Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition

Background details and bibliographic information

Tréide cétna labratar iarna genemain

Author: [unknown]

File Description

Electronic edition compiled by Donnchadh Ó Corráin

Funded by University College, Cork and
Professor Marianne McDonald via the CURIA Project.

2. Second draft.

Proof corrections by Donnchadh Ó Corráin

Extent of text: 1985 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—

(1996) (2010)

Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G100035

Availability [RESTRICTED]

Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.


    Manuscript sources
  1. Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS 1339, alias H 2 18 alias Book of Leinster (T. K. Abbott and E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College Dublin (Dublin 1921) 158–161).
  2. Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS 1318, col. 808–10, facsimile foliation 139a10–140a39, alias H 2 16 alias Yellow Book of Lecan (T. K. Abbott and E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College Dublin (Dublin 1921) 94–110, 342–48). This recension of the tale (which includes the missing final portion) is edited from MS item 2 by R. Thurneysen, 'Die drei Kinder, die gleich nach ihrer Geburt sprachen', Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 20 (1936) 192–200, being text G100036 in this corpus.
  1. Rudolf Thurneysen, Zur keltischen Literatur und Grammatik, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 12 (1918) 271–289: 272–74.
  2. R. I. Best and M. A. O'Brien, The Book of Leinster ii (Dublin: Institute for Advanced Studies 1956) 469–470.
  1. Rudolf Thurneysen, Zur keltischen Literatur und Grammatik, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 12 (1918) 271–289: 274–77 (into German).
    Sources, comment on the text, and secondary literature.
  1. R. I. Best, Osborn Bergin and M. A. O'Brien, The Book of Leinster i (Dublin 1954) pages xi–xx.
  2. Aubrey Gwynn, Some notes on the history of the Book of Leinster, Celtica 5 (1960) 8–12.
  3. Brian Ó Cuí [review of Aubrey Gwynn, art. cit.], Éigse 10 (1961–63) 263.
  4. T. F. O'Rahilly, Cairbre Cattchenn, John Ryan (ed), Féilsgríbhinn Eoin Mhic Néill (Dublin: Three Candles 1940) 101–110.
  5. William O'Sullivan, Notes on the scripts and make–up of the Book of Leinster, Celtica 7 (1966) 1–31. (The text is here edited from MS item 1.)
  6. Rudolf Thurneysen, Zur keltischen Literatur und Grammatik, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 12 (1918) 271–289.
  7. Rudolf Thurneysen, Die drei Kinder, die gleich nach ihrer Geburt sprachen, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 20 (1936) 192–200.
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Rudolf Thurneysen, Zur keltischen Literatur und Grammatik in Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie, Ed. Kuno Meyer. volume 12 (1918) pages 272–74


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

All the editorial notes, comment and translation have been omitted.

Editorial Declaration


Text has been thoroughly checked, proof-read and parsed using NSGMLS.


In general, the electronic text represents the edited text. Compound words have, however, been hyphenated after CELT practice and this involves a departure from Thurneysen's practice. The text has been carefully collated with the diplomatic edition: R. I. Best and M. A. O'Brien, The Book of Leinster ii (Dublin: Institute for Advanced Studies 1956) 469–470, the readings of which have been preferred to those of Thurneysen. Thurneysen's macrons have been retained except where they are manifestly misplaced. Length-marks and macrons have been placed over the historically long vowels in the case of dipthongs. Thurneysen's æ-ligatures and e have not been retained but rather the usage of the diplomatic edition has been followed. The lineation of the diplomatic edition has been supplied. The emendation of line 14618 proposed by the diplomatic editors has been retained in preference to that of Thurneysen. Thurneysen renders & as et; this usage has not been retained.


Quotations are rendered q.


CELT practice


div0=the whole tale.


Names of persons (given names), and places are tagged. Terms for cultural and social roles are tagged. Numbers are tagged.

Canonical References

The n attribute of each text in this corpus carries a unique identifying number for the whole text.

