Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Constitution of Dáil Éireann (Author: Dáil Éireann)


As approved provisionally January 21st, 1919.

First Section:

Dáil Éireann shall possess full powers to legislate and shall be composed of Delegates (Teachtaí) chosen by the people of Ireland from the present constituencies of the country.

Second Section:


Full executive powers shall be held at any time by the Ministry (Aireacht) in office at the time.


The Ministry shall be composed of the following: A Prime Minister (Príomh-Aireach) chosen by Dáil Éireann, and four other Ministers, viz.:

  1. Minister of Finance (Aireach Airgid),
  2. Minister of Home Affairs (A. Gnóthaí Duthchais),
  3. Minister of Foreign Affairs (A. Gnóthaí Coigcríoch), and
  4. Minister of Defence (A. Cosanta).
The Prime Minister shall nominate the four others, and shall have power to dismiss them from office.


Every Minister must be a member of the Dáil, and shall at all times be answerable to the Dáil.


The names of Ministers must be put before the Dáil for ratification at the first assembly after their nomination by the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister

The Prime Minister shall hold office as soon as elected and the other Ministers as soon as their appointment is ratified by the Dáil.


The Dáil shall have power by vote to dismiss the Ministry or any of the Ministers from office if a written order in the form of a unanimous resolution be presented for that object seven days previously.

Section Three:

Every meeting of the Dáil shall be presided over by a Chairman (Ceann Cómhairle) or Vice-Chairman (Ceann Ionaid) chosen by the Dáil for the year. Should the Chairman and Vice-Chairman be absent, the Dáil shall select substitutes or elect a Provisional Chairman (Ceann Cómhairle Sealadach).

Section Four:

The Ministry shall receive whatever money it needs, by vote of the


Dáil. The Ministry shall be answerable to the Dáil for such moneys, and the accounts shall be audited with regard to the spending of money for the Dáil twice yearly, viz. at Samhain and Bealtaine (November and May). The auditing shall be carried out by an auditor or auditors chosen by the Dáil. No member of the Dáil shall be chosen as auditor.

Section Five:

The present is a provisional constitution, and may be altered on a written unanimous order being given to that effect seven days previously.