CELT practice.


Quotation marks are rendered q; double quotation marks are nested within single quotation marks.


Soft hyphens are silently removed. When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page-break or line-break, the page-break and line-break are marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.


div0=the volume; div1=the individual saint's Life or religious text; paragraphs are marked div2; poems are marked for stanzas and lines. Page-breaks and line-breaks are marked, and the number of every line-break is give as lb n="nnn". Folio numbers of the manuscript as rendered in the facsimile are marked mls unit="folio" n="n".

Standard Values

Dates are standardized in the ISO form yyyy-mm-dd


Names of persons (given names and surnames), groups (dynasties, tribes, peoples etc.), places are tagged. Offices and titles (king, abbot, lord etc.) are tagged. Numbers and dates are tagged.

Canonical References

This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the Life.

Refs: LINE (<LB>)

This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the Life.

Profile Description

Created: By unknown authors in Irish monastic scriptoria Date range: c. 1100–1200, various and unknown .

Use of language

Language: [GA] Approx. 99% in Middle Irish and Early Modern Irish.
Language: [LA] Approx. 1% in Latin, mostly biblical citations.

Revision History