The title of the text is held as the first head element within each text.

div0 is reserved for the text (whether in one volume or many).

The numbered page breaks and line breaks provide a canonical reference.

Profile Description

Created: By an unknown Irish monastic scholar. Date range: 900–1160.

Use of language

Language: [GA] Whole text is in Irish.

Revision History

Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G100035

Tréide cétna labratar iarna genemain: Author: [unknown]

{folio 126a}{BL diplomatic page 469}


14586] Cia tréde cétna-labrathar iarna genemain fó chétóir & cid ro
14587] labraiset? Ni h-annsa. mac Olloman meic Delbaíth. &
14588] Morand mac Cairpri Chind Chaitt & Noinniu Noíbrethach. Is
14589] de chétus ro labrastar Óe macc Olloman .i. Baí Fiachu mac Delbaíth
14590] h-Érend for cuairt ríg & a bráthair 'na farrad .i. Ollam mac
14591] Delbaíth. Bátar laa and ic tomailt i n-Inis Tige i n-iarthur h-Érend
14592] .i. in Fiachu & a bráthair Ollom. Leth in tige oc cechtar de. A
14593] druí dano for bélaib ind ríg .i. Fiachach. Ó ro bátar oc tomailt a
14594] fessi, do-thaet athach gaethe móre tarsin tech conos-tarat uile i socht
14595] mór mét in delma. ‘Cid for-canas ind athach?’ ar Fiachu frisin druid.
14596] ‘Iss ed for-canas’, or in druí, ‘dán ingnad do thurcbáil i nh-Érind’.
14597] ‘Cinnas dána ón?’ or in , ‘& cia ó n-genend & cia bale i n-genfe?’
14598] ‘Dán bas chom-gráid frit grád-so’, ol in druí, ‘& bid is tig-seo genfes & bid
14599] ón mnaí út tall do bráthar genfes. Is torrach & béraid mac innossa
14600] & bid com-gráid frit-so. & ticfa grád amra aile and bas úasliu, dia
14601] fo-génat for n-gráda-si .i. grád ecalsi’.

14602] Ra fírad trá anísin. Ra génair in mac fo chétóir & ro thríall
14603] in a marbad in meic, coro thairmisc a athair .i. Ollam; ar níba
14604] lia in is taig andá-side. In tan ro bás ocond imrádud imme, co
14605] cualatar in mac oca rád: ‘Dom-urcbaid súas coro acilliur in ríg’.
14606] Turgabair súas iar sin. ‘Ní dam-sa dot inchaib, a Fiachrai’, orse.
14607] ‘Cid do-bér duit?’ ar


in . ‘Ni h-andsa. Mo bruig, mo lánamain,
14608] lón-chore co n-dabaig dán-dlugæ, tucthar óm ríg mucra, escra, {folio 126b} cuach,
14609] carpat, calg, tricha bó, bró, fíann.Fiach ó Fiachna dam-sa in sin
14610] uile’, ar in mac. ‘Do-bérthar’, ar Fiachu. ‘Cia ainm regas arin mac-sa
14611] i fect-sa?’ ‘Tabar fair’, ar in druí. Conid as-sain trá ro ainmniged
14612] aí airchetail .i. ó mac Olloman. & is sí-sein ceta-érbairt mac
14613] Olloman.

