Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber , Benjamin Hazard
proof corrections by Beatrix Färber , Benjamin Hazard
Funded by University College, Cork and
The Higher Education Authority via the LDT Project
2. Second draft, revised and corrected.
Extent of text: 5310 words
Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G105018
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In the hardcopy the genealogical information on the reign of the Irish kings is structured partly as running text; partly as lists; and partly as tables. In the electronic edition, markup is in line with this.
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Created: By unknown scribes in Irish monasteries Date range: 600900.
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
Julianne Nyhan (ed.)
Peter Flynn (ed.)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
Benjamin Hazard (ed.)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
Students at the CURIA Project (data capture)
Tricha blíadan fot flaithiusa Fer mBolg. Isin chóiced blíadain flaithiusa Metulli rogabsatar Túatha Dé Dhanann Éirinn.
Conid sé blíadna ar dá chét fot flaithiusa Túathe Dé Danann uile.
Comamser dered flathiusa la Pales. Tosach flathiusa Solman m. Duíd ocus gabála mac Míled.
Cóic .lxx. do blíadnaib ar dá chétaib ar míle ó chédgabáil Érend .i. ó dílind co gabáil mac Míled .i. isin dara blíadain flaithiusa Solman.
Octaianus Augustus .xlii. In tempore istius Táin Bó Cúailgne.
- Octauin Auguist cen ail
airdrí in domain toédenaig,
Altus ainm in chonsail chain
ruc in cís ó Góedelaib.
Cóic aimsera in domain co so .i. fri ré dá blíadain .l. ar nói cétaib ar trí míle .i. ó thosach domain co gein Críst.
Octauin Auguist .xiiii. íar ngein Críst.
Tibir Cesair .xuiii. dó i rríge ría césad Críst; a cúic hautem dó íar césad Críst.
Iosep, id est custos Marie. Issin aimsir tra Eochach Feidlig rogénair Críst .i. isin tres blíadain a flathiusa & isin tsechtmad blíadain .xx. flathiusa Concobair m. Nesa & isin dara blíadain .xl. Octauin Auguist ríg in domain & isin tres blíadain .l. hautem ar nói cétaib ar trí mílib ó thosach in domain & cét blíadain fuír bisex isside. Blíadain tánaisi nóidécdai .i. blíadain fichet for calainn Enáir for satharnd & in .uiii. calann Enáir arái lathi mís gréne & in cethramaid fichet araí aesa ésca, i ndomnach araí lathi sechtmaine, gorrogaíb Óengus Turbech blíadain ar chét isin .xiiii. flathiusa Ptolomei Euergites.
Rogab tra Eochu Fedlech rígi nÉirenn fri ré .xii. Is 'na aimsir robátar na cóicedaig .i. Conchobar & Carpri & Cú Ruí & Eochu & Ailill.
Ó ragab Óengus Turmech co rogaib Eochu Feidlech fichi & dá cét.
Is ed innisit senchaidhe & libuir conid comaimserda na trí ríg se .i. Ptolomeus mac Lairg & Ptolomeus Philodelpus & Ptolomeus Euergites & .xiiii. do rígaib hÉirenn .i. Lóegaire (Eliud genuit Elispul) Lorc & Cobthach & Labraid Loingsech & Melge & Cobthach & Mog Corb & Óengus Ollam & Erero & Fer Corb & Condlai & Ailill & Amadair & Eochu & Forgus Fortamail.
Here the scribe breaks off and uses the rest of p. 112 b to write down three stanzas of the poem ascribed to Adamnán, beginning Trí cémenna cindte do chách. See Arch. III, p. 215. Then on p. 113 a follow parallel lists of the kings of Assyria, Judaea and Ireland.
