Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Invitation to the elected representatives the Irish People, January 7th, 1919 (Author: G. N. Count Plunkett)
6 Sráid Fhearchair Ath Cliath 8.1.19.

A chara,

At a meeting held in the Mansion House on the 7th inst. of the Republican representatives of Ireland, elected at the General Election of 1918, the following resolutions were adopted:

  1. ‘That we, the Republican members of the Irish constituencies, in accordance with the National Will, are empowered to call together the Dáil Éireann, and proceed to act accordingly.’
  2. ‘That all persons elected by the existing Irish constituencies as members of Parliament at the General Election of December, 1918, be invited to attend as members of the Dáil Éireann as an independent Constituent Assembly of the Irish Nation.’

In accordance with the following resolutions, I have the honour of inviting you to attend the opening of An Dáil Eireann, which will be held in Dublin at an early date.

I shall be glad to have a reply from you at your earliest convenience.


G. N. Count Plunkett, Chairman of meeting of Republican Representatives.