Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: E850006-001

Poems by William Allingham

Author: William Allingham

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber

proof corrections by Laura Harmon

1. First draft, revised and corrected.

Extent of text: 8800 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland —


Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: E850006-001

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The Fairies was written in 1849. Lovely Mary Donnelly, The Girl's Lamentation, and Among the Heather were songs written for ballad singers in 1852. Adieu to Belashanny, also known as The Winding Banks of Erne, or the Emigrant's adieu to Ballyshannon, was published in Fifty Modern Poems (1865). The Abbot of Inisfalen was published in Songs, Ballads and Stories (1877) in ballad stanzas, and in long lines in Irish Songs and Poems (1887).


    Allingham's Works
  1. William Allingham, Poems (London: Chapman & Hall 1850).
  2. William Allingham, Day and Night Songs (London: Routledge 1854).
  3. William Allingham, Peace and War (London: Routledge 1854).
  4. William Allingham, The Music Master (London: Routledge 1854).
  5. William Allingham, The Ballad Book: A Selection of the Choicest British Ballads [Golden Treasury Series] (London: Macmillan 1864).
  6. William Allingham, Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland: A Modern Poem (London: Macmillan 1864, 1869; reprinted New York: AMS 1972).
  7. William Allingham, Fifty Modern Poems (London: Bell & Daldy 1865).
  8. William Allingham, In Fairyland: A Series of Pictures by Richard Doyle with a Poem by William Allingham (London: Longmans, Green 1870).
  9. William Allingham, Songs, Ballads and Stories (London: George Bell & Sons 1877).
  10. William Allingham, Evil May-Day (London: David Stott 1883).
  11. William Allingham, Ashby Manor: A Play in Two Acts (London: David Stott 1883). [Historical drama].
  12. William Allingham, The Fairies (London: De La Rue 1883).
  13. William Allingham, Blackberries: Picked Off Many Bushes, by D. Pollex and Others; Put in a Basket by W. Allingham (London: Philip & Son 1884).
  14. Rhymes for the Young Folk. (London: Cassell 1887).
  15. William Allingham, Irish Songs and Poems, with Nine Airs Harmonised for Voice and Pianoforte (London: Reeves & Turner 1887).
  16. William Allingham, Flower Pieces and Other Poems (London: Reeves & Turner 1888).
  17. William Allingham, Life and Phantasy (London: Reeves & Turner 1889).
  18. William Allingham, Thought and Word, and Ashby Manor (London: Reeves & Turner 1890).
  19. William Allingham, Blackberries. Revised (London: Reeves & Turner 1890).
  20. William Allingham, Laurence Bloomfield in Ireland. Revised (London: Reeves & Turner 1890).
  21. William Allingham, Varieties in Prose (London: Longmans Green 1893). [Collected Prose].
  22. William Allingham, Sixteen poems by William Allingham, selected by William Butler Yeats. (Dundrum: Dun Emer Press, Dundrum 1905.) Published by Elizabeth Corbet Yeats. [Photo-lithographic reprint published 1971 by IUP.]
  23. William Allingham: A Diary, ed. Helen Allingham and Dollie Radford (London:Macmillan 1907).
  24. William Allingham, Poems of William Allingham, selected and arranged by Helen Allingham. (London: Macmillan 1912).
  25. William Allingham, By the Way: Verses, Fragments, and Notes, ed. Helen Alllingham (London: Longmans, Green 1912).
  26. William Allingham, William Allingham's diary; introduction by Geoffrey Grigson (London: Centaur 1967).
  27. The poems of William Allingham, ed. with an introduction by John Hewitt. An Comhairle Ealaíon Series of Irish authors. (Dublin: Dolmen 1967).
    Secondary Literature
  1. Hans Kropf, William Allingham und seine Dichtung im Lichte der irischen Freiheitsbewegung. Inaugural-Dissertation (Biel 1928).
  2. J. Lyle Donaghy, 'William Allingham'. In: Dublin Magazine 20:2 (1945) 34–38.
  3. P. S. O'Hegarty, A bibliography of William Allingham. [Reprinted from the Dublin Magazine of Jan–March and July–Sept. 1945] (Dublin: A. Thom & Co. 1945).
  4. William Irwin Patrick McDonogh, The life and work of William Allingham. [Unpublished PhD Thesis, Trinity College Dublin 1952, Dept. of English.]
  5. Hugh Shields, 'William Allingham and folk song'. In: Hermathena 117 (1974), 23–36.
  6. Patricia Mary England, The poetry of William Allingham. [Unpublished M.A. Thesis, University of Birmingham 1976, Dept of English.]
  7. Alan Warner, William Allingham: an introduction. (Dublin: Dolmen 1971) [Includes a selection of Allingham's poems.]
  8. Alan Warner, William Allingham. (Lewisburg, Pennsylvania: Bucknell University Press 1975).
  9. Alan Warner, 'William Allingham: Bibliographical Survey.' Irish Book Lore 2 (1976): 303–307.
  10. Samira Aghacy Husni, William Allingham: an annotated bibliography. Beirut, Lebanese Establishment for Publishing & Printing Services, c 1984.
  11. Mark Samuels Lasner, 'William Allingham: some uncollected authors lvi. Part 1'. Book Collector 39 (Summer 1991) 174–204.
  12. Mark Samuels Lasner, 'William Allingham: some uncollected authors lvi. Part 2'. Book Collector 39 (Autumn 1991) 321–349.
  13. Mark Samuels Lasner, 'William Allingham: a bibliographical study. (Philadelphia: Holmes 1993).
  14. Malcolm McClure, 'Biographical note: the Allinghams of Ballyshannon' [An interim report]. Donegal Annual 52 (2000) 87–89.
    Literary Background
  1. Letters to William Allingham, edited by H. Allingham (London: Longmans 1911), reprinted (New York: AMS Press 1971).
  2. G. B. N. Hill, ed., The letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti to William Allingham, 1854–1870 (1897).
William Allingham The Poems of William Allingham in , Ed. John Hewitt The Poems of William Allingham. Dolmen Press, 23 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2, Ireland, (1967) page 23–43; 49–55; 58; 60–64; 77–80


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

A selection of poems.

Editorial Declaration


Text has been proof-read twice and parsed.


The electronic text represents the edited text.


Direct speech is tagged q.


Soft hyphens are silently removed. When a hyphenated word (and subsequent punctuation mark) crosses a page-break, this break is marked after the completion of the word (and punctuation mark).


div0=the collection of poems; div1=the individual poem. Page-breaks are marked pb n="".

Standard Values

Dates are standardized in the ISO form yyyy-mm-dd.


Names are not tagged.

Canonical References

This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the poem.

Profile Description

Created: by William Allingham (Various dates from 1850s to 1880s)

Use of language

Language: [EN] The text is in English.
Language: [GA] Some words are in Irish, however in anglicised spelling.

Revision History