Assyria | Judaea | Ireland |
Laustenes. Is 'na hamsir sidhe roforbad tempull Solman. xlu. blíadan | Salemon .xl. bl. | Rogab hautem hÉremón rígi .xii. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Mumne & Luigne & Laigne trí meic hÉremóin .iii. bliadna. |
[nbsp ] | Robuam mac Solaim .xuii. | Iríel Fáith mac hÉremóin, .x. |
[nbsp ] | Abiam mac Robuam .iii. | Ethrél mac Iriél, .xx. |
Parathiathis, .xxx. | Assa mac Abiam, .xli. | Conmael mac Ébir, .xxx. Cétrí Érenn a Mumain. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Tigernmas mac Follaig, .lxxuii. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Ó rogabsat meic Míled hÉrind co rragaib Tigernmas rígi .i. isin dara blíadain flaithiusa Parathiathis .i. .lxxix. |
[nbsp ] | Iosaphath mac Assa, uiii. Fuit credo tus ced nunc est meus. | Eocho Étgothach, .iii., a Mumain .i. étig a guth. Is é cétduine robo got. |
p.475 | ||
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Cermna & Sobairche, .xl. A hUltaib dó. |
Offratalus, .xx. | Ioram mac Iosaphath, .uiii. | Eocho Faebarglas (a Mumain), .xx. |
[nbsp ] | Azarias mac Ioram, .uii. | Fíacha Labrainde, .xx. A Temuir. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Eocho Momo, .xx., a Mumain. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Óengus Ólmucaid, .xuiii., a Temuir. |
Offratanes, .l. | Ioas mac Azarias, .xl. | Énna Airgdech, .xxuii., a Mumain. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Rothectaid, .xxu., a Temraig. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Sétna mac Airt, .u., a hUltaib. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Fíachna Findchosach, .xx., a hUlt-. |
Achrastabes, .xlii. | Amasias mac Amans, .lii. | Munemón mac Caiss, .u. a Mumain. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Allerg mac Munemón, .x. a Mumain. |
[nbsp ] | Azarias mac Amans, .lii. | Ollam Fótla, .xl., d'Ultaib. |
Sardanapolus, .xu. Is hé-side rí dédenach na nAsarda. Cóic ríg trichat díb & óenrígan fri ré .luii. ocus dá céd míle. | [nbsp ] | Dá .c. blíadan ó rogabsat meic Míled co rrogaib Ollam Fótla .i. i n-óenblíadain & Sardinapolus. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Fínnachta mac Ollaman, .xx. |
Arbases cédrí na Med, .xxuii. | [nbsp ] | Slánoll mac Ollaman, .xuii., a hUltaib. |
Sorafanius, .xxx. | [nbsp ] | Géde Ollgothach, .xuiii., a hUltaib. |
Madidus, .xl. | [nbsp ] | Fíachna Finnolches, .xx., a hUltaib.3 |
{folio 113 b 1}Ardechias, .xiii. | Ezechias mac Achar, .xxix. | Berngal mac Géde (a hUltaib), .xii. |
Ioches, .xliii. | Mandasses mac Espech-, .lii. | Ailill mac Slánuill, .xiii. |
Fraortes, .xxiii. | Ammon mac Manase, .u. | [nbsp ] |
Ciraxares, .xxxii. | Iossias mac Ammon, .xxxi. | [nbsp ] |
Astiages, .xxxuiii. | Iochim mac Iosias, .xi. | [nbsp ] |
Isin ochtmad blíadain a flathiusa in brat Babilónda. Ó domun co brait .lxxiii. ar .ccc. | Zedechias mac Iosias. Undecimo anno regni sui capta est Hierusalem. | Sírna mac Déin, .xxi. Isin blíadain rogab Sírna Saeglach rígi nÉirenn, is and roort Nabcodón Hierusalem & rucad in braitt co Babilón .i. isin ochtmad blíadain flaithiusa Astiages regis mundi. |
