Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Lebor na Cert (Author: unknown)
List of witnesses
- L: The Book of Lecan, ff. 194 d 12-202 d 26.
- Li: The Book of Lismore, ff. 98 d 20-105 b 21.
- B: The Book of Ballymote ff. 268 a 36-281 b 53.
- M: The Book of Hy Many ff. 76 a 1-80 c 29.
- M2: A longer recension of the poem pp. 114-118 is preserved in the Book of Hy Many 125 d 53.
- H: Myles Dillion does not explicitly identify MS H, but it has been inferred that it refers to RIA no. 712 (23 H 28) as he states (intro p. xxi) that this was the only paper manuscript consulted.