14614] Morand im mac Carpri Chind Chait, is de ro labrastar sede .i.
14615] ro marbtha lasin Corpre h-ísin cech sóer-chland ro boí i nh-Érind.
14616] Ar ba di athech-thuathaib h-Érend dó. & ro gab ríge nh-Érend ar
14617] écin. & rap olc a ríge, ar ní bíd acht óen-gránne i cind cecha dési
14618] & óen-gráinne a c-cind na cuslindi & oen-dircu i m-mulluch na darach
14619] ina ré. Ructha trí meic don Chairpriu h-ísin & ro bádidís leis fo {BL diplomatic page 470} chétóir; ar ba dóig ropdís torathair, fo bíthin no bítis a cathbairr
14620] fó cennaib. In tres mac rucad dó .i. Morand, ro thriall in cétna
14621] do dénam fris .i. a bádud. Ro h-erbad dá óclach leis da chur i
14622] m-beolu na tuinne. Ó ro láiset úadib é i tuind mara, brissis in tond
14623] in cathbarr & tócbaid in tond úasa in mac, co n-accatar a gnúis
14624] for barr na tuinne. Is and as-bert-som: ‘Garg bé tond’, ar in mac.
14625] Fo-lengat chuce na ócláig & do-fócbat súas. ‘Nacham-turcbaid’, ar
14626] seseom, ‘úar bé gáeth’. ‘Cid do-génam din mac-sa?’ ar in dara fer.
14627] ‘Do-génam’, ar in fer aile, ‘fácbam é i téig ar beind chloche i n-dorus
14628] tige na cerda .i. Máen a ainm-side, cerd in ríg. & cométam in mac,
14629] dús in lessaigfe in cerd é’. Ó do-chuaid-side assa thig, co n-acca in
14630] mac isin téig & nom-beir leis isin tech. ‘Fursain caindel, a ben’, ar
14631] se, ‘co n-acther in fríthi-sea fuarusa’. Tucad cucu iar sin caindel.
14632] Conid and at-bert Morand: ‘Solus bé caindell’. Ro alt in mac la
14633] Moen iar sin for seilb féin. Ro-fetatar im na óclaíg út narbo
14634] les-seom in mac.

14635] Fecht and iarum do-lluid Carpre do ól lenna do thig Moín. In
14636] tráth rop ániu dóib oc ól, luid in mac as cach ucht i n-araile, co
14637] n-dechaid i n-ucht Chairpri. ‘Ro maínigther in gein’, ar Carpre,
14638] ‘cóich in mac-sa?’, la osnaid móir do chur.


Fo-cheird dana a máthair
14639] in meic .i. ben Charpri osnaid aile. ‘Cid i táid?’ ar Móen. ‘In format
14640] no far-geib? Cid inmain lem-sa in mac & cid mac dam, ropad ferr
14641] lem combad lib-si é ara mét far seirce lim & ara riachtain a lessa
14642] dúib’. ‘Ni tharla trá aní h-ísin dúinni’, ar Carpre. ‘Maith ém, a
14643] Chorpri’, ar in dias óclach út. ‘ropad maith a lúag neich do-bérad
14644] duit mac amlaid’. ‘Ropad maith im’, ar Carpre ‘ro béraind a
14645] chomthrom de argut dara chend & ropad trian de ór. Acht ní
14646] tarba a rád, ar is erlabra dímaín a n-do-gníd’. ‘Amal bid oca no
14647] bemmís’, ar na ócláech, ‘fo-naiscther fort-so’. Fo-naiscther fair. Ó ro
14648] naidmed fair, fo-lengat na óclaíg cuce co tucsat in mac ina ucht &
14649] coro dílsigset dó. ‘Is é in mac-sa rucsam uait dia bádud
14650] & iss ed-so da-rónsam de’. ‘Is fír uile’, ar in cerd. Is de-sin trá ro
14651] baí mac Maín fair-seom. & it é-sin teóra briathra tóesecha ro
14652] ráid Morand iarna genemain fo chétóir .i. ‘Garg bé tond. Úar bé gáeth. Solus bé caindel’.
14653] Gabais trá Morand ard-brithemnacht h-Érend iar sin. & ba
14654] marb a athair-seom .i. Cairpre. & ro faíd-seom a mac co Feradach
14655] Find Fechtnach
i crích n-Alban dia thócuriud i r-ríge nh-Érend. Ar
14656] ro theich-side ria Corpriu dar muir innund arna ro marbtha leiss. Co
14657] tánic-side fó gairm-seom & co r-ragab ardríge h-Érend. Ocus Morand
14658] i n-ard-brithemnacht h-Érend. &[gap: MS lacuna]