Tricha blíadan & .cccc. ó chumdach tempuill Solman co a loscud. | [nbsp ] | [nbsp ] |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Rothechtaig mac Roáin a Mumain, .uii. |
p.476 | ||
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Éllim mac Rothechtaid, .i. |
Cir cétrí na Pers, .xxx. Isin cétna blíadain a flaithiusa rosóerait meic Israel asin dóire. | Iochonia mac Iosies genuit Solathel hautem genuit Zorobobel. | Gíallchad mac Ailella, .ix. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Art Imlig a Mumain .xii. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Núado Finn Fáil i Temair, .xlx. |
Babilóndai. | [nbsp ] | Bres mac Airt a Mumain, .ix. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Eochu Opthach do Chorco Láidi, .i. |
Cambisses, .uiii. | Sorobobel genuit Obeth. | Find mac Brátha a hUltaib, .xx. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Sétna Innarraid a Mumain, .xx. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Simón Brecc a Temraig, .ui. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Dúach Find mac Sétna a Mumain .x. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Muiredach Balcri a Temuir, .i. |
Darius, .xxxuii. | Obeth .g. Eliachim. | Énda Derg mac Dúach a Mumain, .xii. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Lugaid mac Énnai, .ix. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Sírlám mac Find a hUltaib, .uii. |
Xerxes, .xx. | [nbsp ] | Eocho hÚarches, xii. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Eocho & Conaing do Chorco Láidi, .u. |
Artabanes, .uii. mís. | [nbsp ] | Lugaid mac Eocho Úairches a Mumain, .ui. |
Artaxerxes, .xl. | Eliachim .g. Asrur. | Conaing Bececlach do Chorco Láidi, .x. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Art mac Lugdach a Mumain, .ui. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Eocho Finn mac Airt, .ix. |
Darius Nothus, .xix. | [nbsp ] | Eocho mac Ailella, .uii. |
Now, on p. 114 a, begin parallel lists of the Roman emperors, the popes, and the kings of Ireland, as follows: {folio 114 a}
Emperors | Popes | Kings of Ireland |
Gaius Gallicula, .iii. & .x. mís & .uiii. laithe. Is na haimsir cétscríbend in tsoscélai. | Petrus apostolus, .xxii. annis cathedram episcopalem tenuit. | Lugaid Ríab nderg .xxuii. D'éc do chumaid a meic atbath. |
Claudius, .xiii. & .uii. mís & .uii. laithe .xx. | Linus, .xi. | Conchobor mac Find .i. |
Ner .xiii. & .uii. mís & .uiii. laithe fichet. Is na haimsir rochrochad Pedar & rodíchendad Pól. | [nbsp ] | Crimthand Nad Náir, .xui. |
Uespassianus, .ix. & .xi. mís & dá lá ar .xx. Isin dara blíadain a flaithiusa ro airgestar Tit Hierusalem .i. a ndígail fola Críst & a césta aircena. | [nbsp ] | Carpre Cind Chait, .u. |
p.477 | ||
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Feradach Finn Fechtnach, .xxii. |
Tit, dá blíadain & dá mís. | Anacletus, .xii. | [nbsp ] |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Fíatach mac Dáire, .ii. |
Domitianus, .xu. & .u. mís. Ingrem mór for na Crístadaib, co rralad Eoín for longais leis. | Clemens, .ix. | Fíachna mac Feradaig, .xuii. |
