Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G102900

Lebor na Cert

Author: unknown

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Myles Dillon

Electronic edition compiled by Emer Purcell

Funded by University College, Cork and
The HEA via the LDT Project.

Proof corrections by Hilary Lavelle

2. Second draft.

Extent of text: 24880 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of the Department of History, University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—

(2006) (2008)

Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G102900

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Available with prior consent of the CELT project for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

Copyright for the printed edition rests with the Irish Texts Society. The electronic edition was compiled with the kind permission of the copyright owner.


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    Vellum Manuscript sources
  1. The Book of Hy Many (written 1378–1394) ff. 76 a 1–80 c 29.
  2. The Book of Ballymote (written 1384–1406) ff. 268 a 36–281 b 53.
  3. The Book of Lecan (written 1416–1418) ff. 194 d 12–202 d 26.
  4. The Book of Lismore (late 15th century) ff. 98 d 20–105 b 21.
  5. National Library Gaelic MS. VI (16th century?) ff. 13r 1–19v 18 (f. 20 is misplaced).
    Paper Manuscript sources
  1. None of the following manuscripts are earlier than the eighteenth century: Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, no. 288 p. 251 (19th century).
  2. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, no. 485 p. 276 (18th century).
  3. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, no. 689 p. 103 (18th century).
  4. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, no. 712 f. 43f (18th century).
  5. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, no. 756 p. 208 (18th century).
  6. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, no. 757 (copy of 756) p. 319 (18th century).
  7. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, no. 930 p. 75a (19th century).
  8. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, no. 1012 p. 119 (19th century).
  9. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, no. 1195 p. 1 (18th century). These do not include the two manuscripts of Lismore (nos, 261 by O'Curry and 478 by O'Longan) nor the transcript of Lecan (no. 894 by Connellan). Of these nos. 712 and 1195 are the most important. Nos. 288, 485, 689 and 930 contain only fragments concerning Cashel. These paper manuscripts have not been closely examined. Only no. 712 (23 H 28) had been regularly consulted; it usually agrees with Lismore but is not a mere copy. The Abbotsford Irish manuscript contains a good text of the same recension.
  1. John O'Donovan (ed. & tr.), Leabhar na gCeart or the Book of Rights (Dublin 1847)
  2. Myles Dillon (ed. & tr.), Lebor na cert: the Book of rights, ITS 46 (Dublin 1962) with introduction and notes.
    Further reading
  1. Eugene O'Curry, Lectures on the manuscript materials of ancient Irish history (Dublin and New York 1861; repr. Dublin 1878; repr. Dublin 1995).
  2. Eugene O'Curry, On the manners and customs of the ancient Irish, ed. W. K. O'Sullivan (3 vols, Dublin 1873; repr. Dublin 1996).
  3. Eoin MacNeill, 'The Book of Rights', New Ireland Rev 25 (1906) 65–80, 206–16, 348–62.
  4. Eoin MacNeill, 'Early Irish population groups: their nomenclature, classification and chronology', Proc Roy Ir Acad (C) 29 (1911–12) 59–114.
  5. Paul Walsh (ed.) Gleanings from Irish manuscripts (Dublin 1918; repr. 1933).
  6. Eoin MacNeill, Celtic Ireland (Dublin 1921; repr. Dublin 1981).
  7. Paul Walsh, Leaves of history (Drogheda 1930) [contains Paul Walsh, 'Ancient Meath according to the Book of Rights', 3–51].
  8. Paul Walsh, 'Connacht in the Book of Rights', J Galway Archaeol Hist Soc 19 (1940) 1–15.
