Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: E920001-001

Irish Manuscripts

Author: W. B. Yeats

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber, Rebecca Daly

Funded by School of History, University College, Cork

1. First draft

Extent of text: 7820 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland —


Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: E920001-001

Availability [RESTRICTED]

The works by W. B. Yeats are in the public domain. This electronic text is available for purposes of private or academic research and teaching.


From 11 December 1922 to 28 November 1928, William Butler Yeats was an independent member of the Irish Senate, Seanad Éireann, and 'one of three Senators appointed to advise the government on matters concerning education, literature, and the arts' (Pearce, 11). Yeats delivered a number of speeches. All these are available online on a website of the Irish Government ( — and not only his speeches, but those of all Seanad members are available there. A list, taken from Donald R. Pearce, 'The Senate speeches of W.B. Yeats', is given below with the dates and titles of his other speeches, and hyperlinks to where the full text may be found.


  1. The Senate speeches of W.B. Yeats, edited by Donald R. Pearce. (London: Faber and Faber, 1960) 68–77.
    List of Yeats' Seanad speeches
  1. Election of Senate Chairman, 12 Dec 1922 (
  2. Standing Committees, 10 Jan 1923 (
  3. Indemnities to British, 24 Jan 1923 (
  4. Law Enforcement, 8 Feb 1923 (
  5. Arthur Griffith, 14 Mar 1923 (
  6. Location of Parliament, 15 Mar 1923 (
  7. Voting Cards, 22 Mar 1923 (
  8. Damage to Property, 28 Mar 1923 (
  9. Personal Injuries, 18 Apr 1923 (
  10. League of Nations, 19 Apr 1923 (
  11. Irish Manuscripts, 19 Apr 1923 (
  12. The Lane Pictures, 9 May 1923 (
  13. Payment of Senators, 6 Jun 1923 (
  14. Censorship of Films, 7 Jun 1923 (
  15. National Health Insurance, 25 Jun 1923 (
  16. Location of Parliament, 11 Jul 1923 (
  17. Inspection of Prisons, 26 Jul 1923 (
  18. Ancient Monuments, 3 August 1923 (
  19. Sir Horace Plunkett, 14 November 1923 (
  20. The Irish Language, 14 November 1923 (
  21. Civil Service, 15 Jan 1924 (
  22. British Empire Exhibition, 15 Jan 1924 (
  23. Inspection of Prisons, 23 Jan 1924 (
  24. Independence of Judges (6 February 1924) (
  25. The National Gallery (19 March 1924) (
  26. Questioning the Government (19 March 1924) (
  27. National Gallery and Art School (3 April 1924) (
  28. Location of Parliament (1 May 1924) (
  29. Against overhasty Legislation (21 May 1924) (
  30. The National Museum (4 June 1924) (
  31. Irish Manuscripts (4 June 1924) (
  32. The National Museum (19 June 1924) (
  33. The Irish Language (2 July 1924) (
  34. The Stained Glass Industry (3 July 1924) (
  35. The National Museum (16 July 1924) (
  36. The National Museum (16 July 1924) (
  37. Northern Ireland (17 October 1924) (
  38. Historic Monuments (10 June 1925 ) (
  39. Debate on Divorce (11 June 1925) (
  40. Women in Civil Service (17 December 1925) (
  41. Design of Coinage (3 March 1926) (
  42. Condition of Schools (24 March 1926) (
  43. Condition of Schools (30 March 1926) (
  44. Condition of Schools (28 April 1926) (
  45. Senate Membership (15 June 1926) (
  46. The Lane Pictures (14 July 1926) (
  47. Judges' Costumes (22 July 1926) (
  48. Copyright Protection (24 February 1927) (
  49. Merrion Square, Dublin (9 March 1927) (
  50. Copyright Protection (11 March 1927) (
  51. Merrion Square, Dublin (7 April 1927) (
  52. Copyright Protection (4 May 1927) (
  53. Copyright Protection (4 May 1927 -- resumed) (
  54. Senate Membership (18 July 1928) (
  1. A general bibliography is available online at the official web site of the Nobel Prize. See:
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. The Senate speeches of W.B. Yeats. Donald R. Pearce (ed), First edition [183 pp: 6 Preface; 7-9 Contents; 11-26 Introduction; 29-102 Speeches during first triennial period 1922-25; 103-152 Speeches during second triennial period 1925-1928; 153-180 Appendices on (1) The Nobel Prize congratulations, (2) Divorce: an undelivered Speech; (3) Irish Coinage; (4) The child and the state (168) (5) The Irish Censorship; 181-183: Index.] Faber and Faber London (1960)


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

The electronic text covers pages 68–77; and additional unpaginated material from the website, containing the speeches of Mrs Stopford Green, Mr Mac Lysaght, Mr Sigerson, Sir Thomas Esmonde, and Mrs Costello.

Editorial Declaration


Text has been checked and proof-read twice.


The electronic text represents the edited text.


Direct speech is rendered q.


Soft hyphens are silently removed. When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page-break or line-break, the page-break and line-break are marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.


div0 = the speech; div1 = the section; page-breaks are marked and numbered.

Standard Values

There are no dates.


Names of persons and places are tagged. Words and phrases from languages other than English are tagged.

Canonical References

This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the section.

Profile Description

Created: By W. B. Yeats (1852–1913) (1924)

Use of language

Language: [EN] The text is in English.
Language: [LA] A few words are in Latin.
Language: [GA] Some words and two paragraphs are in Irish.

Revision History