Ner blíadain & .iiii. mís & .uiii. laithe. Is na haimsir roscríb Eoin a soscéla. | Euaristus, .u. & .ix. mís. | Élim mac Conrach, .xx. Is 'na haimsir Eocho Áncenn i rígu Laigen. |
Traianus, .xix. & .ui. mís. Is na haimsir atbath Eoin. | Alaxandir, .x. | Forbre mac Finne i rrígu Muman. |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Sanb mac Cet i rrígu Connacht. |
Adrianus, .xxi. Is na haimsir athnugud Hierusalem. | Teliforus, .xi. | Túathal Techtmar, .xxx. Is é roscar rígi ra hathechtúathaib Hérenn. |
Antonius Pius, .xxii. & .iii. mís. Is na hamsir tugad ríagail na cásc dona Crístadaib. | Ignius, .iiii. | [nbsp ] |
[nbsp ] | Pius, .xu. | [nbsp ] |
[nbsp ] | Anacletus, .x. | Mál mac Rochraide, .iiii. |
Antonius Marcus, .xix. & mí. | Soter, .uiii. | Fedelmid Rechtaid, .ix. |
Antonius Commadus, .xiii. | Eleuterus, .xxu. | [nbsp ] |
[nbsp ] | [nbsp ] | Catháir Mór, iii. |
Elius Pertinax, .ui. mís. | Uictor, .x. | [nbsp ] |
Seuerus Pertinax, .xuii. Isin sessad blíadain rogab Conn Cédchadhach. | Zefferinus, .xuiii. | Cond Cédchathach ó fuil Leth Cuinn, .xxxu. |
{folio 114 b} Antonius, .uii. | Calistus, .u. | Nói mblíadna, .xc. ar .c. ó gen Chríst co rragaib Cond Cétchathach ríge nÉrend. |
Marcius, .i. | Urbanus, .ix. | [nbsp ] |
Marcus, .iiii. | Pontianus, .u. | [nbsp ] |
Aurilius, .xiii. | [nbsp ] | Conare mac Moga. |
Maximus, .iii. | [nbsp ] | [nbsp ] |
Gordianus, .ui. | Antherus uno mennse. | Art mac Cuind, .xxx. |
Pilipus, .uii. | Fabianus, .xiii. | [nbsp ] |
Decius, óenblíadain & trí mís. | Cornilius, .ii. | [nbsp ] |
Gallus, dá blíadain & .iiii. mís. | Lucius, .uiii. mís. | [nbsp ] |
Ualerianus, .xii. | Stefanus, .iii. | Lugaid mac Con, .xxx. |
Claudius, .i. blíadain & .ix. mís. | Dionissius. | [nbsp ] |
Aurilianus, .u. bl. & .ui. mís. | Sextus, .xi. | [nbsp ] |
Tacitus, .ui. mís. | [nbsp ] | [nbsp ] |
p.478 | ||
Probus, .ui. blíadna & .iiii. mís. | Felix, .u. | Fergus Dubdédach do Dál Fíatach, .i. |
Carus, dá blíadain. | Ethicianus, .uiii. mís. | Cormac mac Airt a Temuir, .xl. |
Diocletianus, .xx. | Gauianus, .xii. | [nbsp ] |
Gallinus, .ii. | Marcillianus, .xi. | [nbsp ] |
Constantin mac Helena, .xxx. & .x. mís. Is leis rohidprad Róim do Phól & do Phetar & is 'na haimsir dofríth an chroch & rocumscaiged in corgus. | Iosebius, .uii. mís. | Eocho Gundat, .i. |
[nbsp ] | Mitiades, .iiii. | Carpre, .xxui. |
[nbsp ] | Silurus, .xxii. | [nbsp ] |
Constantius, .xxiiii. & .ui. mís. | [nbsp ] | Na Fothaid meic Lugdech meic Con, .i. |
Iulianus, dá blíadain & .ui. mís. | Marcus, .ix. mís. | Fíacha Sroipthine, .xxuii. |
Iouianus, .uii. mís. | Iulius, .xui. & .iiii. mís. | Colla Úais, .iiii. |
Ualentianus, .xi. | [nbsp ] | Muiredach, .xxx. |
Ualens, .iiii. | Liberius. | [nbsp ] |
Gratianus, .ui. | Damassus. | Cóelbad, .i. |
Teothosius, .ui. | Innosentius, .xxxuiii. | Eochu Muigmedhón .uiii. |
Arcadius, .xiii. | [nbsp ] | Crimthand mac Fidaig, .xiii. |
Honorius, .xii. | Bonifatius, .iii. | Níall mac Echach, .xxxuii. |
Teothosius, .uii. | Celestinus, .xxi. | Dathí mac Fíachrach, .xxii. |
[nbsp ] | Xistus, .i. | Lóegaire mac Néill, .iiii. ante fidem.4 |
Now, on p. 115 a, begin parallel lists of the kings of Ireland, the archbishops of Armagh and the kings of Cashel.