  9. Paul Walsh, 'Meath in the Book of Rights', John Ryan (ed), Féil-sgríbhinn Eóin Mhic Néill: essays and studies (... ) Eoin MacNeill (Dublin 1940) 508–21.
  10. D. A. Binchy (ed), Críth gablach, Mediaeval and Modern Irish Series 11 (Dublin 1941).
  11. Myles Dillon (ed. & tr.), 'The manuscript tradition of the Testament of Cathaír Már', S. O'Brien (ed), Measgra i gcuimhne Mhichíl Uí Chléirigh (Dublin 1944) 201–09.
  12. T. F. O'Rahilly, Early Irish history and mythology (Dublin 1946).
  13. Vernam E. Hull (ed. & tr.), 'Cert ríg Caisil: the right of the king of Cashel', Medieval Studies 11 (1949) 233–38.
  14. Myles Dillon (ed), Early Irish society (Dublin 1954; repr. 1959, 1965; Cork 1969).
  15. D. A. Binchy, 'Secular institutions, Myles Dillon (ed), Early Irish society (Dublin 1954) 52–65.
  16. Gerard Murphy, Early Irish lyrics (Oxford 1956).
  17. Myles Dillon, 'On the date and authorship of the Book of Rights', Celtica 4 (1958) 239–49.
  18. Myles Dillon, 'Three texts related to the Book of Rights', Celtica 6 (1963) 184–92.
  19. James Carney, 'Light on ancient Ireland', Review of Myles Dillon (ed), Lebor na cert, Irish Texts Society 46, 1963. Irish Press, 28 December 1963.
  20. Francis John Byrne (review of Myles Dillon, Lebor na cert), Studia Hibernica 5 (1965) 155–58.
  21. Myles Dillon, 'Ceart Uí Néill', Studia Celtica 1 (1966) 1–18.
  22. Anthony Candon, 'Barefaced effrontery; secular and ecclesiastical politics in early twelfth century Ireland', Seanchas Ardmhacha 14/2 (1991) 1–25.
  23. A. J. Hughes, 'The geographical location of the fortúatha Ulad of Lebor na cert', Ériu 42 (1991) 149–51.
  24. Marie Therese Flanagan, 'Irish and Anglo-Norman warfare in twelfth-century Ireland', T. Bartlett & K. Jeffrey (ed), A military history of Ireland (Cambridge 1996) 52–75.
  25. Swift, Catherine 'Royal fleets in Viking Ireland: the evidence of Lebor na Cert, A.D. 1050–1150', in: John Hines, Alan Lane and Mark Redknap (eds) Land, Sea and Home, Proceedings from a conference on Viking settlement, at Cardiff, July 2001 (Maney 2004) 189–206.
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Lebor na Cert. Myles Dillon (ed), First edition [xxv + 194 pp.; ix–xxv Introduction; Text 1–147; Appendix A Timna Chathaír Máir 148–178; Appendix B Table of Stipends and Tributes 179–189; Index of people and places 191–194; Map and notes on Map by Liam Price; 4 pages unnumbered.] The Educational Company of Ireland, for the Irish Texts SocietyDublin (1962) . Irish Texts Society [Cumann na Scríbheann nGaedhilge]. , No. 46


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

The present text represents even pages 2–146 of the volume. All editorial introduction, notes and indexes have been omitted. Some variant readings proved difficult to intergrate and therefore they have been included as notes. For further clarification those interested are referred to the printed edition.

Editorial Declaration


Text has been proof-read twice.


The electronic text represents the edited text. Text supplied by the editor is tagged sup resp="MD". Editorial expansions are marked ex.


There are no quotations.


The editor's hyphenation has been retained.


div0=the Book of Rights; div1=the section; div2=the subsection; paragraphs are marked p. Poems are treated as embedded texts, with stanzas marked lg and metrical lines tagged l.


Names are not tagged, nor are terms for cultural and social roles.

Canonical References

This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the section.

Profile Description

Created: By one or more unknown author(s). Date range: Old and Middle Irish Period.

Use of language

Language: [GA] The text is in Old and Middle Irish.
Language: [EN] Footnoted and other explanatory text is in English.
Language: [LA] Some words are in Latin.

Revision History