Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition

Background details and bibliographic information

Colophon from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 610, being an annal for the year 1454

Author: [unknown]

File Description

Electronic edition compiled by Donnchadh Ó Corráin

Funded by University College, Cork and
Professor Marianne McDonald via the CELT Project

2. Second draft

Extent of text: 790 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—

(2001) (2010)

Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G100061

Availability [RESTRICTED]

Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.


    Manuscript sources
  1. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Laud Misc. 610, fol. 46a2.
  1. Kuno Meyer: 'A Dé dúilig adateoch', Anecdota from Irish MSS. 17. A Prayer. MS Laud 610 fo. 46a [with translation]. Gaelic Journ. 7 (1897) 130.
  2. Kuno Meyer: [Text ed. from Rawl. B 502, fo. 46a] Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 1 (1897) 497.
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Kuno Meyer, Colophon from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 610, being an annal for the year 1454. in Gaelic Journal, Ed. Gaelic Union. volume 7 (1897) pages 130–131


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

The editorial text with the editor's corrections has been retained.

Editorial Declaration


The text has been checked and proofread twice. Notes are tagged.


When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page break, the break is marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.


div0=The colophon, div1=the section, comprising original and English translation.


Group names, place names, terms, and date values are tagged.

Profile Description

Created: By an unknown author. (1454)

Use of language

Language: [GA] The whole text is in Early Modern Irish.
Language: [EN] Supplied title and translation are in English.
Language: [LA] One word is in Latin.

Revision History

Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G100061

Colophon from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 610, being an annal for the year 1454: Author: [unknown]

The poem ‘A Dé dúilig adateoch’ from Laud 610, 46a2 is edited by Meyer and the following scribal colophon:


{folio 58b}

Is í áis in tigerna an nodluic so atám .i. mile bliadain & cethri cét bliadain & cethri bliadna déc & da fichet & is mor d'fhétfamais d'innsin do maithius fir in leabair so

i.e. Oxford, Bodleian MS, Laud Misc. 610

ach nach ail leis féin a légin dúin a cur sís & gid ed, ni fetaim féin gan a innisin in sluaiged doroine sé a n-Uíb Feilmeda, oir do bamar ocht lá & ocht n-oidche inti d'ainneoin Laigen & is é in adbar do so seoch gach maidm & cach sluaiged & cach ar gabh do caislenaib .i. mé féin faris annsa sluaiged so & a mét d'fhín & d'fheoil & d'usci bethad & do cinél cach maithiusa fuarus ann & mé a lebaid mo tigerna.


This is the age of the Lord this present Christmas viz. 1454 years. And we could relate much of the excellence of the owner of this book, but that he himself would not let us set it down. However, I cannot but tell of the hosting which he made in Hy Feilme

Perhaps hÚi Feilmeadha in the barony of Ballaghkeen, Co. Wexford.

, for we were on it for eight days and eight nights in spite of the men of Leinster; and the reason why I mention it above every victory and every hosting, and all that he took of castles, is that I myself was by his side in this hosting, and for the abundance of wine and meat and usequebaugh

i.e. whiskey

, and all manner of good things I got there, and I in the bed of my lord.