Kings of Ireland | Archbishops of Armagh | Kings of Cashel |
Laegaire mac Néill, .xix. | Pátraic. | Nadfrúich mac Cuirc, .xxii. |
Ailill Molt, .xx. | Sechnall, .iii. | Oengus mac Nadfráich, .xxxui. Romarbad é. |
Lugaid mac Laegaire, .xxu. | Senpátraic, .x. | Eochu mac Óengusa. In tempore istius Ailbius quieuit. |
Muircertach mac Ercae, .xxiiii. | Binén, .x. | [nbsp ] |
p.479 | ||
Túathal Maelgarb, .xiii. | Íarlaithe, .xuiii. | Crimthann mac Echach, .xx. Éc. |
Dérmait mac Cerbaill, .xxii. | Cormac, .xu. | Carpri Crom m. Crimthainn, .xxii. Éc. |
[nbsp ] | Dubthach, .xui. | Fergus mac Crimthainn, .xii. |
[nbsp ] | Ailill, .xiii. | [nbsp ] |
Domnall & Fergus, .i. dá mac Muirchertaig, .iii. | Ailill, .x. | [nbsp ] |
Baetán & Eochu .i. meic Muirchertaig .m. Domnaill. | Dúach. | Fedilmid m. Cairpri, .xuii. |
Anmere mac Sétnai, .iii. | Fíachraig. | [nbsp ] |
Baetán .i. mac Ninnida m. Dúach m. Conaill, blíadain. | Feidilmed, .xx. | [nbsp ] |
Áed mac Anmerech, .xxu. | Caerlan, .x. | [nbsp ] |
Colmán Ríme & Áed Sláine, .ui. | Eochaig. | Fingin m. Áeda m. Fedilmid m. Óengusa m. Crimthainn, .xxiii. |
Áed hÚairidnach, .uii. | Senach. | [nbsp ] |
Mael Coba m. Áeda m. Ainmirech, .iiii. | Mac Laisre. | [nbsp ] |
Suibne Mend m. Fíachna m. Muiredha, .xiii. | [nbsp ] | [nbsp ] |
Domnull mac Áeda, .xiii. | [nbsp ] | Cathal mac Áeda, qui fuit rex Hiberniae quamuis non nuncupatur inter reges, .xx. |
Conall & Cellach .i. dá mac Mael Coba, .xiiii. | [nbsp ] | Failbe Fland m. Áeda d'Úib Énnai. Éc. |
Blathmac & Díarmuit meic Áeda, .uiii. | Tomíne. | Cúán m. Amalgada, .x. |
Sechnassach m. Blathmeic, .u. | [nbsp ] | Maenach m. Fingin, .xii. |
Cenduaelad m. Crunnmáil, .iiii. | [nbsp ] | [nbsp ] |
Fínnachta Fledach m. Domnaill m. Áeda, .uiii. | Ségíne. | Cú cen Máthair .i. Cathal, .iii. |
Loingsech m. Oengusa, .ix. | [nbsp ] | [nbsp ] |
Congal m. Fergusa, .ui. | [nbsp ] | Colcu m. Fáilbe, .xiii. Éc. |
Fergal m. Máile Dúin m. Cernaid, .x. | Flann Febla, .xxuii. | Finguine m. Con cen Máthair, .xuiii. Éc. |
Fogartach m. Néill. | [nbsp ] | [nbsp ] |
Cinaeth m. Irgalaich, .iii. | [nbsp ] | Eterscél m. Mael Umai (d'Úib Énnai), .ui. |
Flathbertach m. Loingsig, .ix. | Suibne, .xu. | Cormac m. Ailella, .xi. |
Áed Ollán m. Fergaile, .ix. | Congus, .xx. | Cathal m. Finguine, .xxix. |
Domnull m. Murchada, .xxi. | Céle Petair, .uiii. | Cathassach m. Etersceoil, .xuii.5 |
Now, on p. 115 b, under the heading Do rígaib Dál nAraide follows a list of the kings of Dál Araide.
Sárán m. Cóelbad, Connla m. Cóelbad, Fíachna Lonn m. Cóelbad, Eocho m. Connlaid, Áed Brec, Baetán m. Echach, Áed Dub m. Suibne, Fíachna Lurgu, Congal Cáech, Lochéne m. Fingin, Eochu Íarlaithe, Mael Cáich m. Scandail, Cathassach m. Fíachna, Dúngal m. Scannail, Cathasach m. Máil Cáich, Ailill m. Dúngail, Áed Airech, Cú Chúaráin, Lethlobar m. Echach, Fíachra Cosalach.
Then follows lists of kings of various dynasties.